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Walk the Talk Multiplier Activities - TDI

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1 Walk the Talk Multiplier Activities - TDI
ISOPA PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMMES – “WALK THE TALK” SPEAKER NOTES – Multiplier Activities Explain that the purpose of these short modules is training on safety dialogues regarding EHS issues and safe handling of chemicals used in PU factories. If not already done – before the presentation/dialogue starts introduce yourself and explain that you have been trained to run the session. Then ask everyone present to simply introduce themselves – name and what they do in the company. A reminder - we will learn more if we have a dialogue, that is, the presenter does not do all the speaking. We all learn by sharing experiences. Please note the disclaimer on the last slide. This module is designed for System Houses and Distributors. Revision 2015

2 “Walk the Talk” Training Package
ISOPA PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMMES “Walk the Talk” Training Package These notes refer to the module which should be used at the “Train the Trainers” sessions. This module gives guidance to presenters and is not part of the package of presentations to be given to customers.

3 Why does ISOPA need “Walk the Talk” Trainers?
To spread improvements in safe handling of diisocyanates and associated chemicals to users not in direct contact with ISOPA Member Companies To ensure an industry standard for training in ‘Walk the Talk’ To preserve the power of a ‘One Voice’ approach This programme, though initiated by ISOPA and its members, is designed to be shared and implemented by all. Everyone is responsible for EHS issues in their part of the value chain. And we need to work together to obtain an improvement through the value chain.

4 After this training, you will….
Understand BEHAVIOURAL SAFETY Appreciate how to deliver a ‘Walk the Talk’ training session and manage a group safety discussion to promote continuous improvement in safe handling of di-isocyanates and associated chemicals Be able to award training certificates to participants of your session …then a trainer will be able to develop a good presentation/dialogue and move towards the goal of improving the behaviour of people towards the safe use of chemicals.

5 “Walk the Talk” How to use the package with your CUSTOMERS
ISOPA PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMMES This presentation gives important guidance on how to use the “Walk the Talk” package. As a trainer you should learn and practice before you are in front of an audience in a customer’s factory.

6 “Walk the Talk” is An initiative to improve safe handling of isocyanates and associated chemicals Targeting all users with a One Voice approach In preparation for REACH How should we deliver this to our customers? Isocyanates have to be used safely and can be used safely but there are still unsafe practices being used in Europe. EU regulations, including the future REACH, affect all users of chemicals. Walk the Talk is shared by all members of ISOPA and is designed to be shared and implemented by the whole industry. 

7 How to Use the ISOPA “Walk The Talk” Package Key Points
Adapt the content for the customer by walking around the factory with the manager Know how to improve the behaviour of people Develop positive motivation Have (or develop) ability to stimulate a dialogue Develop risk-awareness – be balanced Develop realistic and appropriate best practices for the customer Know how to deal with challenging or difficult questions Here is a list of the key points in developing a good presentation/dialogue and move towards the goal of improving the behaviour of people towards the safe use of chemicals.

8 What will we do? Explain how to deliver the package for maximum impact
How to start the long process of attitude change Allow you to test the technique As a trainer you should learn and practice before you are in front of an audience in a customer’s factory. It is essential to develop skills of how to improve the behaviour of people via positive motivation and dialogue stimulation. At this stage select 3 volunteers for role playing

9 Adapt the Content for the Customer
Walk around the factory with the manager Exchange views on identified behavioural issues and the factory environment with the manager – are there emotional issues such as recent incidents? Emphasise that the ISOPA programme is about continuous BEHAVIOURAL improvement Decide on the issues you need to focus on – for example: -  Never talk TDI to people handling only MDI -  Never talk Pentane to people handling only TDI The purpose of the ISOPA “Walk the Talk” package is NOT to provide all safety instructions necessary for the site to fulfil regulatory requirements It is vitally important that you have knowledge of the customer’s factory and situation so that you can adapt the package to suit the circumstances. By this means you will make the package more relevant and achieve better results. A pre-discussion and a walk around the factory with, typically, the factory manager is an essential first step. This could take place about a week before the actual presentation. Emphasise to the factory manager that the package is concentrating on behavioural safety – it does NOT cover his legal requirements in terms of site safety instructions or regulations .

10 Workplace Tour – Checklist
Assess the quality of management systems Assess the current level of behaviour towards safe working with raw materials Assess the quality of engineering practices Identify any sensitive issues Agree on focus and key messages for the training with management The check list is an important aid to the discussion and factory tour with the manager. IT IS IMPORTANT TO EMPHASIZE THAT THIS IS NOT AN AUDIT

11 How to Improve Behaviour of People ?
80% of accidents are behaviour-related Develop positive motivation to improve behaviour Develop risk-awareness but do not scare people; focus on issues relevant to them  such as hidden exposure, maintenance workers, hot surfaces, pressure in disposal – drums C. Offer appropriate Know-How to avoid exposure and to manage emergencies & incidents   This slide emphasises the importance of behavioural safety.

12 Develop Positive Motivation
The ISOPA “Walk the Talk” – package is not a single event, but a process 1 Continuous BEHAVIOURIAL improvement starts by all polyurethane raw materials suppliers setting a good and consistent example 2 Stimulate a safety dialogue using the ISOPA presentation materials provided 3 Continuous BEHAVIOURAL improvement requires follow-up and support by the respective customers’ management and by of all polyurethane suppliers Do not allow “trouble-makers” to dominate or disturb . Conflict to be identified to and managed in co-operation with site management Without continuous follow-up and the exemplary behaviour of suppliers & managers the BEHAVIOURAL improvement process will fail Although the initial presentation to the people in the factory is very important, it is only the first step in an ongoing programme which should meld into the daily behaviour of everyone. There are three parts and it is important, that ALL representatives of polyurethane raw material suppliers set an exemplary standard towards EHS issues It is vitally important to have the factory manager behaving in exactly the same way

13 2 Stimulate a Safety Dialogue
Monologues don’t work! People handling the chemicals know a lot about the problems Help people to own their specific safety issues Try to let audience talk/discuss for at least 40% of time available Listen, stimulate and moderate a debate - and then take it to the conclusion Through a dialogue much more will be learnt. This will make the presentation relevant to the factory and the workers. It’s important to listen as well as to speak!

14 The chance to try it out…
3 people to present one element each Essential data Health effects Spillage Use the FAQ for some help Others to role play Discuss at the end what went well and what didn’t Coffee and prepare…. Through role playing you should be able to test the technique for helping people to change their safety behaviour during your customer presentations. Let’s prepare it.

15 First role play Essential data Let’s start the first role playing.

16 Precautionary Statements
TDI Classification Signal word: Danger Hazard statements H315 Causes skin irritation H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction H319 Causes serious eye irritation H330 Fatal if inhaled H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled H335 May cause respiratory irritation H351 Suspected of causing cancer H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects Precautionary Statements P273 Avoid release to the environment P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection P284 Wear respiratory protection P285 In case of inadequate ventilation wear respiratory protection P501 Dispose of contents/container to … (hazardous or special waste collection point P308 + P313 If exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention P403+P233 Store in well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed SLIDE #4 The purpose here is to indicate toxicity of TDI in order to be well aware, but not to scare people. Comment on classification as a potential carcinogen (only when asked): When FEEDING animals with TDI an increased incidence of tumors was observed. This exposure route is not relevant in practice. Workplace experience to date shows no carcinogenic effect in man.

17 TDI Physical Properties
If uncontrolled, TDI evaporates quickly leading to a high concentration in air TDI has a significant vapour pressure giving a high concentration in air above the liquid Vapour-Concentration of TDI in air TDI SLIDE #5 Starting from simple science, the key point is that the concentration of TDI in the atmosphere is always at a dangerous level irrespective of the temperature when TDI is open to the air. Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) are nationally agreed safe limits for the workplace and vary from substance to substance. Occupational Exposure Limit 10 20 25 30 35 Temperature in °C

18 TDI Physical Properties
If uncontrolled, TDI evaporates quickly leading to a high concentration in air TDI has a significant vapour pressure giving a high concentration in air above the liquid You must always protect yourself against breathing in TDI Vapour-Concentration of TDI in air TDI SLIDE #6 At all temperatures and in all circumstances the breathing in of TDI has to be avoided. We will explain how this is done. Occupational Exposure Limit 10 20 25 30 35 Temperature in °C

19 TDI Chemical Properties
TDI will react with many compounds – especially water, polyol, amines, ammonium hydroxide, alkalides Higher temperatures mean faster reactions (beware temperatures > 40 °C) During reaction heat & gases (CO2) will be formed  Risk of burns/dangerous pressures SLIDE #7 TDI is a very reactive chemical, which is why it is so useful to make many different products. The reactions have to take place in the right circumstances and be controlled. All reactions speed up at higher temperatures – TDI at any temperature above room temperature requires extra care. The reactions are “Exothermic”, giving heat. Pressure of the gas (CO2) will build up. Where do you find these conditions ?

20 Where do you find these conditions?
Drums – decontamination Polyol / diisocyanate stored together Spillage into a drain Bulk off-loading of wrong chemical into a bulk tank TDI in eyes or other soft tissue TDI in wet disposal (waste) drums High temperature operations In the foam crushing unit Foam storage areas Foam curing area SLIDE #8 Examples of conditions were heat and pressures increase. Where do they occur in this factory? Which are controlled and which are uncontrolled reactions? (See factory tour check-list)

21 Discussion What did go well and what didn’t?
Time for evaluation of the training after role playing session

22 Second role play Health effects And the second role playing…

23 Effect of TDI on your health
Short term / one-off exposure above safe level Irritates mouth, throat, lungs Tight chest, coughing Difficulty in breathing Eyes watering Itching, red skin (immediately or delayed) May be hot or burn Symptoms can occur up to 24hrs after exposure SLIDE #9 This slide contains a list of the symptoms which can occur due to exposure. These symptoms can become evident up to a day after exposure and so there should be careful monitoring to pick up the signs of exposure after the incident.

24 Effect of TDI on your health
Long term/repeated over-exposure from breathing or skin contact leads to risk of sensitisation Symptoms such as occasional breathing difficulties similar to asthma, hay fever, sneezing When sensitised, potentially severe asthma in the case of even low TDI exposure Sensitization could prevent working with diisocyanates for life; early and prompt removal from exposure can typically result in cessation of allergic responses. SLIDE #10 There is a risk of sensitisation from even a single exposure to a high level of TDI vapour. In a sensitized person even a further low level of exposure can result in severe asthmatic symptoms. There is no cure for a sensitised person. He or she cannot return to work in a factory using TDI – for life. Sensitisation is non-reversible and is a reaction of the immune system. Not to be confused with irritation

25 Typical examples of unsafe behaviour
Recognise unsafe situations and behaviour. The key is to avoid exposure and here are five examples of situations which MUST be avoided: Spillage Water and MDI Opening a drum Eating in the working area, near MDI Welding close to an MDI storage Have you come across such situations in this factory?

26 Typical examples of safe behaviour
In contrast, here we show examples of good practice: Emptying a drum using a pump Getting qualified medical attention Cleaning up a spill Do you follow such practices?

27 Discussion What did go well and what didn’t?
Time for evaluation of the training after role playing session

28 Third role play Spillage Now the last role playing.

29 Dealing with a spillage of TDI
VIDEO CLIP SLIDE #19 Speaking script for the TDI spillage video – practice this section to ensure that you are in step with the video. Click in green area to start video: Most incidents with isocyanate fall under the category “spillage” In case of a leaking container or any other spillage, please stop isocyanates from entering drains. To clean an isocyanate spillage you may use a special absorbent or simple sand. As the vapour pressure curve suggested, spillages can cause critical emissions. Do wear respiratory equipment. Alternatively you may use foam to cover the spillage. Foam contains moisture. Due to chemical as well as physical properties, the isocyanate vapor pressure will be significantly reduced. Water or any residual moisture reacts with isocyanate. This reaction may continue in the disposal drums. Therefore drums should only be filled up for ¾. Do not seal the disposal drums, allow internal pressure to be released.

30 Dealing with a spillage of TDI
Evacuate area Inform neighbours and authorities according to the safety plan Put on PPE including self-contained breathing apparatus Prevent TDI entering drains Cover with fire extinguishing foam to prevent escape of TDI vapours Control spill with wet sand absorbent Use decontamination solution Put contaminated sand in steel drums (max 2/3 full), leave open to prevent pressure build up and monitor emissions Drum can only be closed when temperature is low and falling Treat as TDI waste Measure TDI levels in the atmosphere SLIDE #20 Here are the key points of good practice to follow for large and small spillages. Here is guidance but you must judge between a large and small spillage. Follow the procedure Has anyone here dealt with a spillage – did you follow this guidance? The key points are: To contain the spillage. Do not breath in TDI vapour. Dispose of the clean-up materials safely and correctly.

31 Know where to find the emergency equipment
Decontaminant solution Shovels Brushes and waste container Absorbent material such as sand To be able to act quickly and safely you must know where the emergency equipment is kept. This includes the decontaminant solution (if used); absorbent material; shovels and containers. Do you use sand as the absorbent material?

32 Discussion What did go well and what didn’t?
Time for evaluation of the training after role playing session

33 Part 2 How to Gain Attention and Stimulate the Dialogue
Ask people to introduce themselves and their roles     The ISOPA package contains a set of opening questions to stimulate debate Ask people about any incidents using PU chemicals Allow people to share their experience Start by getting the people in the audience to speak and establish a rapport with them. Make the information relevant to the factory.

34 Part 2 Safety Dialogue – How to Conduct It
The initial safety presentation should be arranged (with the site manager) to take place in a training room It should include about one hour of presentation plus a discussion period – in total a maximum of two hours There has to be provision for visual aids A site manager must take part  Good facilities are important and agreement with the factory manager that you have enough time to make the presentation and to have a dialogue. Before your visit check on the visual aid facilities. It is a good idea to have a set of back-up slides – perhaps to use on an overhead projector. The factory manager must be present throughout the session. Get his/her commitment to this.

35 Part 3 Follow Up The key is continuous follow-up with the objective to
Regular follow-up safety dialogues should be done by both the supplier’s representative during every visit and the site/factory manager – at the workplace and they should be to the point Do not turn a blind eye on trouble makers – discuss the behaviour or issue, suggest improvements and inform the manager The key is continuous follow-up with the objective to develop ownership of behaviour improvements The presentation/dialogue is only a first step. “Walk the Talk” is a continuous process. Subsequent discussions can be shorter in terms of time but are equally important. Have open discussions with the possible “trouble makers” and identify their point or problem. The manager should be present during these discussions but always keep him/her informed.

36 Offer Appropriate Best Practice to Avoid Exposure and Manage Emergencies & Incidents
Use the appropriate elements from the ISOPA “Walk the Talk” package and other materials (if needed) Your role is to offer best practice If more materials are necessary you could use those from your company

37 How To Handle Difficult Questions
Do not defend deficiencies in the factory environment, such as missing ventilation Such questions have to be forwarded to the manager Do not defend or comment on management deficiencies, such as lack of pre-employment medical examinations Consult your own management about such deficiencies Any question related to bad practices in handling raw materials Should be fully discussed immediately “Killer-phrases” can occur in a large group (e.g. personal protection is only for babies) Save the individuals face - take it as a joke, but than ask the individual a safety question, allowing him to join the dialogue Guidance on typical questions (e.g. Bhopal) See the ISOPA package If you do not know the answer Tell them you will consult your isocyanate expert and come back to them If the session is effective there should be several, potentially difficult, questions – here are some examples with answers, others are in the Q&A document. IMPORTANT – if you do not know the answer ask a company expert and let the questioner know the answer, perhaps via the manager or on your next visit. Don’t try to bluff your way through – there is a danger of losing credibility – yours and that of the programme

38 This initiative only works if the customer takes care
A final word….. This initiative only works if the customer takes care of his own operations. Allow him the freedom to make his own decision. The power of the package is in its ONE VOICE approach. The objective is to get a unified approach, consistency of messages and clarity about the improvement of safety performance throughout the industry. Yet customers are responsible for including the best practices into their own activities as a basis for continuously improving handling of isocyanates.

39 Disclaimer External document disclaimer
While ISOPA and its members make every effort to present accurate and reliable information in utmost good faith on the basis of the best information currently available, it is to be relied upon at the user’s own risk. No representations or warranties are made with regard to its completeness, accuracy or reliability and no liability will be accepted by ISOPA nor any company participating in ISOPA for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance on the information. Disclaimer

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