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Mental Health Literacy in Schools New York State Mandate 2018

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1 Mental Health Literacy in Schools New York State Mandate 2018
Presented by: Laura Campbell Director of Education Long Island Crisis Center Certified John Maxwell Team International Leadership Coach, Trainer & Speaker

2 New York State is clarifying that a satisfactory program in health education in accordance with the needs of pupils in all grades will include several dimensions of health, and is now required to: include mental health and the relation of physical and mental health; and be designed to enhance student understanding, attitudes and behaviors that promote health, well-being and human dignity.

3 Mental Health Facts % of youth with major depression do not receive any mental health treatment 1 in 5 teens and young adults lives with a mental health condition ½ of all Chronic mental health disorders develop by age 14 Reducing STIGMA and offering resources can help students to cope with mental health challenges more effectively MHFA, 2017 MHA-NYS, 2018

4 Protective Factors: Feeling connected to ONE TRUSTED ADULT
Healthy practices High self esteem Good problem solving Feeling of being in control Spirituality Avoiding substances Consistent home/family Consistent home/family Parental/family support Monitoring of activities Regular school attendance and academic performance Good social support system Economic security Constructive recreation Community bonding

5 Embracing the Mandate to Destigmatize Mental Illness
“Most students self harm for emotional regulation and social communication.” – Janis Whitlock, Director of Cornell Research Center on NSSI The relationship between mental health, substance use, self harm and other negative coping methods Partnerships with Community Agencies, and fundraising opportunities for suicide prevention and mental health

6 Long Island Crisis Center offers:
Student Workshops Professional Development 24/7 Free, Confidential Hotline as a resource Our Suicide Prevention Walk- “No one Walks Alone…”

7 Schools can offer: Peer Leader Program
Clubs and Electives on Mental Health Introduction and comfortability with School Mental Health Professionals Crisis Teams Clear Policies, and official procedures/ protocols

8 What Schools Could Do Now…
Review and assess current elementary and secondary level health education curricula for alignment to new mental health education requirements Build capacity and strengthen relationships between educators and pupil personnel services (school psychologist, social worker, school counselor, nurse)

9 Develop school-community partnerships with mental health professionals and organizations
Identify strategies to engage families and students in supporting mental health and well-being Support a positive school climate and culture Leverage partnerships and build upon existing resources to develop a sustainable infrastructure for mental health GAPS?


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