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5 groups Ocean Zones Project 5 groups

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1 5 groups
Ocean Zones Project 5 groups

2 *This is not the correct order!
5 Ocean Zones Bathypelagic Zone Hadalpelagic Zone Epipelagic Zone Abyssopelagic Zone Mesopelagic Zone *This is not the correct order!

3 Part I: Brief Research Front of Paper:
Each person will draw and label a diagram of the 5 ocean zones including depth. Make sure they’re in the correct order!

4 *Be specific when possible!
Back of Paper: As a group, work together to describe the following for your group’s zone: Light availability Pressure Temperature Oxygen Content Examples of the plants and animals that live there (be specific) As a group, write a paragraph describing your zone. Someone needs to type it and it to for formatting. *Be specific when possible!


6 Sunlight Zone Twilight Zone Midnight Zone The Abyss The Trenches

7 Part II: Create a Specimen
1. Each person must create 1 specimen to hang on the display (vertebrate or invertebrate) that would live in your assigned zone. Creativity counts! Use a variety of materials, make it 3-D…the possibilities are endless! Each specimen will have an index card to accompany it that has your name, the common name & scientific name of the specimen and the zone that it can be found in. AND…

8 Part III: Letter to Mrs. Frump
Imagine that you have won a contest and the prize is a trip into the deep ocean in a submersible. You will write a letter to your jealous marine science teacher describing the adventure into the deep including “in depth” details on the amazing species you saw…specifically, the organism you chose for this project.

9 Your Letter Must Include:
A physical description: What color is your animal? How big does it get on average? What zone does your animal live in? Include a brief description of that zone. Does your organism stay in that zone or migrate to the surface? Why? How does your animal eat? What does it eat? Does it have any predators? What adaptations does your animal have that allow it to live in the deep sea? Is your animal bioluminescent? If so, where on the body does it produce light and what is it used for?

10 Part IV: Brief Presentation
Each group will briefly present their zone to the class as well as the individual specimens created for that zone.

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