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complacent: adjective

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Presentation on theme: "complacent: adjective"— Presentation transcript:

1 complacent: adjective
definition: self satisfied & unaware of possible dangers pleased, especially with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation

2 complacent pronunciation: kuh m pley suh nt

3 complacent related forms: adverb complacently noun complacency

4 complacent synonyms: smug self-satisfied self-congratulatory
self-righteous content conceited

5 complacent Political activists try to motivate complacent Americans to vote.

6 complacent Complacent because of his degree, the graduate anticipated numerous job opportunities.

7 complacent Complacent by nature, the cat sat back and grew fat.

8 complacently Homer Simpson complacently ignored his dangerous situation.

9 complacency Sometimes it’s difficult to tell the difference between complacency and laziness.

10 complacency Some believe that complacency allows evil to flourish.

11 complacency Complacency often makes it difficult for people to see the reality of their situation.

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