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Put these objects in the correct order from largest to smallest:

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Presentation on theme: "Put these objects in the correct order from largest to smallest:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Put these objects in the correct order from largest to smallest:
Star Galaxy Planet Universe

2 Basic Structure (largest to smallest)

3 Galaxy

4 Solar System (Stars)

5 Planets

6 Galaxies A collection of billions of stars, gas, and dust, all held together by gravity Classified by shape into:

7 Elliptical

8 Spiral

9 Barred Spiral

10 Irregular

11 Milky Way Galaxy Spiral Galaxy
Our solar system located on an arm, about 2/3 out from the center


13 Nuclear Fusion Converts lighter elements into heavier elements
Fuels a star

14 Star Life Cycle

15 The life cycle of a star depends on its mass when it forms.

16 Nebula – Gas and dust where stars form


18 Protostar – Initial stage of a star


20 Main Sequence Star – Mid life for a star

21 Red Giants – Older stars


23 Red Supergiants – older stars that are super massive

24 Supernova – Exploding star


26 Planetary Nebula – After a star explodes



29 White Dwarf – dead star


31 Neutron Star – massive dead star

32 Black Hole – supermassive dead star

33 Answer the following in your notes
1. What will the sun become when it reaches old age? 2. What type of star can become a black hole? 3. Predict what will happen to the sun when it reaches old age

34 How do we categorize stars?
Think pair share: are all stars in the universe similar to the sun? If so why, if not what characteristics might be different with different stars



37 Luminosity Measures how bright a star would be in relation to the sun, if all stars were the same distance from the observer. The luminosity of a star is related to its size, color, and temperature.

38 Temperature and Color How hot the surface of a star is.
Hottest temperatures are blue, coolest are red.

39 Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram
is a scatter plot of stars showing the relationship between the stars' absolute magnitudes or luminosities versus their stellar classifications or effective temperatures.

40 PAGE 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

41 Hottest Color? Blue

42 Coolest Color? Red

43 What is the color of our Sun?

44 Brightest and hottest stars?
Blue Supergiants

45 Coolest and dimmest stars?
Red Dwarfs

46 Procyon B is a: White Dwarf

47 Rigel is a: Blue Supergia nt

48 Betelgeuse is a: Red Supergia nt

49 Barnard’s Star is a: Red Dwarf

50 Our Sun and Alpha Centauri are:
Main Sequence

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