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What factors have caused the acceleration of Globalisation?

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1 What factors have caused the acceleration of Globalisation?

2 Factor 1- INCREASED, fasterand cheaper GLOBAL TRANSPORT
Transport has developed, getting from the UK to the USA used to take months by ship Now it takes hours by flight. Transport has increased- there are now more flights to more global locations, more frequently, everywhere seems closer. Plus cheaper (easyjet) Road and rail networks have increased making transport within countries, even DEVELOPING ones easier and quicker

3 Traditional trading ships, many were called clippers, one product would be shipped at a time.
Comment on the distribution of shipping lanes globally in 1850 (3) 1850s shipping lanes

4 Describe how shipping has changed between 1850 and now (2)
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5 20th century shipping lanes
Today most goods are transported by large ships called containers, this process is called CONTAINERISATION. Containers stop at multiple locations and pick up multiple goods Comment on the distribution of todays shipping routes (3) 20th century shipping lanes

6 BBC - The Box In 2008 the BBC branded (named) a container and fitted it with a GPS tracker. The aim of the project was to learn stories about global trade. In one tracked year the container travelled over 50,000 miles by container ship, train and lorry (truck). On its journey the box visited many countries including Singapore, China, the US and Brazil. It also carried a huge variety of products ranging from whiskey to cat food. The journey of the box demonstrates how interdependent the world has become. Countries are no longer self-sufficient, but instead rely on each other for varying products. The container also travelled through a difficult time for the container industry, rising fuel prices and falling demand because of a global recession meant that their profits fell from a profits of $3 billion in 2008 to a loss of $20 billion in 2009. lessons the Box taught us

7 LOWER TRANSPORT COSTS Describe the changes in transport costs of air and sea travel between 1930 and 2000 Explain how lower transport costs would increase global trade

8 Budget Airlines

9 FActor 2- GROWTH OF tncS


11 Bigger than many countries The World’s 100 Largest Economies Corporate revenue vs. country GDP 2000 (millions US$)

12 Factor 3 – Communications

13 Factor 4 – Growth of IGO’s

14 Now we will look at these factors in more detail

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