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Pronoun Agreement Board Races

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1 Pronoun Agreement Board Races

2 (I, Me) am the winner of this writing contest.

3 (I, Me) am the winner of this writing contest.
I – You would say “I am” not “me am”

4 (She, Her) and I are going to the movies after school.

5 (She, Her) and I are going to the movies after school.
She – you would say, “she is going” not “her is going”

6 Mom read a short story to (I, me).

7 Mom read a short story to (I, me).
Me – I doesn’t make sense

8 Brenda and (she/her) often ignore each other.

9 Brenda and (she/her) often ignore each other.
She – you would say “she often ignores people” not “her often ignores people”

10 Amy and (I, me) felt sorry for him.

11 Amy and (I, me) felt sorry for him.
I – you would say “I feel sorry” not “me feel sorry”

12 (Us, We) might have done the same thing.

13 (Us, We) might have done the same thing.
We – you would say “we would have” not “us would have”

14 We told Katie and (she, her) about this story.

15 We told Katie and (she, her) about this story.
Her – you would say “we told her” not “we told she”

16 Matt wanted Sarah and (I, me) to agree with him.

17 Matt wanted Sarah and (I, me) to agree with him.
Me – you would say “matt wanted me” not “matt wanted I”

18 I would like to go to college because my brother and (him, he) did.

19 I would like to go to college because my brother and (him, he) did.
He – you would say “he did” not “him did”

20 Mom wants Dan and (I, me) to clean up the kitchen.

21 Mom wants Dan and (I, me) to clean up the kitchen.
Me – you would say “mom wants me” not “mom wants I”

22 I don’t want to go out tonight because Annie and (she, her) aren’t.

23 I don’t want to go out tonight because Annie and (she, her) aren’t.
She – you would say “she isn’t” not “her isn’t”

24 (Us, We) students need to stick together.

25 (Us, We) students need to stick together.
We – you would say “we need to” not “us need to”

26 Jana and (she, her) did well on their project.

27 Jana and (she, her) did well on their project.
She – you would say “she did well” not “her did well”

28 Ben, Mitch, and (he, him) decided to stay late today.

29 Ben, Mitch, and (he, him) decided to stay late today.
He – you would say “he decided” not “him decided”

30 The principal was worried that (us, we) teachers would get the flu.

31 The principal was worried that (us, we) teachers would get the flu.
We – you would say “we would get the flu” not “us would get the flu”

32 James and (I, me) will play soccer at the park.

33 James and (I, me) will play soccer at the park.
I – “ I will play” not “me will play”

34 Mary can’t explain the topic to bart and (she, her).

35 Mary can’t explain the topic to bart and (she, her).
Her – “can’t explain to her” not “can’t explain to she”

36 Bill and (she, her) went to the movies.

37 Bill and (she, her) went to the movies.
She – “she went to the movies” not “her went to the movies”

38 My mom will cook for (us, we).

39 My mom will cook for (us, we).
Us – “cook for us” not “cook for we”

40 My father will buy a present for Sam and (he, him).

41 My father will buy a present for Sam and (he, him).
Him – “buy a present for him” not “buy a present for he”

42 I don’t talk to (she, her) or her brother.

43 I don’t talk to (she, her) or her brother.
Her – “I don’t talk to her” not “I don’t talk to she”

44 Can you give (I, me) a hand, please?

45 Can you give (I, me) a hand, please?
Me – “give me a hand” not “give I a hand”

46 Paul is writing a letter to (they, them).

47 Paul is writing a letter to (they, them).
Them – “letter to them” not “letter to they”

48 Maggie talked to (she and I, her and me) about our situation.

49 Maggie talked to (she and I, her and me) about our situation.
Her and me – “Maggie talked to her” or “Maggie talked to me” not “Maggie talked to she” or Maggie talked to I”

50 Could you buy some popcorn for (I, me)?

51 Could you buy some popcorn for (I, me)?
Me – “buy for me” not “buy for I”

52 Victor and (I, me) are very good friends.

53 Victor and (I, me) are very good friends.
I – “I am a good friend” not “me am a good friend”

54 The monkey is smater than (I, Me).

55 The monkey is smater than (I, Me).
I – you would say “I am” not “me am”

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