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ctcLink Project Update Steering committee

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1 ctcLink Project Update Steering committee
July 17, 2018 Choi Halladay, Pierce College District Vice President for Administrative Services, ctcLink Steering Committee Chair Christy Campbell, SBCTC ctcLink Project Director

2 Agenda Item Description Duration Facilitator Welcome Christy 2.
Welcome Christy 2.  Approval of Minutes - June 5, 2018 - June 19, 2018 5 Minutes Choi 3.  Status Update 20 Minutes 4.  Deployment 2 Timeline Discussion 30 Minutes 5.  Working Group Update Jason 6.  Global Design Review Decision FSCM/HCM (Discussion/Approval) Campus Solutions (Discussion/Approval) 25 Minutes Emmett/Joe 7.  Meeting Closure – Action Items

3 Approval of minutes

4 Status Update

5 ctcLink Project Overall Program Status – as of July 6, 2018
Program is on track and making expected progress College SMEs are engaged, attending BPFG Workshops, and submitting Configuration homework Scope Y Monitoring scope and timing of Chart of Accounts, Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Budgeting Tool, and OBIA implementations Schedule Finalizing DG2 Master Schedule high-level phase dates DG2 participants have recommended an October 2019 Go-Live, to be approved by Steering Committee, cELC Budget ctcLink Budget is currently tracking $3m under budget due to delayed hiring and reimplementation of solutions going through requirements gathering and RFP Executive Summary The project is currently tracking per the schedule and under budget. We are continuing to review and define scope for each deployment due to the rework of key solutions. We are evaluating the Deployment Group 2 (DG2) Go-Live in October 2019 based upon DG2 college agreement based upon best fit to existing business activities and academic calendars. Global Design Review (GDR) sessions are complete. DG2 is in the Structure Phase, focused on Business Process Fit/Gap Sessions and beginning Conversion activities. Recommendations from GDR sessions and previous Common Process Workshops (CPW) are moving through governance for approval. Risks & Issues Mitigating Actions Y RISK: Pilot college adoption of the new Chart of Accounts design. FIN sessions with pilot colleges scheduled for August. RISK: Not enough resources (FIN pillar) to build training materials included in the inventory. Conducted interviews for FIN trainer position the week of July 9. ISSUE: FirstLink college conversion to new Chart of Accounts has unresolved complexity that may impact cutover. Developing conversion/cutover plan for new Chart of Accounts. ISSUE: Project resource constraints; assigned to Production Support activities – impacting progress on scheduled Project work. Needs mitigation approach from ERP group. ISSUE: Without a decision for a Go Live date it is difficult for PMO to plan a schedule. Finalize a Go Live date. Overall Timeline (All Deployments) Remediation Status Campus Solutions Open - TBD/45 Closed – 2/13 Financial Management Open - TBD/39 Closed – 1/35 Human Capital Management Open - TBD/25 Closed – 0/07 Faculty Workload Delayed do to AWS migration, date TBD DRS ERP Support working with CCS Absence Management Full-Time EE resolved, Adjuncts in progress Security Audit Controls Incorporated into Security Redesign Student Billing GDR approved and work in progress Budget Planning Solution Requirements need to be created Online Admissions Solution Requirements process has begun Continuing Education Solution Requirements completed, IC to Approve

6 Budget Status – as of May 31, 2018

7 Quality Assurance Findings – June 2018
Moran Technology Consulting Quality Assurance ctcLink Responses Y QA 0119 The Training Manager and team (being expanded with additional staff and contractors) does not currently report to the Project Director. This is another matrix management challenge and is within the IT organization. The updating of the Training materials and the delivery of new PeopleSoft training is a major workstream for this phase. The Training Manager and team should, at least, report on a dotted line to the Project Director and PMO for work related to planning and executing this project workstream. This continues to be a challenge and PD and Assistant PD have laid out the training inventory and analysis based upon UPK Outlines to ensure that we have identified all courses based upon process and that content, outlines, and assessments are included in that scope. QA 0120 The Chart of Accounts (COA) re-design (for system-wide standardization) is being tasked to a ctcLink Working Group sponsored by the WACTC Business Affairs Commission and supported by SBCTC Finance staff. The PMO does not have direct control over this work. The timeframe to accomplish this work is project-critical and needs visibility of status and issues. The QA team recommends the status of this activity be reported weekly to the Executive Level (tier 1) and to the Project Steering Committee (tier 2). Issues delaying this work will require immediate Governance action to maintain schedule. Key individuals at SBCTC ̶̶ both Project and Policy/Support ̶̶ have been tasked to work with the colleges to define the new COA. The team is on track for Mid-April. The new COA will be approved by BAC and vetted during Global Design Review (GDR) by all colleges. Following that, COA will be presented to Governance for final approval. Update - The new COA was approved by the colleges during GDR. It has been reviewed by the Working Group and is being presented to the Steering Committee for approval in June. QA 0123 The Project Director will need to brief the Executive Leadership (tier 1) when activities outside the control of the project are not meeting expectations and are falling behind schedule, impacting project schedules. The Executive Leadership will then need to intervene in these situations. The cELC will receive monthly updates including status of project and budget, top risks and issues which address the comments as well as any decisions and the information and options for the decisions. QA 0132 AFRS CEMLI Status is a QA concern. During the Remediation Project, due to resource constraints, this work was put on hold. Reporting to State OFM has now resurfaced and the ctcLink Project team needs to get this work completed and operational to meet SBCTC reporting requirements to the State OFM. The AFRS CEMLI is a priority for SBCTC, including the ctcLink project. There are three resources currently assigned to the AFRS CEMLI work. We will continue to track this work to make sure the work is progressing. SBCTC has requested this work be complete by new Fiscal Year, July 2018.

8 OCIO Investment Plan Conditions – June 2018
G OCIO Investment Plan Conditions Status G 1 Project must remain in-line with SBCTC and OCIO policies Implemented 2 QA (Moran) to report to ctcLink executive sponsor and State CIO 3 Follow pre-determined OFM funding gates and approvals 4 Monthly status reporting 5 Continue reporting on Remediation items in Integrated Work Plan Y 6 OCIO approval of the 3 remediation solutions: Budgeting tool, Continuing Education Application, Online Admissions Application Planned 7 OCIO must be notified prior to use of contingency funds 8 Perform a post-implementation review (lessons learned) after each deployment and post on the OCIO dashboard within 30 days of go-live 9 Process and timeline for filling the SBCTC CIO position by 1/31/2018 Complete

9 Human Capital Management Structure Phase Milestones
Pillar Status – June 25 - July 6, 2018 Campus Solutions G Accomplished this period Held BPFG sessions with Clark on Student Financials and Student Records; assigned conversion tasks to Clark SMEs Presented CS and CS/HCM cross-pillar GDR recaps to the Working Group Continued to refine go-live strategies for the Student Financials conversion and Financial Aid legacy-to-PS transition period Planned for Next Week Continue to develop presentation materials and stage data for BPFG sessions Continue preparations for Faculty Workload Common Process Workshop Schedule review of third party invoice and student statement templates with the DG2 colleges Human Capital Management G Accomplished this period Completed Benefits Conversion/Configuration BPFG Session Completed Time & Labor Conversion/Configuration BPFG Session Completed HR Core Conversion/Configuration BPFG Session Planned for next period July 9-10 – Absence Management Configuration/Conversion BPFG Session July – Faculty Workload Common Process Workshop Financial Services G Accomplished this period Completed the Grants/Contracts/Project Costing BPFG Session (with Clark only) Completed the Purchasing & AP Conversion/Configuration BPFG Session Completed the Billing/AR Conversion/Configuration BPFG Session Continued prep work for remaining BPFG sessions in July/August Planned for Next Week Collect college homework assignments from initial BPFG sessions Provide production support assistance with fiscal year end closing activities Continue prep work for remaining BPFG sessions in July/August Pillar Status – as of 6/8/2018 Structure Phase Milestones Status Date Global Design Review Complete 5/25/18 Bus. Proc. Flow Diagram In Progress DG Local Configuration UAT Test Materials Training Course Materials College – Data Mapping for Supplemental Systems N/A College – Configuration Sign-off College- UAT Test Definition Sign-off  N/A 4

10 Organizational Change Management
Workstream Status – June 25-July 6, 2018 Testing G Accomplished this period Created slide content for UAT slides to be used during Business Process/Fit Gap Sessions for DG2 Completed UAT scope template that will be used to gather the data scenarios and error conditions that will be executed during UAT Updated system integration test (SIT) template to include related business process, data scenarios and their expected result and execution instructions. Planned for next period Attend Business Process Fit/Gap Sessions for DG2 Colleges Meet with Assistant Project Director to discuss SIT test script template before sharing with the functional analysts Once SIT test script template is approved, begin updating existing SIT scripts with the new test script format Training G Accomplished this period Updated the Inventory with Activities/ Assessment work effort numbers and any other updates/clean-up for Finance and HCM. Identified/identifying activities for all Fin Aid courses (in class and Canvas) Shifting Focus to Content Material build (Storyline, Videos, Tip Sheets, Nav Guides) Planned for next period Continue work on: Outcomes, Outlines, QRGs Effort estimate for interactive exercises. Updating the Training Content Inventory. Organizational Change Management G Accomplished this period Assisted in facilitating Business Process Fit/Gap Sessions at Clark Met with Clark and Spokane PM’s to go over the Change Action Plan Templates and the OCM related activities. Planned for next period Working with OCM sub-group to complete additional college deliverables Continue to work with PMO to assist in facilitating Business Process Fit/Gap Sessions for DG2 colleges Technical G Accomplished this period Created initial environment map: migration paths for code/objects, configuration, and conversion programs, as well as source/target paths for AWS-level container replication. Began process to migrate legacy configuration for post-DG2 Wave 1 colleges to configuration build environments (FNC) from the original Gold environments (DV1). Planned for next period Publish environment map to ctcLink project team Develop action plan for Burgundy to implement environments to align with the environment map Complete migration of migrate legacy configuration for post-DG2 Wave 1 colleges to the configuration build environments (FNC) from the original Gold environments (DV1). Remediation G Accomplished this period We have 5 open Remediation tickets with Critical, Urgent, and High statuses for CS. Ticket related to billing will be closed once the 3rd party invoice template is developed Communicated “Year End close” not part of remediation. This is operational support item. Development for “Department Trees” will be part of CoA Redesign. Planned for next period Confirm whether several ERP Support tickets that were closed are now in CS production. If not, CS will find out what is outstanding. Validate one ticket related to Oracle defect in 9.2 Complete “Part Time Faculty PRL Calculation” end of July. Communications G Accomplished this period ctcLink Blog relaunched New visuals for ctcLink presentations (project evolution, deployment schedule, DG2 timeline) BPFG communication developed, sent to DG2 PMs to engage SMEs, inform stakeholders Planned for next period Complete communications activities line items in project schedule Update project communications work plan activities Draft internal communications process/tools Add communications documents to cDR

11 Community Colleges of Spokane Tacoma Community College
Deployment Group 2 Reports – June 25 - July 6, 2018 Clark College G Accomplished this period Despite year-end close activities in finance we have submitted and continue to revise GL and Asset Management homework. Completed the Change Action Plan for Class Scheduling Revised the template for Change Action Plan and discussed with staff how to complete these plans. Need to monitor to ensure they are completed by the groups. Planned for Next Reporting Period Hosting sessions at Clark, July16-19 and July 23-26 Complete SME list Steering Team meeting – will discuss at next meeting expectations for communication, and communicate staff concerns, July 15 Discuss impact of budget with President, especially as it relates to overtime, July 10. SBCTC Agency G Accomplished this period Completed a good portion of the configuration homework. Planned for Next Week AM BPFG/Config Sessions SBCTC SME Meeting scheduled for July 12, 2018 Round 1 of homework due July 13, 2018 Community Colleges of Spokane R    Accomplished this period  Registering CCS staff for BPFG sessions.  Planned but not able to complete Spokane has not substantially begun activities related to the CS 9.2 and PeopleTools upgrade. Finance team’s time continues to be focused on FY Close tasks impacted and delayed by ctcLink issues. Planned for next period Continued work on FY 16 & FY 18 close tasks across all pillars Tacoma Community College G Accomplished this period Working to assign attendees for BPFG sessions. Collaborating with College SMEs for Deployment Group2 Go-Live Date. Following with ERP support on post-AWS migration issues. Received names of local lead SMEs for HR and Advising. Assigned local resource to work with ctcLink security governance group. Planned for Next Period Work with SBCTC to address various ongoing ctcLink issues in the areas of system performance, Student Financials, access to Campus Solutions. Continue sign-ups for BPFG sessions. Attend current BPFG sessions.

12 Online Admissions Application Physical Asset Inventory
Solutions Pending – June 25- July 6, 2018 Continuing Education Y Accomplished to Date: The business requirements team was managed by Mark Jenkins and Steve Gance. Technical requirements team was managed by Andy Duckworth. A committee of Continuing Education Commission (CEC) members put in a lot of hours developing requirements and vetting that work. Requirements are documented and complete. CEC group has approved the requirements. Planned Next Steps Instruction Commission (IC) to approve the requirements and request to ctcLink Governance that an RFP be developed (Process?) ctcLink Governance approval to develop and post RFP Online Admissions Application Y Accomplished to Date: The Online Admissions Application sub-committee has met to discuss the requirements. Another meeting is scheduled fro July 23 with the full team to request a smaller sub-group of volunteers to draft the detailed requirements. All-day sessions scheduled for August 6 (10 am-4 pm) to do a requirements drafting activity with the smaller sub-group.  Joe Holliday, Joe Carl and Tara Keen will lead that discussion Planned Next Steps Sub-group documents the requirements and approves IC/WSSSC to approve the requirements and request to ctcLink Governance that an RFP be developed (Process?) ctcLink Governance Approval to develop and post RFP Budget Planning Y Accomplished to Date: BAC assigned two representatives to participate in a sub-committee to review, document and finalize requirements ctcLink Governance approved purchase of Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Solution to lower Oracle maintenance costs over next 5 years Planned Next Steps Sub-Committee to meet and finalize requirements BAC to approve requirements BAC to request RFP or Request moving forward with Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Solution Physical Asset Inventory G Accomplished to Date: The business requirements were defined and approved by BAC BAC requested RFP be developed to identify solutions RFP was posted and vendor responses received Planned Next Steps RFP responses provided to review team to recommend best vendor and solution ctcLink Governance review recommendation and approval of solution ctcLink team implement solution



15 Deployment Group 2 – Go-Live Discussion
Original timeline was 12 months per deployment group. DG2 planned to start in late January 2018, but started in May 2018 due to investment plan approval, AWS migration and project staffing. DG2 timeline options discussed were dates in May, July and October 2019. Colleges aligned to October 2019 Go-Live date New Chart of Accounts will need to be implemented in July 2019 Risk: Increased overlap between Deployment Groups 2 & 3 leading to significant risk to complete activities and project resource constraints Risk Mitigation Options: Extend all contractors from May 2019 to October cost $1.5M Extend all contractors from May 2019 to February cost $3.2M Extend all contractors from May 2019 to October 2019 and select contractors to February cost $2.4M

16 Working Group Update ctcLink Working Group (WG) Charter reviewed, updated, and signed off Decisions / Recommendations to Steering Committee Global Framework FSCM/HCM GDR - Approved CS GDR – Approved Common Process Workshops New Hire Grants Management Absence Management Benefits Lifecycle Course Management Additional Discussion Create template for items to be presented to WG Define which and how items come to the WG

17 Global Design Review FSCM/HCM – Follow-up discussion and approval
CS – Discussion and approval

18 Next ctcLink SC Agenda (July 31, 2018)
Item Description Duration Facilitator Welcome Christy 2.  Approval of Minutes - July 17, 2018 5 Minutes Choi 3.  Status Update 20 Minutes 4.  Deployment 2 Timeline Discussion – Follow up 5. Deployment Group 3 – QA Review Progress Jason 6.  GDR -Follow up discussion if needed Emmett/Joe 7. CPW -Absence Management -Benefits Lifecycle -Course Management 30 Minutes Ligia/Daniel 8. Meeting Closure – Action Items Date needs to be confirmed due to Guided Pathways Technology Summit

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