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Unit 1 Review.

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1 Unit 1 Review

2 Starts @ Neolithic Revolution Out of Africa
Period BCE-600BCE Neolithic Revolution Out of Africa All people come from AFR Bering Strait

3 Civilization (farming) leads to disease, gender inequality, social inequality
8000 BCE – Neolithic Revolution/Agricultural Revolution First crops = wheat/barley in Middle East Then rice/China, yams/AFR, maize/AME Farming brings surplus of food

4 Domesticated animals start in Middle East Only Llamas in AME
sheep, goats, cows, pigs Only Llamas in AME Columbia Exchange? Most civs develop independently Especially AME Ag settlements (not civs) Jericho 8000 BCE (Israel) Chatel Huyuk 7000 BCE (Turkey)

5 What is a civ? Food surplus Job specialization Writing Art Trade Stratification Military New Tech

6 Metals during this time are very important First Bronze (copper + tin)
3000 BCE First Iron 1300 BCE

7 Environment altered by humans
Themes Environment altered by humans Irrigation Indus, Nile, Yellow all flood Developments from cultural interaction Trade among empires As civilization progresses, woman’s status declines Hunters/gatherers egalitarian

8 Travelers = causing trouble, less stability Sumer
River Valley Civs: Mesopotamia Flooding = angry gods Travelers = causing trouble, less stability Sumer Cuneiform = earliest known writing Epic of Gilgamesh Flood found in other stories

9 Sumerian Advancements Wheel, calendar, 60 base number system
Govs less centralized City states Sumerian Advancements Wheel, calendar, 60 base number system

10 Babylonians take over Sumer Code of Hammurabi
Diff rules for diff classes Super strict Gender inequality

11 Mesopotamia highlights:
Polytheistic Not centralized gov Hammurabi’s Code Cuneiform Wheel Gilgamesh

12 Hittites bring iron to Mesopotamia
Diffusion – getting something from another culture

13 Major Mesopotamian cultures:
Sumer Acadians Babylon Hittites Assyrians Persians

14 Nile predictable flooding 3 kingdoms – old, middle, new
Egypt Nile predictable flooding Less angry gods? 3 kingdoms – old, middle, new Pyramids in old Interact w/ Nubians in middle More militaristic in new

15 Pharaoh is middle More centralized than Meso Pyramids show stratification Hieroglyphics (probably borrowed from Meso) Papyrus = paper

16 Compare Zigs, Pyrs, AME pyrs

17 Compare Cuneiform, Hieroglyphics, Mayan Glyphs

18 Hatshepsut – woman ruler
Then Egypt has more status for women than other civs Diffusion of bronze into Egypt from Hyksos

19 Egyptian Highlights: Polytheistic Social Stratification Centralized (more than Mesopotamia) Higher status for women Pyramids Hieroglyphics

20 Indus (Pakistan) (N. India) Indoor plumbing, peaceful
Cities: Mohenjo Daro, Harappa Indoor plumbing, peaceful Social stratification Proof of long distance trade Indus seals found in Mesopotamia/China Aryans take over end Indus Civ Start Hinduism/Caste System

21 China (Shang Dynasty) first Oracle bones
Scratch questions, fire, get answers from ancestors Zhou (Joe) – Longest dynasty Create mandate of heaven God gives emperor right to rule if he is good Maybe justification to overthrow Shang?

22 Exceptions to river valley rule
Americas Olmec in Central America Chavin in Peru

23 Bantu migrations (2000BCE)
Important groups Indo-Europeans Rode horses Spread from C. Asia Aryans/Huns Bantu migrations (2000BCE) Sub Sahara Spread their language, farming and iron Hebrews (first monotheists) Phoenicians Phonetics (becomes modern alphabet)

24 Animism – “animating” giving objects spirits Hinduism Judaism
Religion in U1: Animism – “animating” giving objects spirits Africa, Asia Hinduism Judaism Zoroastrianism Good and evil starts here. Arguments for this was first monotheist religion Good god/bad god maybe polytheistic Maybe archetype for God/Devil

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