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Our Common Home A Lenten resource

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1 Our Common Home A Lenten resource

2 Finding God in all things
Week one Finding God in all things By Fr Michael Smith, SJ Introduction (the presenter may want to read out to the students the general presentation of the project first) The phrase ‘finding God in all things’ is taken from the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, an this Lent resource is moulded around them. God is everywhere, all around us, caring for us and for everyone. This first meditation will help us to search for God in all things – in the things we use, in people, and in the love and care that we find in our lives and in the lives of others, near and far.

3 …God created the world …working through the Big Bang and evolution
In the beginning God created everything. God created the light, and then the world, and then plants and animals. The process started with the so-called big bang, and all the matter and all the energy that is now in the universe exploded form one small point. Finally, as the last and finest thing he did, God made us. God looked at everything that was made, and saw that it was all very good. And we looked around the world god had given, and we agreed – it is very good. …working through the Big Bang and evolution

4 God made the light, the sun, the stars,
the water . . . the plants that grow, the animals . . . and us. God looked at everything that was made, and saw that it was very good

5 Prayer Everything is a gift God made for me. All the beauty,
All the goodness, And even what seems bad Everything is From God . . . …For me

6 Reflection …Let’s find God in people; in the cities and towns where we live and work… The phrase ‘finding God in all things’ is taken from the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius. He meant ‘all things’ to include living things, plants, animals, and above all, us human beings. Most of us live in towns and cities. Every day we meet many people, and we can find God in different ways through them. Sometimes it will be because something is good for us, or enjoyable. Other times, we will recognise Jesus Christ in the people who need our help.

7 Find God in people we’ve never met…
There are also people in other parts of the world, whose lives are different from ours, and whom we shall probably never meet. We can find God in them, too, as we get to know more about them. They too may be the faces of Jesus Christ that we will see at our last judgement. Find God in people we’ve never met…

8 Find God through caring for our planet
In 2015, Jesuit Missions was active in campaigning against climate change. We are entering a new phase of environmental responsibility, and are all called to fight for Our Common Home.

9 Find God in all things In our search to find God in all things,
we look at our lives, at the good things we enjoy, and the love and care that is given to us. We look at the people we meet, family, friends, and many others, and we will see God in them, perhaps as they help us and care for us in various ways, perhaps because we see in their need the face of Jesus Christ.

10 Action Find things in your life to be grateful for - music, laughter, love, joy, happiness... Let them inspire you to respond with generosity and love.

11 Find God in all those who care for us, who love us, who help us become the people we want to be. Respond by caring for others.

12 Try to find God in all those who need our help and our care
Try to find God in all those who need our help and our care. Thank God for the love He has given you – and pass it on to those who need it. x

13 This Lent, why not support our climate campaign…
Jesuit Missions is teaming up with the Climate Coalition. This picture was taken at the climate lobby in June 2015 where Jesuit Missions took a team to Parliament to speak to their MPs, face to face!

14 By making a green heart! Jesuit Missions is encouraging all of our schools to make, wear and share a green heart this Valentine’s Day. Speak up for all that you love about our environment. It’s a beautiful way to begin a conversation about the things we love that climate change threatens, and the clean energy choices we must make to protect our world. Wear a heart for the beaches where you walk, for the pitches where you play, for the gentle rhythm of our seasons, for bees and butterflies, for all those things we could lose. How to make your green heart: STEP 1 Make a green heart, make it your own or share it with others STEP 2 Wear your green heart. Show people that you care about climate change. STEP 3 Share your green heart. Post a picture on social media, or give your heart to somebody else. If you share on social media, don’t forget to hashtag #showthelove!

15 © Copyright Jesuit Missions 2016
Text by Fr Michael Smith, SJ and Samantha Aidoo All Photos by Ashleigh Callow, Gioia Caminada and Richard Greenwood and Samantha Aidoo, except for the photo on slide two, taken by Courtney Carmody ( under a Creative Commons Licence. Users are welcome to modify the material to fit their needs. Facebook: Jesuit Missions UK

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