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Natura 2000, Natura 2000 Action Plan & Biogeographical Process, water challenges Ctibor Kocman ENV D.3 Nature Protection nt Sarród, 15/11/2017nt.

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Presentation on theme: "Natura 2000, Natura 2000 Action Plan & Biogeographical Process, water challenges Ctibor Kocman ENV D.3 Nature Protection nt Sarród, 15/11/2017nt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natura 2000, Natura 2000 Action Plan & Biogeographical Process, water challenges
Ctibor Kocman ENV D.3 Nature Protection nt Sarród, 15/11/2017nt

2 The Natura 2000 network Cornerstone of EU biodiversity policy
> sites > km² 18 % EU land ~5 % EU seas Largest co-ordinated network of protected areas Natura 2000 network viewer:

3 Natura 2000: the EU Nature legislation
1979: The Birds Directive Scope → all species of naturally occurring birds in the wild in the EU (i.e. approximately 500 species). Overall objective → to maintain wild birds in good conservation. 1992: The Habitats Directive Scope → More than 1000 threatened plants and animals and approx. 230 habitat types The Natura 2000 network of protected areas Overall objective → ensure their favourable conservation status.

4 Birds Directive (2009/147/EC– ex. 79/409)
Overall objective is to maintain the populations of all wild bird species in the EU at a level which corresponds to their ecological, scientific and cultural requirements, or to adapt the population of these species to that level. BIRDS DIRECTIVE Species protection Site protection migratory birds Annex I birds All wild birds Exemptions for species on annex II & III Annex II species 4

5 Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC)
Overall objective is to ensure that the threatened species and habitat types are maintained at, or restored to, a ‘favourable conservation status’. HABITATS DIRECTIVE Site protection and management Species protection and management Annex I habitat types Annex II species Annex IV species Annex V species 5

6 Strict Protection of species under Habitats and Birds Directives
HABITATS DIRECTIVE Establish system of strict protection Art 12 All species Art 5 Annex IV Art 13 Regulate the exploitation of certain species Art 11 Annex III Art 6 Annex II Art 7 Art 14 Annex V Prohibit certain methods of capture/ killing Annex IV Art 8 Art 15 Annex VI Art 9 Derogations Art 16 6

7 Article 6: Protection of Natura 2000 sites

8 Article 4.4. SAC designation
Within 6 years after adopting the Union Lists (SCIs) the Member State shall designate the sites as special areas of conservation establishing priorities in the light of the importance of the sites for the maintenance or restoration, at a favourable conservation status, of a natural habitat type in Annex I or a species in Annex II and for the coherence of Natura 2000, and in the light of the threats of degradation or destruction to which those sites are exposed.

9 SAC designation – Commission Notes
Designation of Special Areas of Conservation Setting conservation objectives for Natura 2000 sites Establishing conservation measures for Natura 2000 sites (Links between the Nature Directives and Water Framework Directive, Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Floods Directive: FAQ, case studies, starter guide)

10 How are Natura 2000 sites chosen? Different process = the same network
HABITATS DIRECTIVE BIRDS DIRECTIVE National List of proposed sites (pSCI) Special Protection Areas (SPA) Sites of Community Importance (SCI) Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) 10

11 An Action Plan for nature, people and the economy COM(2017) 198 final Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process

12 Approach of Action Plan
4 priority areas of Action Improving guidance and knowledge and ensuring better coherence with broader socio-economic objectives Building political ownership and strengthening compliance Strengthening investment in Natura 2000 and improving synergies with EU funding instruments Better communication and outreach, engaging citizens, stakeholders and communities 15 Actions (detailed factsheets in SWD) Timeframe (cannot pre-empt next MFF and on-going debate on the future of CAP) Key Actors: MS, COM, CoR, EIB, EEA, Stakeholders

13 COM/CoR/MS / stakeholders
Improve guidance & knowledge and ensure better coherence with broader socio-economic objectives 1. Update, develop and actively promote, in all EU languages, guidance on (a) site permitting procedures, species protection and management as well as sector-specific guidance (b) integrating ecosystem services into decision-making COM/CoR/MS / stakeholders 2. Establish a support mechanism to help Member State authorities address key challenges in applying the permitting requirements of the Birds and Habitats Directives for Natura 2000 and species protection rules COM / MS / stakeholders 3. Improve knowledge, including through enhanced and more efficient monitoring, and ensure public online access to data necessary for implementing the Directives (e.g. satellite imagery from the Copernicus programme) COM / EEA / MS

14 Building political ownership and strengthening compliance
4. Complete Natura 2000 network, especially gaps for marine & put in place necessary conservation measures for sites MS/ stakeholders/ COM 5. Use Environmental Implementation Review for dedicated bilaterals with national & regional authorities to develop agreed roadmaps to improve implementation & consult with landowners & other stakeholders on implementation challenges COM/MS/ stakeholders 6. Bring together public authorities & stakeholders from different MS at biogeographical region level to address common challenges, including on cross-border issues COM/CoR /MS/ stakeholders 7. Further develop Species & Habitats Action Plans for most threatened species/natural habitats & stakeholder platforms on coexistence with conflict species (e.g. large carnivores) COM/MS / stakeholders

15 Strengthening investment in Natura 2000 and improving synergies with EU funding instruments
8. Strengthen investments in nature (a) Update PAFs - improve Natura 2000 multiannual financial planning Propose 10% nature/biodiversity increase within LIFE budget Stimulate private sector investment in nature projects COM/EIB/MS/stakeholders 9. Promote synergies with CAP, incl. Natura 2000 payments & agri-environment-climate measures, development of result-based schemes, Farming Advisory Services, innovation and knowledge transfer. COM / MS / stakeholders 10. Increase awareness of cohesion policy funding opportunities and improve synergies 11. Improve synergies with the common fisheries policy & integrated maritime policy, including more effective use of financing opportunities 12. Provide guidance to support deployment of green infrastructure for better connectivity of Natura 2000 areas; support nature-based solutions projects through EU research and innovation policy and Horizon 2020 funds

16 Better communication & outreach, engaging citizens, stakeholders & communities
13. Support knowledge exchange & engagement of local & regional authorities through a joint platform with Committee of the Regions CoR / COM 14. Support recognition of good management of Natura 2000 & awareness-raising of Nature Directives, availing of new technologies and outreach activities, and strengthen links between natural and cultural heritage (2018 European year of cultural heritage) COM / CoR / MS stakeholders 15. Involve young people by giving them the opportunity to get involved in nature protection in Natura 2000 sites (European Solidarity Corps) COM / MS / stakeholders

17 The Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process
Relaunched in 2017 At the biogeographical level Aim: to enhance effective implementation, management, monitoring, financing and reporting of the Natura 2000 network

18 A tool to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU
A contribution to the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020: Target 1: Protect species and habitats Action 1: Complete the Natura 2000 network and ensure its good management. An integral part of the Action Plan for nature, people and the economy: Priority B: Building political ownership and strengthening compliance Action 6: Bring together public authorities and stakeholders from different Member States at the biogeographical region level to address common challenges, including on cross-border issues.

19 A stakeholders' co-operation process
To help establish coherent, effective and efficient conservation systems for the Natura 2000 network throughout the EU: improved coherence in evaluating conservation status of protected habitats and species and setting conservation objectives and priorities identification and promotion of best practices in conservation management approaches strengthened cooperation and sharing of experience on common challenges and opportunities To agree biogeographical-level roadmaps for cooperative action

20 A stakeholders' co-operation process
Seminars, workshops, cooperation activities to help: Exchange experiences, case studies and best practices Collect information on threats and conservation needs for species and habitats Identify common objectives, priorities and management actions Develop new management insights (cross-border) Develop stakeholders' cooperation frameworks, networks of specialists and site managers, etc. Better integrate socio-economic objectives into Natura 2000 management

21 Main steps to achieve specific outcomes

22 Summary of events & indicative scheduling

23 Follow-up/networking events
Events of common interest identified during the seminars or through ongoing networking. Technical assistance from the EC's contractor available for 8 thematic networking events per year: help organise the events, assist chairpersons , prepare and distribute agendas, invitations and meeting documents help the host with the venue, catering, transport cover the travel costs of some participants

24 The Natura 2000 Communication Platform
Will be further developed to make it more user-friendly and effective: greater volumes of relevant Natura 2000 information inter-active web-based tool for networking, dialogue and exchanging information on the management of the Natura 2000 network.

25 Working together in Natura 2000 The Natura 2000 Communication Platform

For more information, please consult: DG Environment Nature & Biodiversity Homepage

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