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21st Century All-American City VISION/ACTION PLAN

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Presentation on theme: "21st Century All-American City VISION/ACTION PLAN"— Presentation transcript:

1 21st Century All-American City VISION/ACTION PLAN

2 History of Visioning Process

3 Approximately 2,500 ideas from residents collected through input sessions and surveys.
Ideas were synthesized by priority, feasibility, and impact.

4 Vision Plan Arts, Recreation, and Entertainment
Education Health, Wellness & Safety Housing and Neighborhoods Jobs, Economy, and Commerce Transportation and Infrastructure

5 Vision Statement Middletown, Ohio will be a premier, 21st Century All- American community with civic pride and a welcoming doorstep; diverse and connected neighbors; opportunities for workers and businesses in the new economy; and access to quality arts, entertainment, education, housing, healthcare, and recreation.

6 Economic Development Lifestyle Civic Pride
Connect business, education, and community for career exploration and job growth Revitalize downtown as a hub for commerce and all of community Clear brand for Middletown and community assets Promoting and building awareness about great things Attracting and retain residents (i.e. incentive to live and work here, street showcase) Riverfront development Recreation as a nexus for healthy living, youth development, and civic pride Connectivity, socially and physically Lifestyle Riverfront development, particularly for arts, entertainment, recreation, housing, and shopping. Recreation as a nexus for healthy living, community engagement, youth development, and civic pride. Making sure that the community, especially young people, have access to recreation was important. Transportation plans that accommodate bikes and pedestrians, for recreation as well as other purposes, was also mentioned several times. Connectivity, socially and physically, so that all residents feel a part of a network that is well -informed about community activities and progress and can conveniently access community assets by various modes of transportation. Economic development Better connecting education, business, and community organizations, particularly to support career exploration and increase what students and families see as the value of education and access to education and career opportunities. The school-community partnerships will also harness resources so that students have access to 21st century technology and support systems to take care of needs so that students can focus on education. This effort will express to students and families that we believe in their future. Revitalizing downtown as a hub of commerce and community. Stakeholders want to see downtown thrive as a place to live, work, and play. From stores and restaurants to market-rate living to small firms, people want to see a strong downtown. Civic Pride Creating a clear brand for Middletown and special community assets. Crafting the message, signs, and communication vehicles to create a sense that Middletown has a “bright past, and brighter future.” Promoting and building awareness about the great things of Middletown from arts and entertainment to progress in our schools to patronizing local business. Attracting and retaining residents. From providing the right amenities to strengthening the reputation of schools to offering quality housing options for middle income families, the intent was often to attract new and keep existing residents in Middletown. It was also noted that there was special value in encouraging more people who work in Middletown to live in the city. Some ideas included having “street showcases” to intensely deploy resources in needy neighborhoods and down payment assistance or student loan forgiveness

7 Measuring Progress Increase percentage of young children prepared for Kindergarten Increase percentage of high school students who graduate prepared for the next step, including metrics for high school graduation, ACT/SAT participation, college going and industry credentialing Increase percentage of adults with a degree or workforce certificate Increase percentage of labor force gainfully employed Increase number of businesses located in Middletown, including dining and retail establishments Increase total revenue of businesses located in Middletown, with special attention to downtown retail Increase number and percentage of households with incomes above the poverty line Increase the median home value in absolute value or in relation to the region Increase percentage of the community who report having a usual and appropriate place to go for healthcare Increase percentage of the community who report having excellent or very good health

8 Next Steps Transition committee is sharing document with Middletown organizations and seeking endorsements and understanding of activities Community Wide Announcement Engaging a rotation of organizations to monitor progress toward vision and engagement of key resources Fall State of the Vision Updates Considerations for City Council: Review and provide questions or comments Align resources and planning to priorities identified

9 Thank you! Karin Maney, Executive Director Community Building Institute Middletown Calista H. Smith, Executive Director Middletown Moving Forward

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