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Lec 3: Male Reproductive Tract Anatomy

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1 Lec 3: Male Reproductive Tract Anatomy
Animal/Dairy Science 434 Lec 3: Male Reproductive Tract Anatomy

2 Male Reproductive System
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To learn the nomenclature and structures of the male reproductive system. To understand the functions of these structures and how they are interrelated to prove the complete reproductive process in the male.

3 Warehouse and Delivery
Testis Epididymis Factory 1-25 X 109 sperm/day “Plant” must be air conditioned Finishing School Fluid Absorption 8-25 X 109 sperm membrane changes nuclear & flagellar stabilization motility, fertility cytoplasmic droplet translocation Penis Delivery System Erection Protrusion Ejaculation Tail of Epididymis Warehouse and Delivery Storage X 109 sperm Sperm for 5-10 ejaculates Smooth muscle contractions upon sexual stimulation Accessory Sex Glands Alterations & Packaging Metabolic substrates Surface coatings Transport for sperm

4 Bull Reproductive Tract

5 Reproductive Organs of the Bull

6 Bull Testis Tunica Vaginalis parietal visceral Tunica Albuginea

7 Bull Tract Thermosensor Radiator Protective sac Testis Scrotum

8 Scrotal Cross Section testicular parenchyma mediastinum

9 Testis Testicular Parenchyma Mediastinum

10 Structure of the Testis
Seminiferous Tubule Tunica Albuginea Rete Testis (within the mediastinum)

11 Mediastinum Rete Testis Seminiferous Tubule The Testis

12 Structure of the Testis
Spermatic Cord Vas Deferens Caput Epididymis Vasectomy Vas Efferentia 6-12 tubules Seminiferous Tubule Corpus Epididymis Tunica Albuginea Rete Testis (within the mediastinum) Cauda Epididymis

13 Spermatic Chord Pampiniform Plexus Vascular, lymphatic and nerves
Heat exchanger Houses cremaster muscle Testicular Artery Pampiniform Plexus Counter Current Exchange 39°C - 34°C 70 ng T/ml ng T/ml

14 Testis Arterial Pulse

15 Parietal Tunica Vaginalis
Spermatic Chord Vas Deferens Cremaster Muscle Pampiniform Plexus Parietal Tunica Vaginalis

16 Bull Tract Testis Scrotum Tunica Dartos

17 Contraction of the Tunica Dartos
Testis Tunica Dartos Smooth muscle Androgen dependent (Testosterone)

18 Bull Tract Pelvic Genitalia Spermatic Chord Pampiniform Plexus
Epididymus Testis Scrotum Tunica Dartos Gubernaculum

19 Pelvic Genitalia of the Bull
Pelvic Urethra Muscle


21 Bulb of the Penis

22 Reproductive Organs of the Bull
Prostate Reproductive Organs of the Bull Rectum Cowpers Gland Seminal Vesicles Ampulla Bladder Retractor Penis Muscle Vas Deferens Sigmoid Flexure Glans Penis Caput Epididymis Scrotum Testis Cauda Epididymis Gubernaculum

23 Cross Section of Bull Penis

24 Penis Cross Section

25 Arterial Supply

26 Glans Penis

27 Glans Penis

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