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Presentation of modified fishing gear

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1 Presentation of modified fishing gear
Jordan Feekings, DTU Aqua BALTFISH Forum and BSAC Meeting Copenhagen, Friday 29 June 2018

2 Population structure Large reduction in the size structure of cod
Average length and weight of cod caught in the BITS survey 28 June 2018

3 Codends used in the Baltic Sea cod trawl fishery since 2003
Increase in mesh size in 2010 BACOMA 110mm BACOMA 120mm T90 120mm 115mm years in use since 2010- since 2018 selection device square mesh panel turned meshes (T90) minimum mesh size number of meshes in circumference max. 100 50 80 28 June 2018

4 Selectivity parameters of the gears
Population independent L50 and selection range Type Nominal mesh size [mm] L50 (cm) SR (cm) BACOMA 110 38.06 5.36 120 44.25 9.68 T90 39.54 4.69 44.53 6.32 28 June 2018

5 Discard ratios Population dependent Area Period Discard ratio = 0-2 %
28 June 2018

6 Effect of reducing the mesh size on discard ratios
BACOMA 110 mm < DR 120 mm T90 110 mm = DR 120 mm Same trend for all years ( ) 28 June 2018

7 June 2017 gear trials T90 codend with a larger circumference, a smaller mesh size, lastridge ropes along the selvedges, and longer Several parameters modified = difficult to determine what parameter leads to what effect The effect of circumference on the size selectivity of cod The effect of material on the size selectivity of cod 28 June 2018

8 June 2017 gear trials On-board a commercial trawler (R 218 Judith Bechmann) Twin-rig setup Compare the selectivity of a modified codend with that of the legislated T mm codend 28 June 2018

9 Effect of industry developed T90 codend
The codend developed by the fishermen significantly increased the retention of cod under 47 cm 28 June 2018

10 Effect of circumference in T90 codends
larger circumference caught significantly more cod <43 cm

11 Effect of material type in T90 codends
Polyester codend significantly increased the retention of cod between cm at 35 cm the polyester codend caught 5 times more

12 Conclusions Lowering the mesh size in the BACOMA and T90 codends:
Reduces in many cases the discard ratio Reduces the fishing effort required to catch the TAC Reduces fuel consumption Reduces the environmental impact (e.g. seabed disturbance) Reduces the loss of commercial catch which may increase fishermen’s willingness to comply with existing rules Should not have any adverse effects on the stock since the discard ratios are similar or lower 28 June 2018

13 Conclusions Increasing the circumference in T90 codends:
Reduces the selectivity for cod. Should not be modified from what is already described in the legislation for BACOMA 120 mm and T mm codends. The use of alternative material (Polyester): Increases the retention of smaller individuals. 28 June 2018

14 Questions? 28 June 2018

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