Insight Into Emerging Trends in Customer Service

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Presentation on theme: "Insight Into Emerging Trends in Customer Service"— Presentation transcript:

1 Insight Into Emerging Trends in Customer Service
Chapter 7 Insight Into Emerging Trends in Customer Service

2 Objectives Gain insights to customer turn offs
Importance of personalization Social/economic shifts Interactivity options Remaining Consistent

3 Areas of change that have had an impact on customer service and loyalty:
personalization globalization technology

4 “One-to-One” Personalization
Track individual preferences Poll customers Customize services

5 One-to-One with Internal Customers
“Cafeteria” Style Benefits Build long-term relationships College tuition assistance

6 Social and Economic Shifts Impacting Customer Service for the Future
Work force increasingly diverse Shifting social conditions Going Green

7 Recognize Changing Demographics
Diversity Hispanic Population Spanish Mobility Changing Jobs is Common Aging Baby-boomer generation Gender Women: workforce

8 New Interactive Options
Unique needs addressed Interactive Affordable Easier

9 Electronic Future of Marketing
Internet Shopping Virtual Reality Shopping Interactive TV

10 Some things remain consistent
Caring Concern Competence

11 Demand for Fair Value Fairness Good value

12 Examples of “bad profits”
Inflated shipping charges Excessive penalties for changing services High premium prices

13 Satisfy Individual Customer Needs and Wants
What makes the customer choose which business to buy from? To what degree are choices based on quality, price, or convenience? How do you decide where to buy clothes, groceries, automobiles, etc.?

14 Create Promoters Net Promoter Score

15 Apply Relationship Marketing
Customer’s don’t expect great customer service yet.

16 Gain Customer Share; Not Market Share
Vs Market Share

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