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Take a few minutes and write down in a Word Document:

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Presentation on theme: "Take a few minutes and write down in a Word Document:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take a few minutes and write down in a Word Document:
What was/is your goal for today? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now??

2 CM 1.02 How are my individual characteristics related to my ability to achieve my personal, social, educational and career goals?

3 Remember what a GOAL is:
Goals are what you want to achieve – something you reach for and want to accomplish!

4 Personal Goals Goals you set for yourself personally.
Example: I want to eat more fruit per day in order to be healthier.

5 Social Goals Goals that you set regarding your social life, such as friends or being shy. Example: My social goal is to make two new friends this year in school.

6 Career Goals Goals that you set regarding your career or job.
Example: My career goal is to get more sleep so that I can be more productive at work.

7 Educational Goals Goals that you set regarding school or learning.
Example: My educational goal is to bring my C in geometry up to a B by my last report card.

8 Self-Improvement Making yourself better or making a negative trait more positive.

9 Holland Theory Assessment…
If your personality and the work environment “fit” you will most likely enjoy your work, and you will develop and grow in your career.

10 Holland Theory Assessment
Six themes of people and work environments, within which all jobs can be classified: 1. Realistic 2. Investigative 3. Artistic 4. Social 5. Enterprising 6. Conventional

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