Www.tsdsu.co.uk @tsdsu ‘TSDSU’ on Facebook Rhys Dart Chief Executive www.tsdsu.co.uk @tsdsu ‘TSDSU’ on Facebook.

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1 www.tsdsu.co.uk @tsdsu ‘TSDSU’ on Facebook
Rhys Dart Chief Executive @tsdsu ‘TSDSU’ on Facebook

2 Our role The Students’ Union…
represents students to the University at every level is led by democratically elected students provides opportunities for extra-curricular activities, projects and events offers support and advice for students with academic issues (appeals, complaints, extenuating circumstances) represents students to the Welsh and UK Governments through our involvement in the National Union of Students

3 Our role: UWTSD Partners
The Students’ Union… has collaborated on the creation of principles of student representation will provide generic resources to support the election and training of course reps are able to provide support to students once they enter central UWTSD processes

4 Principles of student representation
Where possible student representatives are democratically elected by their peers. Student representatives have access to appropriate training and support. Student representatives should be considered a representative voice for the student body. - Respecting the role; involving Reps in discussions, asking them to collect feedback & feed into strategies. Not just going to all student surveys as a default approach

5 Principles of student representation
Students have the opportunity to feed-in at all levels of decision making. From Governance to course level. Students are a full member of any committees they attend. Feed into agenda creation; receive the papers at the same time as other members Student representatives are provided with time to meet with students on their course privately

6 Principles of student representation
Course-level staff-student meetings follow similar procedures to other University meetings and: Be well publicised & accessible (i.e. organised around the student members) Have a formal agenda Have minutes taken, with action-points circulated following the meeting Staff-Student committees, as a matter of course, review student feedback including but not limited to module feedback forms, survey responses and programme reviews. Course level meetings report into higher decision-making bodies.

7 Principles of student representation
Effort is made to illustrate to students the impact of their ideas and feedback (closing the feedback loop). Suggestions include: Reporting back to committees; Traffic Light system; Poster campaigns; Regularly scheduled updates / newsletters; Published minutes and action points.



10 Resources TSDSU ‘Guide to Course Rep Elections’ - Guidance - Script - Link to our video TSDSU ‘Course Rep Training Notes & Presentation’ These are generic and will require local alteration to reflect your own structures and contacts.

11 Contacts TSDSU Group President Rob Simkins: TSDSU Student Representation Co-ordinator Jeremy Harvey: TSDSU Chief Executive Rhys Dart:

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