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Cooper Part III Interaction Details Designing For the Web

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1 Cooper Part III Interaction Details Designing For the Web
Jeff Offutt SWE 632 User Interface Design and Development Cooper Ed4, Ch 20

2 The World Wide Web is a result of the confluence of three developments
Formation of the WWW The World Wide Web is a result of the confluence of three developments Fast Computers World Wide Web Internet Hypertext Theory 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

3 Evolving Web UI Abilities
1990s : Simple text documents Early 2000s : HTML allowed complete UIs to be built, but with limited controls User experience was very different from using a desktop GUI The request-response cycle was always apparent Late 2000s : HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, and other technologies allowed much richer UIs to be built Designers could hide the request-response cycle Early 2010s : These technologies have matured and lots of pre-built UI development tools are free Web UIs can now almost match desktop GUIs Late 2010s : More and more client-side processing 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

4 Outline Searching and Scrolling Krug : Don’t Make Me Think
Nielsen’s Top 10 Mistakes On the Web 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

5 Searching Most people are not good at searching May be related to logical thinking or computer knowledge ? May be related to verbal ability ? Auto-complete helps users refine their search thinking Disambiguation (auto-suggest) is when the search engine guesses what you mean “softare” … “did you mean ‘software’?” Faceted search offers multiple attributes to search with Norman on facets v. filters : yelp Auto-complete, auto-suggest, and faceted search help users find things faster 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

6 Filtering Filters start by presenting all items or all information
Users filter by defining things they do not want Filters vs. search Search starts with nothing and often results in nothing Filtering starts with everything and usually results in something Controls on Mason’s catalog are clumsy, but support filtering for courses Searching is primarily for experts Filtering helps all users 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

7 Make scrolling an engaging experience
Scrolling is more common in WUIs than GUIs Horizontal scrolling is confusing Persistent navigation should stay available even when we scroll Not like this: More like this: Inner and outer scroll bars can fight each other The New Post screen in Piazza Make scrolling an engaging experience 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

8 Paging vs. Scrolling Paging puts discrete chunks of content on separate pages Requires navigation to other pages Tiresome if the number of items per page is too small Searching within content is difficult Full-content scrolling puts all the content on a single page Newspapers Sometimes dozens or hundreds of items Easier to search, fewer screens, less navigation Infinite scrolling adds new content as the user scrolls Facebook, newsfeeds Screen-reader navigation has difficulty (accessibility) There is no bottom of the page 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

9 Outline Searching and Scrolling Krug : Don’t Make Me Think
Nielsen’s Top 10 Mistakes On the Web 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

10 Web Pages Shouldn’t Make Us Think
We should immediately understand the purpose Huh? What is this? Jobs-o-Rama Hmmm … Is this a job? Employment Opportunities Jobs! click Jobs 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

11 Clickable buttons should look clickable
Can I Click It ? Clickable buttons should look clickable What do I do with this? Results Hmmm … I guess that’s a button? Results click Results 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

12 Layout and Text—Single Pages
Reading from paper is easier than from screen Don’t use as much text on screens Organize text to let users get the summary first Keep it short Use the pyramid structure First a summary paragraph who, what, when, where, why, and how of the topic Later paragraphs give more detail People browse web pages, they don’t read 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

13 Layout and Text—Animation
Animation is usually annoying The web page is shouting at you Things to animate: Shapes, logos, drawings, photographs Can be effective for Attracting attention Demonstrating transitions Explaining complex systems Endlessly repeating animations will annoy the user Do not animate text 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

14 Layout and Text—Writing
Follow basic principles of communication: Simple, direct style Thorough proofreading for confusing grammar and misspellings Use a spellchecker ! Avoid colloquialisms, slang, and culturalisms Text on a screen is more difficult to read Lower resolution Use 10 or 12 point font (14 for older readers) Stick to standard font types, don’t change too much Remember: If you make mistakes: At best, people will think you are careless More likely they will think you are ignorant 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

15 Connecting With the Rest of the World
Remember that users do not always come in through the “front door” Bookmarks, URLs ed from friends, search engines Each page should have: Clear identifiers to indicate its context Titles that are meaningful without the context Navigation to other pages in the website Every page must have a meaningful <TITLE> tag 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

16 Connecting With the Rest of the World—Browser Compatibility
Each browser displays HTML differently KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid The JavaScript DOM has many incompatibilities Try not to get too fancy Browsers behave differently with broken HTML IE tends to be more “forgiving” of mistakes Firefox family tends to conform better to standards Must test with multiple browsers !! 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

17 HTML Design Hints Put searches on the landmark front page (speed)
Do not use frames (SS, errors, speed) They confuse navigation Bookmarks do not work They make printing hard Browsers render them differently <iframe> has fewer disadvantages Use CSS with <div> tags for robust layouts For single pages, <table> works well, but is deprecated On site maps, “low light” current page Remember the page may be too big for one screen Put navigation buttons on top and bottom Put action buttons on top and bottom 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

18 Outline Searching and Scrolling Krug : Don’t Make Me Think
Nielsen’s Top 10 Mistakes On the Web 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

19 Jakob Nielsen A web usability author and consultant
A fun and useful website : We use his book, Designing Web Usability, in SWE 432, Design and Implementation of Software for the Web 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

20 Search Failures Users only find information they are searching for on web sites about 42% of the time When given an interactive task, they can only accomplish the task about 26% of the time! 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

21 URL Design Unfortunately, we must type and remember URLs
Help the users avoid typos : Do not use upper case in domain, directory, or file names Underscores require the shift key – hyphens are better, but not much Avoid zeros (0 or O?) and ones (1 or l)? Do not add unnecessary directories Choose short, common words Use standard abbreviations Use URL aliasing to be be error tolerant : Allow and ( Provide aliases for common misspellings Use the standard “html”, not the non-standard “.htm” 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

22 Nielsen’s 10 Web-site Design Tips
Keep graphics and other bandwidth-intensive design elements to a minimum Make search easy to find Keep content current Make archives of previously published content available Don’t use frames Navigation, bookmarking, printing … Minimize the need to scroll 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

23 10 Web-site Design Tips Structure content into hierarchies, but don’t make things too complex Put your company’s name and logo on every page Key functions such as shopping carts and help buttons should be easy to find Avoid pop-ups that open new browser windows Links to pages not yet seen should be blue; links to pages already viewed should be red or purple 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

24 Web sites must be designed, not simply written
Summary Web sites must be designed, not simply written 31-Dec-18 © Jeff Offutt

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