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Project Clinic 3: Oral and Written Presentations and Project Tips

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Presentation on theme: "Project Clinic 3: Oral and Written Presentations and Project Tips"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Clinic 3: Oral and Written Presentations and Project Tips
STEM Project Fair Project Clinic 3: Oral and Written Presentations and Project Tips

2 Forms – Project Fair Login

3 Forms – Project Fair Login2

4 Student Forms Click on Buttons to Complete Forms

5 More Student Forms Research Plan and Abstract

6 Adult Forms What page looks like in first visit.

7 More Adult Forms Determine Role: Parent, Adult Sponsor or Qualified Scientist

8 More Adult Forms When Role Selection Complete, Go back to Adult Forms

9 More Adult Forms Fill Out Forms – Forms are not available until Student Forms are complete.

10 Status Page

11 More Status Page

12 Completed Student Project

13 Completed Adult Forms

14 Completed Status Page

15 Edit Forms Select “Display and Edit Forms”

16 Edit Forms Select “Research Plan”

17 Edit Research Plan Form Question is in Purple, Current answer is in Black

18 Edit Research Plan Enter new data into fields needing change

19 Edit Research Plan Scroll to bottom and select “Confirm Change”

20 Edit Research Plan Confirm Change

21 Edit Research Plan Quit Editing Forms

22 Edit Student or Project Information

23 Edit Student Information Page

24 Edit Project Information Page

25 Remove Duplicate Project Select “Remove Duplicate”

26 Remove Duplicate Project Make sure Project and Duplicate Project Names are Different

27 Remove Duplicate Project Select “Remove Duplicate”

28 Change Judging Day Select “request”

29 Change Judging Day Select “Judging Day” and Fill in “Reason”

30 Change Judging Day Select “Request Judging Change”

31 Change Judging Day Confirm New Judging Request

32 Change Judging Day End “Request Judging Day” selecting “Do Not Request Change”

33 Change Judging Day Confirm Change on Status Page

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