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Rule 7 Snapping and Passing The Ball Tony Dutton San Angelo Chapter.

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1 Rule 7 Snapping and Passing The Ball Tony Dutton San Angelo Chapter

2 Starting With a Snap (7-1-1)
The ball shall be put in play by a legal snap unless the rules provide for a legal free kick

3 Legal Snap (2-23) Handing or passing the ball backward from its position on the ground Quick and continuous motion of hand(s) Ball actually leaving the hand(s) If the ball slips during backward motion, it is a backward pass and remains in play Ball remains dead if the snap is not legal

4 A.R I Snapper A1 lifts the ball before backward passing it. B2 bats the ball away, and B3 recovers the ball. RULING: Team A foul, illegal snap. Penalty--Five yards from succeeding spot. Team A retains possession

5 Offense - Before the Snap (7-1-3)
Each of the following is a dead-ball foul The snapper: May not move to a different position May not lift the ball, move it beyond the neutral zone, or simulate the start of a play May take his hand(s) off the ball, but not simulate the start of a play

6 Offense - Before the Snap (7-1-3)
Nine-yard marks Team A substitute must be between after the ready and before the snap Team A previous-down players must be between after the previous down and before the snap All Team A players must be between after a timeout or the end of a period

7 Offense - Before the Snap (7-1-3)
Encroachment Once the snapper is established, no other Team A player may be in or beyond the neutral zone. Exceptions: Substitutes or departing players Players in scrimmage kick formation pointing to opponents with hands

8 Snapper Established (2-27-8)
[The snapper] is established as the snapper when He takes a position behind the ball and Touches or simulates touching the ball (hand[s] at or below the knees)

9 Offense - Before the Snap (7-1-3)
No Team A player may commit a false start or contact an opponent ( d)

10 False Start (7-1-2-b) Simulating the start of a play
Snapper moving to another position Any offensive quick, jerky movement Restricted lineman moving hand(s) or making any quick movement

11 Restricted Lineman (2-27-4-c)
Ways to be restricted Any lineman Not positioned on the end of the line Wearing a number 50-79 Hands below the knees

12 False Start Exception (7-1-2-b-3): Not a false start if Team A lineman immediately reacts when threatened by a Team B player in the neutral zone

13 A.R V Note 54 61 79 Number 79 threatens 54, 61, and 78 78 5 0

14 A.R V Note 54 Number 79 threatens 61, and 78 61 79 78 5 0

15 Offense - Before the Snap (7-1-3)
No Team A player may commit a false start or contact an opponent ( d)

16 A.R III B71 crosses the neutral zone into the Team A backfield and does not threaten any Team A player. A23 legally in the backfield, intentionally reaches to contact B71. RULING: Team A foul, false start

17 Also a False Start (7-1-2-b-5): The offensive team never coming to a one-second stop prior to the snap after the ball is ready for play

18 A.R IV Team A is in a no-huddle offense and is moving to the line when the ball is made ready for play. Although some players settle into their positions and stop, at least one player never stops and is still moving when the ball is snapped. RULING: Dead-ball foul—false start, since Team A never satisfied the one-second rule before the snap. Officials should shut the play down and penalize Team A five yards.

19 Offense – At the Snap (7-1-4)
Each of the following is a live-ball foul and play continues All players must be in bounds All players must be linemen or backs

20 Lineman (2-27-4-a) Legally on his scrimmage line when
He faces opponent’s goal line with Shoulders approximately parallel and Is either the snapper or His head breaks the plane of the line through the snapper’s waistline

21 Line of Scrimmage & Neutral Zone


23 Back (2-27-4-d) Any Team A player who is not a lineman and
Whose head or shoulder does not break the plane of the line through the waistline of the nearest Team A lineman A Team A player in position to receive a hand-to-hand snap A lineman may become a back when he moves to a position as a back and stops


25 Offense – At the Snap (7-1-4)
No more than four players may be backs (7-1-4-a-4) At least five linemen must wear jerseys numbered 50 through 79 Exception: scrimmage kick formation

26 Scrimmage Kick Formation (2-16-10)
At least one player seven yards or more behind the neutral zone No player in position to receive a hand-to-hand snap and It is obvious that a kick may be attempted

27 Numbering Exception (7-1-4-a-5): Players on the line of scrimmage not numbered 50 through 79 become numbering-exception players when the snapper is established and Must be on the line of scrimmage and Not on the end of the line of scrimmage Are ineligible receivers

28 A.R V 4th & 10. A33 is on the line next to end A88. Before the snap, A88 shifts To a backfield position, and A32 steps forward to an end position. 88 33 63 51 67 71 87 32 43 12 RULING: Illegal formation. Since A33 is now an end, he is in an illegal position at the snap (live-ball foul). Penalty-5 yards, previous spot 44

29 Man in Motion (7-1-4-b) One Team A back may be in motion but not toward his opponent’s goal line Player may not start in motion from the line of scrimmage unless he becomes a back and comes to complete stop

30 Illegal Shift (7-1-4-c) At the snap Team A shall not execute an illegal shift

31 Shift Defined (2-22-1) A shift is a simultaneous change of position or stance by two or more offensive players after the ball is ready for play and before the next snap A shift in itself is not illegal

32 Shift (7-1-2-a) After a huddle or shift and before the snap, all Team A players must come to an absolute stop and remain stationary in their positions for at least one full second before the ball is snapped

33 Defensive Before the Snap (7-1-5)
Each of the following is a dead-ball foul; stop the play. Defensive player may not Touch the ball or contact an opponent Enter the neutral zone causing an opponent to react immediately Use words or signals that disconcert opponents, by simulating sound or cadence Make quick, abrupt, or exaggerated actions not part of normal movement Cross the neutral zone and continue charge toward any back

34 A.R III Prior to the snap, a Team B player crosses the neutral zone and without making contact continues his charge behind a Team A lineman and directly toward the quarterback or kicker RULING: Team B dead-ball foul. Player is considered to be interfering with Team A’s formation

35 Defensive At the Snap (7-1-5-b)
Live-ball fouls and play continues No player may be in or beyond the neutral zone at the snap All players must be inbounds

36 Handing the Ball Forward (7-1-6)
Team A back may hand the ball forward to another back if both are behind their scrimmage line Team A back may hand the ball forward to a lineman provided that teammate Leaves the line moving both feet Faces toward his own goal line and Is at least two yards behind the scrimmage line when he receives the ball

37 Planned Loose Ball (7-1-7)
A Team A player may not advance a planned loose ball in the vicinity of the snapper PENALTY—Five yards from previous spot and loss of down

38 Backward Pass (2-19-2) Pass is forward if it first strikes the ground, a player, an official, or anything beyond the spot where the pass is released All other passes are backward passes A snap becomes a backward pass when the snapper releases it

39 Backward Pass (7-2-1) Ball carrier may hand or pass ball backward at any time, except to throw the ball intentionally out of bounds to conserve time PENALTY: 5 yards, spot of foul, loss of down if by Team A. Clock starts On the referee’s signal (3-3-2-e-14)

40 Backward Pass & Fumble (7-2-2)
Caught or recovered by any inbounds player: continues in play. Exceptions: Team A fumble on a try caught or recovered by Team A player other than fumbler: No team A score Team A fumble on 4th down, before a change of possession caught or recovered by Team A player other than fumbler: Ball is dead

41 On a Try RULING: Ball dead No score for Team A A7 fumbles at the 1
A79 recovers In the end zone RULING: Ball dead No score for Team A G

42 On 3rd Down RULING: Touchdown A7 fumbles at the 1 A79 recovers
In the end zone RULING: Touchdown G

43 On a Try or 4th Down RULING: Touchdown Any player may advance
84 21 A84 catches or recovers and advances into the end zone A21 muffs backward pass RULING: Touchdown Any player may advance a backward pass G

44 On a Try RULING: Touchdown The Snap is a backward pass
Holder muffs the snap Kicker recovers the ball and advances into the end zone K H RULING: Touchdown The Snap is a backward pass two points for Team A G

45 Out of Bounds (7-2-4) Backward pass
(between goal lines) Fumble forward Fumble backward Belongs to passing team at out-of-bounds spot Belongs to fumbling team at spot of the fumble Belongs to fumbling team at out of bounds spot

46 Forward Pass (2-19-2) First strikes the ground, a player, an official, or anything beyond the spot where the pass is released Any intentional forward movement of the passer’s hand or arm with the ball firmly in his control starts the forward pass WIQ the ball is passed and not fumbled

47 Legal Forward Pass (7-3-1)
Pass by Team A One forward pass during down Before team possession changes Pass is thrown from in or behind neutral zone. Remember: player has not crossed until entire body has been beyond the neutral zone ( b)

48 Illegal Forward Pass (7-3-2)
Thrown by Team A beyond the neutral zone Thrown by Team B Thrown after change of team possession Second forward pass by A during down Thrown after runner in possession goes or has been beyond the neutral zone PENALTY—Five yards from spot of foul and loss of down

49 Change of Possession Illegal forward pass by B.

50 Second Forward Pass Second forward pass by A Illegal

51 Illegal Forward Pass (7-3-2)
Thrown to conserve time, with exceptions Thrown to save loss of yardage, with exceptions PENALTY—Loss of down at the spot of foul

52 To Conserve Time 7-3-2-f & g)
If not thrown immediately to the ground after gaining control, or If thrown after ball has touched the ground If thrown where no eligible Team A player has reasonable opportunity to catch (WIQ-player has opportunity) PENALTY: Loss of down at the spot of foul. Clock starts On the ready (3-3-2-e-14)

53 A.R III On third down near the end of the half, field goal holder muffs the snap. Either he or the kicker recovers the ball and immediately throws it forward to the ground. RULING: Illegal forward pass. Loss of down at spot of pass, and clock starts on the ready

54 A.R IV Ball is snapped over the head of quarterback A12. A12 recovers the ball and immediately throws it forward to the ground. RULING: Illegal forward pass, loss of down at spot of the foul, and clock starts on the ready

55 A.R V On 3rd down near the end of the half, A1 muffs the snap. A1 or A4 catches the muffed ball and immediately throws it forward into the ground. RULING: Legal play.

56 A.R VII Seconds remaining in the half and the ball ready for play, Team A quickly lines up and the ball is legally snapped to quarterback A12 who throws it forward directly to the ground. Team A’s formation was not legal at the snap. When the ball becomes dead, two seconds show on the game clock RULING: Illegal formation. Five yards from the previous spot. Clock starts On the snap

57 To Save Loss of Yardage (7-3-2-h)
Thrown where no eligible Team A player has reasonable opportunity to catch PENALTY: Loss of down at spot of foul Exception: Not illegal if Passer is or has been outside the tackle box, and Ball lands beyond the neutral zone extended Applies only to player who controls the snap or the resulting backward pass

58 Neutral Zone Extended Illegal forward pass. Ball does not land
QB is outside the tackle box Neutral Zone Extended Illegal forward pass. Ball does not land beyond the neutral zone extended

59 A.R VIII Quarterback A10 sprints toward a sideline and is outside the tackle box when he throws a legal forward pass that is batted down by a defensive lineman and lands behind the neutral zone RULING: Legal play. Without the batting the ball would have landed beyond the neutral zone, so A10 has satisfied the spirit of the rule

60 A.R X Quarterback A12 is in a shotgun formation. He muffs the backward pass from the snapper and the ball is picked up by A63 inside the tackle box. Under a heavy rush, A63 get outside the tackle box and throws the ball incomplete beyond the line of scrimmage. RULING: Legal play. A63 controlled the backward pass that resulted from the snap

61 Eligible to Touch (7-3-3) All Team B players
Two conditions for Team A players Right number: other than 50-79, and Right position On end of line of scrimmage or In the backfield

62 After 25 shifts into backfield, 98 becomes eligible. 73 remains ineligible by number.

63 Eligibility Lost (7-3-4) Eligible offensive player who goes out of bounds becomes ineligible Exception: Blocked out of bounds by opponent, and Attempts to return inbounds immediately PENALTY – Loss of down at previous spot (no yardage penalty)

64 85 returns immediately. ILLEGAL 87 runs behind the bench.

65 Eligibility Gained (7-3-5)
All players become eligible when a legal forward pass touches A Team B player An official

66 65 eligible after touch by B. Completed Pass if both offensive players are legal receivers.

67 Complete Pass (7-3-6) When caught by a player of the passing team (caught by opponent is an interception) If caught simultaneously by opposing players inbounds, the ball becomes dead and belongs to the passing team

68 Catch (2-4-3) To catch means a player:
Secures control of a live ball in flight before the ball touches the ground, and Touches the ground in bounds, and Maintains control long enough to perform an act common to the game, i.e. pitch, hand, advance, etc.

69 A.R. 7-3-6-IX RULING: Incomplete pass. G X
Airborne receiver grasps ball, falls to ground inbounds, and ball comes loose touching the ground. RULING: Incomplete pass.

70 A.R. 7-3-6-X RULING: Completed pass. G X
Airborne receiver grasps ball, falls to ground inbounds, ball comes loose, and receiver regains control before ball touches the ground. RULING: Completed pass.

71 A.R. 7-3-6-XI RULING: Incomplete pass regardless
Airborne receiver grasps ball, first touches in bounds with toe, falls to ground out of bounds, and the ball comes loose. RULING: Incomplete pass regardless whether the ball hits the ground because the receiver is out of bounds. X

72 Incomplete Pass (7-3-7-b & c)
Incomplete forward pass If legal belongs to the passing team at the previous spot If illegal belongs to the passing team at the spot of the pass Exception: If the offended team declines the penalty for an illegal pass thrown from the end zone, the ball shall next be put in play at the previous spot

73 B’s ball at the previous spot
4th & 9. Illegal forward pass from A’s end zone is incomplete. See A.R II Safety or B’s ball at the previous spot

74 Safety or B’s ball at the 20. A.R. 7-3-7 III 3rd & 9. Team B
intercepts and runs back to the 20. A.R III Safety or B’s ball at the 20.

75 Illegal Contact (7-3-8-a)
Illegal contact by either team prohibited: From time of snap until ball is touched by any player or an official When legal forward pass Crosses the neutral zone

76 Crosses Neutral Zone (2-19-3)
When a legal forward pass first strikes the ground, a player or an official or anything beyond the neutral zone in bounds It is beyond or behind the neutral zone where it crosses the sideline

77 Crosses the Neutral Zone
Behind or beyond is determined where ball crosses the sideline

78 Offensive Pass Interference (7-3-8-b)
Legal forward pass crosses the neutral zone Contact beyond the neutral zone Contact that interferes with a Team B player Offensive player has responsibility to avoid opponents

79 Not Offensive Pass Interference
Immediate charge at snap and Contact not more than one yard beyond neutral zone, and Contact does not continue more than three yards Both players making a simultaneous and bona fide attempt to catch the pass Offensive player impedes an opponent in the area while the pass is in flight, and pass not catchable

80 Simultaneous & Bona Fide
No foul. Both players have equal rights to the ball

81 Catchable Forward Pass (2-19-4)
Untouched legal forward pass Beyond the neutral zone, and Eligible Team A player has reasonable opportunity to catch WIQ: Pass is catchable

82 Defensive Pass Interference (7-3-8-c)
Contact beyond the neutral zone Intent to impede is obvious Catchable forward pass, and Only after a legal forward pass is thrown

83 Not Defensive Interference
Immediate charge at snap and, Contact within one yard beyond neutral zone. Both players making a simultaneous and bona fide attempt to catch the pass. Team B player legally contacts an opponent before the pass is thrown. When Team A potential kicker from scrimmage kick formation simulates a kick by throwing the ball high and deep.

84 Contact Interference (7-3-9)
Either team may interfere: Behind the neutral zone Beyond the neutral zone after the pass has been touched Interference rules apply only when a legal forward pass crosses the neutral zone Physical contact is required for interference Each player has territorial rights. Interference only if intent to impede is obvious

85 Use of Hands or Arms by Defense
9-3-4-c 9-3-4-e

86 9-3-4-c Defensive players may use hands and arms to push, pull, ward off or lift offensive players obviously attempting to block them Defensive players may ward off or legally block an eligible pass receiver until that player occupies the same yard line as the defender or until the opponent could not possibly block him. Continuous contact is illegal

87 9-3-4-e When a legal forward pass crosses the neutral zone during a forward-pass play and a contact foul that is not pass interference is committed beyond the neutral zone, the enforcement spot is the previous spot PENALTY: 10 or 15 yards from the previous spot, plus first down if the foul occurred against an eligible receiver before the pass was touched

88 A.R I A Team B player, defending against a legal forward pass beyond the neutral zone, has his back to the ball and is waving his arms in the face of an eligible player of Team A, who, in his attempt to catch the pass bumps into the Team B player. RULING: Pass interference by the Team B player. He was not making a bona fide attempt to catch or bat the pass

89 RULING: Offensive pass interference if legal forward pass beyond the
A.R V A88 B1 Before the ball is thrown, A88 moves directly in front of B1 who pushes A88. A88 then uses his hands to contact B1. QB RULING: Offensive pass interference if legal forward pass beyond the neutral zone.

90 RULING: Offensive pass interference
A.R VI Before the ball is thrown, A88 slants inside where linebacker B1 attempts to block him. A88 uses his hands to shove B1 away. A88 B1 QB RULING: Offensive pass interference if the legal forward pass crosses the neutral zone. If B1’s block was below the waist and beyond the neutral zone, the live-ball fouls offset.

91 A.R. 7-3-8 IX RULING: No foul. A88 B2
A88 and B2 are running closely together. Before or after the ball has been thrown. Either one or both fall when their feet become entangled. Neither player was tripped intentionally. QB RULING: No foul.

92 RULING: No foul because the ball has not been thrown.
A.R X A88 B1 Before the pass is thrown, A88 and B1 are running shoulder to shoulder and side to side. A88 breaks to the inside. B1 does not move, and A88 collides with him. QB RULING: No foul because the ball has not been thrown.

93 RULING: Defensive pass interference.
A.R XI A88 B1 Before the pass is thrown, A88 and B1 are running shoulder to shoulder and side to side. A legal forward pass is thrown toward The goal post. While the ball is in the air, A88 breaks toward the catchable pass. B1 does not move, makes no attempt to go for the pass, and A88 collides with him. QB RULING: Defensive pass interference.

94 RULING: Offensive pass interference. 15 yards from previous spot.
A80 moves across the formation where he contacts B1 before or after the ball is thrown. A88 on the opposite side crosses behind the contact and catches the legal forward pass. A.R XIII A88 B1 QB A80 RULING: Offensive pass interference. 15 yards from previous spot.

95 RULING: Not offensive pass interference.
A.R XV A80 B60 A80 and B60 are attempting to catch a forward pass thrown toward A80. The pass is high and ruled uncatchable. As the ball passes overhead, A80 pushes B60 in the chest. QB RULING: Not offensive pass interference.

96 RULING: Offensive pass interference.
A.R XVI A80 B60 A14 B65 A80 and B60 are attempting to catch a forward pass thrown toward A80. A14, who is not attempting to catch the pass blocks B65 downfield, either before the ball is thrown or while the uncatchable pass is in flight. QB RULING: Offensive pass interference.

97 Offensive Pass Interference
PENALTY--15 Yards from the previous spot Half the distance does apply to offensive pass interference

98 Defensive Interference-Penalty
Less than 15 yards from previous spot: spot foul, first down 15 or more yards from previous spot: 15 yards from previous spot, first down Half-the-distance rules for defensive pass interference do not apply (10-2-3) No penalty enforced from outside the 2- yd line shall place the ball inside the 2 Half-the-distance if previous spot on or inside the 2 or on try from the 3

99 Defensive pass interference in the end zone Ball snapped at the 25 15 yards from previous spot A’s ball 1st & 10 on the 10-yard line No half the distance

100 Defensive pass interference in the end zone Ball snapped at the 12 A’s ball 1st & 10 on the 2-yard line

101 Defensive pass interference in at the 1-yard line Ball snapped at the 12 A’s ball 1st & 10 on the 2-yard line

102 Ineligibles Downfield (7-3-10)
Applies to originally ineligible player. Shall not be or have been beyond the neutral zone until the ball has been thrown Exceptions (7-3-8-b-1): Charges immediately after snap and Contacts an opponent not more than one yard beyond neutral zone and Does not continue contact more than three yards beyond the neutral zone

103 A.R I Ineligible downfield 5 yards from previous spot

104 A.R II Ineligible downfield or offensive pass interference

105 Illegal Touching (7-3-11) No originally ineligible player shall
Intentionally touch a legal forward pass Until it has touched an opponent or an official PENALTY: Five yards from previous spot (no loss of down)

106 Illegal touching Ball has not touched an opponent

107 Unintentional touching

108 Team B Personal Fouls During Legal Forward Pass Play (7-3-12)
Enforcement is at the end of the last run when it ends beyond the neutral zone and there is no change of possession during the down. Enforcement is at the previous spot for personal fouls during all other pass plays.

109 Penalty Summarized Pass completed, last run ends beyond the neutral zone, and no change of possession All other Team B personal fouls during a legal forward pass play Enforce from the end of the last run Enforce from the previous spot

110 Play Situation RULING: Penalize Team B 15 yards
X Pass is complete to A88 who is tackled. A88 QB throws a pass toward A88. QB While the ball is in the air, defensive tackle B63 pulls A76 by the facemask. A76 B63 Play Situation RULING: Penalize Team B 15 yards from the end of the run. What if the pass is incomplete? What if A88 fumbles and B recovers? What if A88 scores?

111 And that’s all I have Thanks

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