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Your Epistemology?? Emotional Knowledge

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Presentation on theme: "Your Epistemology?? Emotional Knowledge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Epistemology?? Emotional Knowledge
Do you have a primary tendency? Are you multi-modal? Are there some that do not work for you? ReligiousFaith Rationalism Occultism Intuition Mysticism Empiricism Emotional Knowledge

2 An Introductory Exploration

3 Ethics & Morality (Ethics = Moral Philosophy)
Concerned with “right” and “wrong” behavior How should people behave?

4 The Four Branches of Ethics

5 Branches of Ethics Meta-ethics: explores the origins, nature , and scope of ethics Normative Ethics: proposes what should be considered right and wrong behavior Descriptive Ethics: describes and compares how people or groups think and act ethically Applied Ethics: decides how people should act in given situations or scenarios

6 The “sense of morality” is built into the human brain
The human brain has the built-in capacity … to laugh and cry to use language to think to make music and art to imagine to remember to intuit to moralize (Conscience)

7 If a “Moral Compass” is built in…
Right Then, how do people fill in the content or decide which actions go where? Neutral Unsure Wrong

8 Cultural Socialization How does society teach you right and wrong?
Family Media You Peers School

9 Are at least some ethical norms innate or inborn?
The Neuroscience of Ethics To what extent are ethical inclinations hardwired in our brains? Jonathan Haidt; Moral Roots

10 Are at least some ethical norms innate or inborn?
Care / Do not harm Fairness / Do not cheat Equality / Do not privledge or disadvantage Loyalty / Do not betray Authority / Do not subvert Sanctity of the body / Do not desecrate Let’s ask a monkey.

11 How do humans make ethical decisions?
✿ When you think about right and wrong behavior for yourself, what do you look to for answers or for guidance? 

12 Develop a considered and conscious ethical code to live by.
Does it matter? Option I Option II Just do what you think or feel is right when a decision or dilemma presents itself. Develop a considered and conscious ethical code to live by.

13 What can we kill ethically?

14 Using your hands in a soccer game? Concealing some income on tax form?
✿ Is your approach to honesty always the same, or is it different when you are with your family, at the university, at work, or with your friends? Is cheating wrong? Using your hands in a soccer game? Concealing some income on tax form? Having a romantic fling with someone other than your life partner? Yes Depends No

15 ✿  Do you think or feel that you have a responsibility for the welfare of other people? If so, which other people?

16 End of Elephant Shows?

17 How Far Do Ethical Responsibilities Reach?
Eco-Ethics Vitalism Animism Humanism Nationalism Tribalism

18 Who Should be Bound by an Ethical Code?

19 What should be the norms for right and wrong human behavior?
Normative Ethics What should be the norms for right and wrong human behavior? Assignment on 10-11


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