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BeAGLE & Sartre status MDB 31-MAR-2017 31-MAR-2017 MDB.

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Presentation on theme: "BeAGLE & Sartre status MDB 31-MAR-2017 31-MAR-2017 MDB."— Presentation transcript:

1 BeAGLE & Sartre status MDB 31-MAR-2017 31-MAR-2017 MDB

2 BeAGLE Latest version uploaded to JLAB
New variables "Nwound" and "Nwdch" taken from DPMJET innards are not yet understood. Otherwise all good. Multinucleon shadowing available now! Making plots from BeAGLE Liang's eic-smear can make root Official BNL eic-smear coming soon and may be released to common BNL/JLAB area soon! 31-MAR-2017 MDB

3 BeAGLE output/plots BeAGLE plots at JLAB?
Eic-smear variables seem reasonable. Might as well use the same variable names etc. Most event header variables included Basic particle variables included Some additional variables like xF for each particle Migrate eic-smear or roll our own? What does GEMC output text look like? What new GEMC info. do we want to output? 31-MAR-2017 MDB

4 BeAGLE output/plots What is missing from eic-smear that we need?
Probably can't handle crossing angle Certainly can't handle GEMC text file as input Magnet apertures and detector acceptances can only be implemented in terms like angle or momentum cuts Choices Make a simple root TTree from GEMC text file Probably can be done by Guohui w/ some advice. Add a class to eic-smear to read in GEMC text file. Would need help from Liang at least. 31-MAR-2017 MDB

5 Sartre Making White-paper like theory plots for diffraction at JLEIC energies sounds easy according to Tobias: Just a few hours of CPU and ~24GB of disk Nuclear breakup in Sartre is very unrealistic and needs to be fixed. They assume all Mdiff-MN goes into Eexc for the nucleus which makes all nuclei explode and it's trivial to distinguish incoherent & coherent. 31-MAR-2017 MDB

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