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A Dead Saint Never Brought a Dead Sinner to the Life!

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2 A Dead Saint Never Brought a Dead Sinner to the Life!
Begins next Sunday! A Dead Saint Never Brought a Dead Sinner to the Life! Men are still lost – Rom. 3:23 Gospel still power of God – Rom. 1:16 Church still edifying – Eph. 4:16 Mission still to glorify God- Eph. 3:21

3 Purpose- why are we having this meeting?
Save the lost – Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 11:25,26 Edifying the church – 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Revelation 3:15,16 Honor & Glorify God – Ephesians 3:20,21; Luke 19:10; Acts 4:12

4 Preparation is imperative
Colossians 3:23,24 “do it heartily” “If I were not a Christian, would I want to be a member of this congregation?” Matthew 5:13-16 “salt of the earth” “let your light so shine”

5 Preparation is imperative
Each member must prepare his heart first – Ezra 7:10 First by Seeing the Need – Matthew 16:26 We must Want to have a meeting. See the value of this effort – spiritual feast We must want the meeting to succeed Enthusiasm is contagious Use the announcements – Invite, invite, invite

6 Your presence is critical
For the church- You will be greatly benefitted – Acts 20:32 We assemble to exhort – Hebrews 10:24,25 For our visitors- That they may see & hear zeal for the Lord To be greeted & welcomed with warmth & love Plans should be made to attend each assembly Don’t let anything else take precedence Mom’s get & give naps Come ready to learn

7 Prospects abound The fields are white – John 4:35
Fertile soil does exist in a sinful world – Acts 18:9,10 Consider your sources of prospects- Family members – Acts 10:24,33 Friends & neighbors Visitors Co-workers

8 Prospects abound Do everything possible to see that they come
Offer transportation Have them in your home before or after Set a goal to brig at least one during the meeting

9 Whole-hearted participation
John 4:24 “worship in spirit and truth” Sing in a spirited manner – 1 Corinthians 14:15 Pray fervently- give a hearty “Amen” to prayers For the preacher- 2 Thessalonians 3:1 For the lost – Romans 10:1 Pray as if everything depended on God, then work as if everything depended on you!

10 Whole-hearted participation
Give undivided attention to the lesson- (young & old) Bring your Bible / hand-held device Take notes Open your heart to the Word of God Be friendly to each visitor Get visitor cards for each one

11 Scriptural preaching It will be true to the book – 2 Timothy 4:2
The truth will be preached in love, simplicity, and with the boldness and forcefulness that characterized apostolic preaching The seed will be sown, so let’s do some “watering”

12 If each member has: The right attitude
A full measure of Purpose, Preparation, Presence, Prospects & Participation We will have an Excellent Gospel effort God will be Glorified His Kingdom Increased

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