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Presentation on theme: "CASE STUDIES ON IND AS CA MOHIT BHUTERIA CA VIVEK NEWATIA."— Presentation transcript:


2 CASE STUDY – 01 ABC Ltd. is covered under Phase II of Ind AS roadmap and is required to apply Ind AS from financial year It has certain immovable properties such as land or building. Whether ABC Ltd. is allowed to use revaluation model under Ind AS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment for such immovable properties instead of cost model in its first Ind AS financial statements prepared for the period ending 31st March 2018. Whether ABC Ltd. can opt for cost model for some class of property, plant and equipment and apply revaluation model for other class of property, plant and equipment in its first Ind AS financial statements prepared for the period ending 31st March 2018.

3 CASE STUDY – 02 ABC Ltd. is a first-time adopter of Ind AS and has opted for deemed cost exemption as per paragraph D7AA of Ind AS 101, First time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards. It had capitalised an item of property, plant and equipment under previous GAAP even though it did not meet the definition of an asset. Whether this asset cost can also be continued to be capitalised under deemed cost exemption.

4 CASE STUDY-03 A Ltd. (first-time adopter to Ind AS) chooses to measure its property, plant and equipment by applying Ind AS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment retrospectively. Under previous GAAP, A Ltd. had been applying depreciation rates specified in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, Whether A Ltd. is required to recompute depreciation based on useful lives from the date of initial capitalisation of property, plant and equipment or it will have to apply depreciation rates applied under previous GAAP till the date of opening balance sheet?

5 CASE STUDY- 04 ABC Ltd. is covered under Ind AS roadmap and required to prepare its financial statements as per Ind AS from financial year with comparatives for financial year The date of transition to Ind AS is April 1, The Company has chosen to continue with the carrying value for all of its property, plant and equipment as recognised in the financial statements as at the date of transition to Ind AS, measured as per the previous GAAP. The Company has recorded capital spares in its previous GAAP financial statements as a part of inventory.

6 CASE STUDY-05 XYZ Ltd. is covered under Ind AS roadmap and needs to comply Ind AS from financial year It has recorded certain spare parts in its previous GAAP financial statements as a part of inventory. As per paragraph 8 of Ind AS 16, these items meet the definition of ‘property, plant and equipment’ and required to be capitalised as PPE on the date of transition to Ind AS. In this regard, clarify the issues given below: (i) At what amount such spare parts should be recognised in the first Ind AS financial statements? Whether depreciation should be charged from the date when the same became available for use or date of actual use?(ii) Explain the words ‘more than one period’ used in definition of property, plant and equipment.

7 CASE STUDY-06 XYZ Ltd. has obtained a land from the government on a long term lease basis which spans 99 years and above. At the end of the lease term, the lease could be extended for another term or the land could be returned to the government authority. Whether such land leases should be classified as finance lease or operating lease in the financial statements of XYZ Ltd. prepared in accordance with Ind AS?

8 CASE STUDY-07 ABC Ltd. has entered into an operating lease agreement for taking a building on lease. The rent agreement is for 5 years with escalation of lease rent at the rate of 15% p.a. The general inflation in the country expected for the aforesaid period is around 6%. Shall the lease payments be straight-lined or not as per Ind AS 17? If yes, should the entire 15% p.a. escalation in lease rent be straight-lined over a period of 5 years or only the difference which exceeds the expected inflation rate will be straight-lined?

9 CASE STUDY-08 A company is using a leasehold land for its business purposes. As per the lease terms, the company is under an obligation to restore the land to its original condition at the end of the lease tenure. What should be the accounting treatment of restoration costs in case of a leasehold land?

10 CASE STUDY-09 On entering into contracts to supply goods and services, an entity requires advance payments from its customers. The period and effective interest rate between the date of receipt of the advance payment and the date that the entity transfers the risks and rewards of the goods and services to the customer are considered significant. Whether the entity is required to adjust such advance payments received from a customer for goods or services to be provided over a long term for the effect of time value of money in accordance with Ind AS?

11 CASE STUDY-10 P Ltd., had obtained a below-market rate of interest loan of ₹ 10,00,000 from Government as on April 1, 2014 for 5 years. The date of transition to Ind AS for Entity P is April 1, Paragraph B10 of Ind AS 101, First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards, requires a first-time adopter to use its previous GAAP carrying amount of government loans existing at the date of transition to Ind AS as the Ind AS carrying amount of such loans at that date. Under previous GAAP, the carrying amount was ₹ 10,00,000 at the date of transition to Ind AS. The amount repayable will be ₹ 10,05,000 at April 1, No other payment is required under the terms of the loan and there are no future performance conditions attached to the loan. Whether the exemption under paragraph B10 is only for the date of transition to Ind AS or all the subsequent period till the existing loan is presented i.e Further P Ltd., also has deferment of liability payable to government based on agreement i.e. liability similar to sales tax deferment for 10 years, can the P Ltd take exemption under B10 stating it is similar to government loan?

12 CASE STUDY - 11 Company X, which is incorporated in India is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Company Y. In accordance with the principles of Ind AS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, Company X has ascertained its functional currency to be USD. Company X has subsidiaries and joint ventures outside India and prepares both standalone as well as consolidated financial statements. The functional currency of the parent company, i.e. Company Y continues to be ₹. Company Y will require Company X to provide its annual consolidated financial statements presented in ₹ for consolidation and reporting at ultimate parent level. Whether Company X would present its annual financial statements as per Ind AS in its functional currency (i.e. USD) or in the functional currency of the parent company (₹)? Further, whether statutory auditors of Company X will provide their audit report on financial statements prepared in ` or financial statements prepared in USD?

13 CASE STUDY - 12 As per Ind AS 23, Borrowing Costs, an entity shall capitalise borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset as part of the cost of that asset. An entity shall recognise other borrowing costs as an expense in the period in which it incurs them. When the loans are specifically borrowed for the purpose of a qualifying asset and the processing charges incurred thereon have been incurred by the company, then whether the entire processing charges needs to be capitalised to the cost of the qualifying asset or the processing charges to the extent amortised up to the period of capitalisation needs to be capitalised?

14 CASE STUDY – 13 Whether sitting fees paid to independent director and Non executive director is required to be disclosed in the financial statements prepared as per Ind AS?

15 CASE STUDY-14 Company A Ltd. has equity investment in a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Company A Ltd. has joint control over the LLP and assessed that investment in LLP is a joint venture. How investment in LLP be accounted for in the separate financial statements of Company A Ltd? Whether profit share from LLP will be adjusted to the carrying amount of the investment in LLP in the separate financial statements of Company A Ltd.?

16 CASE STUDY-15 Company A has made investment in subsidiary S Ltd. Company A elects to measure the investment in S Ltd. at fair value on the date of transition as per Ind AS 101. Can Company A opt to carry the investment in S Ltd. at cost after the date of transition as per Ind AS 27.

17 CASE STUDY - 16 A company ABC Limited has issued compulsorily convertible debentures at 14.5 % coupon rate which will be converted at the end of 10 years. The unsecured loan market rate of interest is 14.5% (Assuming this rate can be considered as the appropriate market rate for the given purpose). Coupon rate on debentures is same as that of the market rate of interest although coupon rate on instruments with conversion feature is generally lower than market rate of interest on unsecured loans. How the financial liability (debt portion) would be computed in such situation. (It is assumed that the equity conversion option requires the company to deliver a fixed number of its own shares for a fixed amount of another financial asset indicating that it meets the ‘fixed for fixed’ criterion under Ind AS 32).

18 CASE STUDY – 17 ABC Ltd. has declared dividend on a financial instrument (which has been classified as a liability in accordance with Ind AS 32, Financial Instruments: Presentation), after the end of the reporting period. Whether ABC Ltd. is required to accrue such dividends in the financial statements for the year even if it is declared after the end of the reporting period?

19 CASE STUDY – 18 Paragraph 9 of Ind AS 33, Earnings per Share states that, “An entity shall calculate basic earnings per share amounts for profit or loss attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent entity and, if presented, profit or loss from continuing operations attributable to those equity holders.” Does this mean that a subsidiary company, not wholly owned, should present EPS only for the portion of the profit which is attributable to the parent entity?

20 CASE STUDY - 19 Paragraph 7AA of Ind 38, Intangible Assets read with paragraph D22 of Ind AS 101, First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards permits revenue based amortisation for the intangible assets arising from service concession arrangements in respect of toll roads recognised in the financial statements for the period ending immediately before the beginning of the first Ind AS reporting period. However, Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013, permits revenue based amortisation for such intangible asset without any reference to any financial year. Whether a company is permitted to follow revenue based amortisation even for such new arrangements entered into after Ind AS become applicable?

21 CASE STUDY - 20 ABC Ltd. has entered into an operating lease agreement for taking a building on lease. The rent agreement is for 5 years with escalation of lease rent at the rate of 15% p.a. The general inflation in the country expected for the aforesaid period is around 6%. Shall the lease payments be straight-lined or not as per Ind AS 17? If yes, should the entire 15% p.a. escalation in lease rent be straight-lined over a period of 5 years or only the difference which exceeds the expected inflation rate will be straight-lined?

22 CASE STUDY – 21 A company is using a leasehold land for its business purposes. As per the lease terms, the company is under an obligation to restore the land to its original condition at the end of the lease tenure. What should be the accounting treatment of restoration costs in case of a leasehold land?

23 CASE STUDY – 22 PQR Ltd. is under Phase II of Ind AS roadmap. On the date of transition i.e , it has elected not to use deemed cost exemption given under Ind AS 101, First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards for measuring its property, plant and equipment. It has opted to retrospectively apply the requirements of Ind AS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment to all items of property, plant and equipment and has opted for revaluation model of Ind AS 16 for subsequent measurement. PQR Ltd. has been applying revaluation model under previous Indian GAAP. What will be the accounting treatment of the following revaluation surplus in the Ind AS financial statements of PQR Ltd: Revaluation surplus as per previous GAAP on transition date; Revaluation gain arising after transition date.



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