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Question 1c) : Explain the effects of the Reichstag Fire (8 marks)

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Presentation on theme: "Question 1c) : Explain the effects of the Reichstag Fire (8 marks)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Question 1c) : Explain the effects of the Reichstag Fire (8 marks)
Factor 1: ATQ: Factor 2: ATQ: Link between factors: Question 1c) : Explain the effects of Stresemann’s economic policies in the years (8 marks) Factor 1: ATQ: Factor 2: ATQ: Link between factors:

2 Question 1c) : Explain the effects of the Enabling Act (1933) in Germany (8 marks)
Factor 1: ATQ: Factor 2: ATQ: Link between factors: Question 1c) : Explain the effects in 1923 of the French occupation of the Ruhr. (8 marks) Factor 1: ATQ: Factor 2: ATQ: Link between factors:

3 Question 1c) : Explain the effects of the Munich Putsch (8 marks)
Question 1c) : Explain the effects of the Nazi policies towards the Jews in the years (8 marks) Factor 1: ATQ: Factor 2: ATQ: Link between factors: Question 1c) : Explain the effects of the Munich Putsch (8 marks) Factor 1: ATQ: Factor 2: ATQ: Link between factors:

4 Question 1c) : Explain the effects of the Dawes Plan (1924) on Germany (8 marks)
Factor 1: ATQ: Factor 2: ATQ: Link between factors: Question 1c) : Explain the effects of Nazi policies towards women (8 marks) Factor 1: ATQ: Factor 2: ATQ: Link between factors:

5 Question 1c) : Explain the effects on Germany in 1923 of the French occupation of the Ruhr (8 marks)
Factor 1: Economic effects Occupation hurt German economy (80% coal, iron, steel there) Govt. prints money hyperinflation Middle class savings lost Workers took home salaries in wheelbarrows ATQ: The French occupation of the Ruhr therefore had a huge economic effect on Germany. Factor 2: Political effects Middle classes (natural supporters of W. Rep) lost faith in the Weimar government Germans generally were angry at govt. weakness and humiliation by French Led to increased anger at Treaty of Versailles Led to Nazis attempting Munich Putsch (Nov 1923) ATQ: The occupation of the Ruhr also had an effect on Germany’s political situation, making the Weimar Republic less popular and fuelling support for extremism. Link between factors: The most important effect on Germany was the economic effect. This is because economic problems – such as hyperinflation wiping out people’s savings – were what led to people’s loss of faith in the Weimar government. Question 1c) : Explain the effects of Stresemann’s foreign policy on Germany in the years (8 marks) Factor 1: ATQ: Factor 2: ATQ: Link between factors:

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