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CNT 4704 Analysis of Computer Communication Networks

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1 CNT 4704 Analysis of Computer Communication Networks
Cliff Zou Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Central Florida Fall 2013

2 About my self Office: HEC 243 Tel: 407-823-5015
Office hour: Tuesday/Thursday 11pm – 1:00pm Course webpage: UCF Tegrity for online lecture video streaming Canvas has a Tegrity link and Syllabus Each lecture will be posted several hours after a class Use for homework assignment and grading Keeping grade private Easy homework submission Having a simple BBS channel

3 What is this course about?
Basic “analysis” (don’t be scared by the course’s official name) Introductory course in “computer networking” Focus on Internet architecture/protocols TCP/IP, 3 networking programming projects Several lab assignments (fun, real) (spam), Web. Ethernet, hub, wireless LAN One chapter on Internet security introduction Goals: Learn a lot (facts, principles and practice) Have fun (Use/apply/understand real world network immediately)

4 Course information Prerequisites: Course materials:
Basic knowledge on Algorithms and Operating Systems C or C++ programming skills Basic usage of Linux Eustics account + my lab Linux (or your own computer) for networking programming Course materials: Text: Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet, J. Kurose & K. Ross, Addison Wesley, 6th ed., 2013 Previous editions (4th,5th) would also be fine Textbook online resource (see first page) Class notes

5 Course information (more)
Workload: Coursework approx amount approx % written homework                                         32% programming (C,C++)             3                         30% lab assignments (Ethereal)         2                            10% midterm exam                              1                             13% final exam                                    1                             15% The final grade will use +/- policy, i.e., you may get A, A-, B+, B, B- … grade. Because this class has online session, the two exams are open book and similar to all regular homework assignments, except that they have a 24-hour submission constraint.

6 Course information (even more)
In-class style: interaction, questions Real network programming (fun) Hands on experience: packet trace, spam Flexible: Teaching difficulty/speed/contents based on your feedback So please tell me freely your thinking and interests! Academic honesty

7 A top-down approach: local ISP regional ISP
We’ll cover networking top-down regional ISP End-system applications, end-end transport Network core: routing, hooking nets together Link-level protocols, e.g., Ethernet Other interesting stuff: Security wireless company network

8 Course Overview: Part 1: Introduction (text: Chapter 1) Application
What is the Internet? Application Web, , VOIP Application Transport TCP, UDP Transport Network IP Network Data Link Ethernet, cellular Data Link Physical link

9 Course Overview: Part 2: Application Layer (text: Ch. 2)
Principles of application-layer protocols World Wide Web: HTTP File transfer: FTP Electronic mail: The Internet's directory service: DNS VOIP (Voice Over IP) Socket programming PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 1

10 Course Overview: Part 3: Transport Layer (text Ch. 3)
Transport-layer services and principles Multiplexing and demultiplexing applications Connectionless transport: UDP Principles of reliable of data transfer TCP case study PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 2 on realizing TCP reliable data transmission Principles of congestion control TCP congestion control

11 Course Overview: Part 4: Network Layer (text: Ch. 4)
introduction and network service model what’s inside a router? routing principles (algorithms) hierarchical routing IP: the Internet Protocol Internet routing: RIP, OSPF, BGP PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 3 on routing protocol realization

12 Course Overview: Part 5: Link Layer, Local Area Networks (text: Ch. 5)
introduction, services error detection, correction multiple access protocols, LANs LAN addresses, ARP Ethernet

13 Course Overview: Part 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks (Ch 6)
wireless link characteristics the wireless link: 802.11 cellular Internet access Mobility principles mobility in practice: mobile IP mobility in cellular networks Introduce principle about CDMA Sensor network, vehicular network introduction

14 Course Overview: Part 7: Network Security (text: Ch. 8)
what is network security? Introduction of cryptography authentication: Who are you? integrity key distribution, certification Internet security hot topics: Malware attacks, denial-of-service attacks, countermeasures Secure , firewall, honeypot, botnet

15 Summary Introductory, practical Know basic networking programming
All (almost) you need to know about Internet, and applications Many acronyms, don’t be frustrated

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