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Wilson, War and Peace.

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1 Wilson, War and Peace

2 General Information Germany declares unrestricted submarine warfare against allies Solution: convoy—move around the water in groups for protection

3 Russia During WWI, Russia is also going through its own revolutions
Vladmir Lenin takes control in 1917 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ends war between Germany and Russia No more war on the eastern front


5 American Troops “doughboys”—see a lot of action
Alvin York (TN) earns Congressional Medal of Honor

6 War’s End Fall 1918 German front collapse
Germany surrenders 11 November 1918

7 Peace Negotiations Lenin (Russia) believes the war was about imperialistic land grabs and makes secret treaties for land from enemies Wilson believes the war is about peace and freedom “Peace without victory”

8 Fourteen Points: promotes openness, independence, and OPEN DIPLOMACY
Free trade Open seas End of colonialism Self-determination: people choose their own government LEAGUE OF NATIONS Goal: “mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity” Keep peace between nations to prevent another war Wilson’s Peace



11 Treaty 1919-Allies have peace conference in Versailles (Paris) & Germany was not invited Allies blame Germany, demand they pay reparations ($$) GB Prime Minister David Lloyd George rejects 14 points George Clemenceau of France wants peace and victory (reparations) Only thing Wilson gets out of 14 points is a League of Nations, but US does not join Allies split up territories Germany forced to sign “war guilt clause”


13 America Rejects Treaty
Senate has split feelings Irreconcilables—opposed any treaty by League Reservationists—led by Henry Cabot Lodge Opposed to treaty as written Open to small changes Senate officially rejects treaty

14 Europe Before and After WWI

15 15.4 Effects of the War

16 Women and African Americans
Lost jobs b/c of world wide recession Race riots became common

17 Economy Inflation occurs after the war
Prices of goods dropped sharply and farmers couldn’t pay mortgages or buy more seed/tools Industrial workers wages didn’t buy as much 1919: 20% of workforce goes on strike wanting rewards for patriotism during the war

18 Red Scare Fear of radicals and communists
Soviet Union (former Russia) becomes a Communist country Communists ideology scares Amns b/c involves revolution and change Red Scare: fear of suspected communists and radicals plotting a revolution in US Many bombs go off across US as a violent radical political movement Attny General Mitchell Palmer has raids to stop radicals Palmer Raids Some who were arrested were immigrants from southern or eastern Europe—many deported


20 Sacco & Vanzetti Case Italian immigrants and known anarchists
Charged with shooting/killing people at a shoe factory Eyewitness said suspects “looked Italian” –only evidence Amn Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) provides defendants with an attorney Found guilty despite lack of evidence Electrocuted Lots of violence against minorities erupt across the nation

21 Presidency and Economy
Warring Harding wins 1920 election on the platform “return to normalcy” ●Normalcy refers to period of time before Wilson brought idealism and progressive reforms Economy ●US is powerhouse ●Richest, most industrialized nation in the world ●Largest creditor nation—countries owe more $ to US than the US owes to them ●NYC becomes new economic center of the world (formally London)

22 “What Happened, What Would I Have Done?
1st chunk-draw what happened after the action. 2nd-write/draw what you would have done in that situation. (writing: 4 sent. each 1: European nations declare war; America declares neutrality 4: Zimmerman Note. America declares war on Germany 2: Germany sinks Lusitania. No action taken. Germany promises not to do it again (LIES) 5: Men come back from war. Women, Af. Am. lose jobs. 3: Germany declared unrestricted sub. Warfare. Send convoy to move around water for protection 6: International peace. US does not join League of Nations.

23 What Happened What I Would Have Done

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