Programs of Study A road map that identifies the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a full range of career opportunities within a career pathway.

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1 Programs of Study A road map that identifies the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a full range of career opportunities within a career pathway. The plan to get students from high school entry to success in careers and postsecondary education. So what is a “Program of Study? It is the road map to the destination. It is the map that a student can follow to reach that destination. Like a map, there will be a number of routes that your student may decide to explore along the way. And, like a map, there will be some mountains that will need to be crossed and some curves that will require careful maneuvering. Some may travel through areas where few have traveled before. Some may find that the road it too rocky and may choose to change their destination. But with the proper tools in their box, students can remap and get back on their journey. Secondary Transition State Planning Institute: Building for the Future May 2008

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