Farming in America.

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Presentation on theme: "Farming in America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farming in America

2 American Farm Facts Net exporter of food. Midwest
Number of farms that are… <20 hectares: ~500,000 hectares: ~1,000,000 >200 hectares: ~360,000 Total: ~1.9 million How do you water a farm so large???

3 Center-pivot irrigation

4 Top 10 Products (in tons) 1. Corn 256,900,000
2. Cattle meat 11,736,000 3. Cow's milk 78,155,000 4. Chicken meat 15,006,000 5. Soybeans 65,800,000 6. Pig meat (swine) 8,574,000 7. Wheat 63,590,000 8. Cotton lint 3,968,000 9. Hen eggs 5,141,000 10. Turkey meat 2,584,000

5 Government Help

6 Major Crops - Corn Most grown crop ~250 million tons harvested
Yield: 10 tons/hectare Stalks grow meters. What do we use Corn for?

7 Uses for Corn! 58% livestock feed High fructose corn syrup
Bourbon whiskey. Cornstarch for fabrics, bind books Corn oil in ink, aspirin, glue, ethanol Corn Maze

8 The Corn Belt It includes Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio —50% grown in the U.S. is from these four states. Also includes South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri, and Kentucky.

9 Soybeans Another major crop ~65 million tons Yield: 2.86 tons/hectare
Legume originally from east Asia Mostly used for feed, but also oil. Who are the top 5 exporters of soy products?


11 Wheat Mainly for humans. ~63 million tons Yield: 2.91 tons/hectare
Spring wheat in Northern Great Plains (ND, SD, MT, MN). Winter Wheat in Southern Great Plains (NE, KS, OK) Kansas is the Wheat State! Used in flour


13 Missouri Wine In 1856 produced 2,000,000 barrels of wine per year
Biggest wine state in the nation, 3rd largest in world Won awards in Vienna in 1873 Exported grapes to France Destroyed by prohibition


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