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Bellringer – Take out your homework and something to grade with.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer – Take out your homework and something to grade with."— Presentation transcript:

1 25 January 2017 Goal – Review Geography of Greece & learn about the “Early Greeks”
Bellringer – Take out your homework and something to grade with. Check over the M & M Homework Chapter 8.1 Notes (preview chapter) HW : Study guide due 2/2

2 Minoan HW Minoan E C A G B F D

3 Chapter 8.1 Notes Packet page 2 Read 8.1 to add to your notes

4 Geography Greece is a peninsula (surrounded by water on 3 sides); is this a positive or negative? Mountains cover much of Greece’s landscape Greece is made up of mainland and dozens of islands

5 Climate of Athens Very little rainfall in Athens (15 inches per year vs. Illinois which gets around 33 inches; hence drought-resistant crops Note the averages for sunshine per month Average temp never below 40 and never above 85

6 Day High Low January 20 59 42 Thursday 55 Friday 52 39 Saturday 44 36 Sunday 46 37

7 The Minoans Located on the “Island of Crete”

8 The Minoans We can’t read their writing
Did not speak Greek – Not Greek! Mi-No-One Knows how to speak their language…

9 The Minoans Into the arts & peaceful trade along the sea

10 The Minoans


12 The Minotaur was a monster in Greek mythology, half-bull and half-human. He lived in the Labyrinth, which expanded underneath the court of King Minos in Crete, and he was born from the union of Minos' wife with the Cretan Bull. This bull was sent as a gift from Poseidon to Minos, in order to support him in his struggle to become the ruler of Crete. However, Minos did not sacrifice the bull as he was meant to, but kept it. Poseidon was enraged and made his wife fall in love with the bull. When the Minotaur was born, he would only eat humans as he was an unnatural creature. Minos asked for advice from the oracle of Delphi, and was told to create a labyrinth underneath his palace and put the Minotaur there. So, Minos asked his architect, the famous Daedalus, to construct this maze. One day, the son of Minos, Androgeus, decided to participate in some games that were organized in Athens. In these games, he was killed by mistake. Minos, infuriated, attacked Athens and then demanded that fourteen young people from the city be sent annually to Crete as a sacrifice to the Minotaur. In a following year, Theseus, son of the king of Athens Aegeus, volunteered to go and kill the monster. When he arrived in Crete, Ariadne, daughter of Minos, fell in love with him, and offered him a sword, as well as a ball of thread. She told him to tie the thread near the entrance of the labyrinth and unroll it as he goes deeper, so that he could find the way out later. Theseus went in the labyrinth, managed to kill the Minotaur, and then found the way out.

13 The Minoans…how they end???
Possibly wiped out by a volcano which may have triggered a tsunami (1600s BC) Covered fields w/ash Mycenaeans come in?

14 Mycenaeans 2000BC-c.1200-1100BC The first Greeks! They were attackers
Very war like Trade was hostile City of Troy attacked Writing called Linear B as it’s characters consisted lines written on clay tablets (lists of food, and products made, used and distributed

15 Mycenaeans

16 Mycenaeans – a tomb like who….?

17 Mycenaeans’s end is unknown
Began to fall apart in 1200 BC Wars?/Invaders? Famine?

18 Mycenaeans Their fall led to the “Dark Age”

19 City-States Polis means city-state
Known as the Classical Age (great achievements) Each city state was independent and had its own identity Like “mini” countries – why?

20 City-States Each city-state was centered around an acropolis or large fortress

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