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Terminator 2: Judgment Day

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Presentation on theme: "Terminator 2: Judgment Day"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Edited by: Dr. Kay Picart, Kristen Millen, and Donna Gallagher

2 Outline Koestler-ian Bisociation Frankensteinian Parallels
Director Information and Bio: James Cameron Film Technique Characters: John Connor Miles Dyson T-1000 T-800 Sarah Connor Comparison of T-800 vs. T-1000 The comedy in Terminator 2 Fun Facts about the movie! Conclusion Interactive Game

3 Director’s Information and Bio: James Cameron
Before he directed Terminator 2, James Cameron worked on Xenogenesis (1978), Piranha II: The Spawning (1981), Terminator (1984), Aliens (1986), and The Abyss (1989). Since then, he’s also directed such films as True Lies (1994) and Titanic (1997). Cameron’s trademarks in his films are strong women (Sarah Connor and Ripley), a sci-fi nuclear war, and three of his films star Arnold Schwarzenegger.

4 Fun Facts About the Movie
Prior to making this film, Linda Hamilton received weapons training from technical advisor and former Israeli commando Uzi Gal, who designed the UZI submachine gun The T-800 says "I need a vacation", which Arnold Schwarzenegger previously said in Kindergarten Cop (1990). This was not in the script, but ad-libbed. The T800 hides his gun in a box of roses. The movie's signature song was performed by Guns & Roses. When the Terminator, Sarah and John stop at a Gas Station and Roadhouse on their Journey South, its name is "Cactus Jack's", the title of an early Scwarzenegger movie

5 Hasta la vista, baby.

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