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Moving Your Research Forward

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1 Moving Your Research Forward
What will be your legacy/impact within and beyond your field?

2 Questions you may ask of your “research program”…
What are the institutional expectations of me for research? Will I have start-up funds? Existing equipment/space/resources/MOUs? Geographical Placement: Fixed/place-based? If distant, are there data analyses old/new that can have citizen/K12 teacher/UG classroom science use? Modifiable for earlier student (K12/UG) or community involvement? Components that may be time-limited/flexible?...Could it be done in a course lab sessions/field trips for younger students? STEM-relevance?...STEAM, STEM-C Others?

3 How can I meet the expectations of my supervisor/department/etc
How can I meet the expectations of my supervisor/department/etc. while accomplishing the goals that I have for my career? Combine, where possible: Teaching, Research, and Service to University (& Community) Consider broader (non-traditional?) collaborations

4 Ideas for doing this research growth/development
Increase UG student involvement (NAS: Undergraduate Research Experiences for STEM Students Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities) formal REU/Bridge/student research training programs CUREs Equipment Training Post-baccalaureates programs? Service-Learning (NAS: Service-Learning in Undergraduate Geosciences: Proceedings of a Workshop) Relevant training grants? Foundations, NSF I-USE/other; at MSI?

5 Your options will likely have some institution-type specificity …Let’s chat about that

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