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Plate Tectonics Carrie Armstrong, Erin Rickert, Lydia Nguyen, Emmy Penquite.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics Carrie Armstrong, Erin Rickert, Lydia Nguyen, Emmy Penquite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics Carrie Armstrong, Erin Rickert, Lydia Nguyen, Emmy Penquite

2 Alfred Wegener German Scientist
First to actively pursue the idea of a super-continent Also came up with the theory of continental drift Alfred Wegener

3 How he got started: The first clue Wegener had was the matching coast lines he said they were almost like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle Then noticed that other continents seemed to fit together to


5 Plate Tectonics


7 Includes the crust and the mantle
Lithosphere outer part of the Earth Includes the crust and the mantle about 100 km thick lithosphere

8 The ductile part of the earth just below the lithosphere
Asthenosphere The ductile part of the earth just below the lithosphere Includes the lower mantle Referred to as hot plastic About 180 km thick asthenosphere

9 Movement resembles ice drifting across a pond
Tectonic Plates The tectonic plates glide over the asthenosphere at relates ranging from 1-16cm per year Movement resembles ice drifting across a pond

10 Continental Drift link
The continents and ocean basins make up the upper parts of the plates As the plates glide the ocean and continents move with it link

11 Geological activity Most of this activity occurs at plate boundaries
Three types of plate boundaries exist 1. divergent 2. convergent 3. transform

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