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Modernism was born in the period

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1 Modernism was born in the period 1850-1914
Modern Ideas Modernism was born in the period

2 New Ideas in Science Charles Darwin concluded that the finches he observed descended from a common ancestor Waited 25 years to work out the details before publishing On the Origins of Species Darwin argued that species are locked in a constant struggle for resources and survival

3 Through random variations some individuals gained a survival advantage in a local environment
If an evolutionary change was successful, the mutation would spread within a species population through reproduction Darwin’s theory caused an immediate uproar

4 T.H. Huxley and Gregor Mendel later provided additional support for natural selection by articulating the gene theory of production With The Descent of Man, Darwin applied his theory to the evolution of the human race from earlier primate species

5 The New Physics Theory held that the atom was the simplest particle and indestructible Scientific evidence began to prove this incorrect Marie Curie demonstrated how atoms emitted radioactive energy as they disintegrated

6 J.J. Thompson and Ernest Rutherford gave a more complex view of the atom with subatomic particles
Discovery of x-ray Max Planck in 1900 articulated quantum theory Einstein argued that absolute time and space does not exist, but rather are relative to the observer

7 Freudian Psychology Sigmund Freud revealed the instinctual and unconscious nature of human behavior Developed the theory of psychoanalysis Therapists attempt to unlock the hidden desires, fears and memories of the patient that caused mental illness

8 Divided the psyche into the id, ego, and superego
Claimed that unresolved conflicts among these parts causes neuroses Unpleasant memories might be buried in the subconscious Memories could be explored through hypnosis and analysis of patient’s dreams Claimed sexual feelings occurred early in life

9 Sociology Ivan Pavlov suggested that human behavior could also be controlled through the appropriate stimuli Criminologists studied to show that criminal behavior might result from genetic inheritance rather than deliberate choice

10 Sociologists explored the influence of impersonal bureaucratic structures and crowd mentalities on the individual Herbert Spencer applied Darwin’s ideas to society to produce Social Darwinism Inequalities and divisions with class or races resulted from the same process of natural selection as applied to human affairs

11 Public aid and charity for the destitute would only weaken the genetic pool and cause more suffering in the long run Francis Galton developed the pseudoscience of race, known as eugenics

12 Philosphy Henri Bergson introduced his theory introduced his theory of “vitalism”, which held that nature could not be divided into analyzable units or discreet parts Human behavior was not capable of being reduced to any set of explanatory factors

13 Friedrich Nietzsche asserted that “God is dead”
His thinking embraced the chaos and flux inherent in nature Believed that ideas did not actually represent reality Human systems of thoughts and morality represent a “will to power” and constituted tools for the individual to overcome itself

14 Religion: The Challenge of Modernism
Modern ideas produced a crisis for the Protestant and Catholic Church Scientific and philosophical works stressed the secular Some scholars attempted to update religious beliefs Protestant denominations began to split between modernists and fundmentalists

15 Pope Leo XIII ended the prohibition of Catholic’s participation in Italian politics and formulated a social doctrine that combined a belief in private property with a concern for poverty and inequality











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