ROTARY BANGALORE DIAMOND DISTRICT Presents I n Aid of HIV+ Orphan Children Conceptualised by RBBD Choreographed by PRASAD BIDAPA On 27 th April 2013, 7:00pm.

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Presentation on theme: "ROTARY BANGALORE DIAMOND DISTRICT Presents I n Aid of HIV+ Orphan Children Conceptualised by RBBD Choreographed by PRASAD BIDAPA On 27 th April 2013, 7:00pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROTARY BANGALORE DIAMOND DISTRICT Presents I n Aid of HIV+ Orphan Children Conceptualised by RBBD Choreographed by PRASAD BIDAPA On 27 th April 2013, 7:00pm to 10:00 pm at Royal Orchid Hotel, Old Airport Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA

2 - 2 - CONTENTS About Rotary Bangalore Diamond District (RBDD) An Appeal Intended Audience About NGO-Freedom Foundation Charity Golf Tournament Golf Tournament by BGC (title sponsor will get mileage in both events) Sponsorship Opportunities Contact Details

3 ROTARY BANGALORE DIAMOND DISTRICT Rotary Bangalore Diamond District (RBDD) is a young club chartered in November 2008 under Rotary International District 3190. RBDD is a association of professional men and women of the community with highly diverse classification, who have accepted the Ideal of Service.

4 AN APPEAL Dear Friends, We, the members of Rotary Bangalore Diamond District, sincerely seek your support in raising funds for Project Starlight-in Support of HIV ORPHAN CHILDREN. RBDD will support Freedom Foundation, an NGO which is working towards the betterment of HIV affected children. From the funds raised by this event we plan to support the Freedom Foundation with Medicines, Nutritional supplements, Food and Education Needs- Fees, Uniforms, books, Stationary for the HIV affected children

5 OUR AUDIENCE Donor passes will be distributed to the Rotary Members, their families and friends. Therefore, our audience will comprise of Bangalore's most diverse, respected,elite and Corporate crowd. This is a great opportunity to make your presence felt to the cream of society and yet be a part of this special evening for the HIV+ children.

6 Freedom Foundation is an NGO Headed by the Executive Trustee & CEO, Dr Ashok Rau. It Pioneers in the field of Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS Interventions in India. At a time when HIV meant shame & silence, Freedom Foundation that began work in the area of de- addiction, opened doors to people infected with HIV. Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in the HIV/AIDS context is one of the many facets of interventions that falls within the perview of the Foundation s mandate since 1996. Reaching out to nearly 200 children every year, the Foundation has about 700 children registered till date. The Foundation also has specialized facilities at Bangalore that care for HIV positive abandoned orphans.

7 VISION of Freedom Foundation : To pioneer affordable treatment and rehabilitation that make a difference in the lives of those affected by alcohol/drug addictions and those living with HIV/AIDS and also reduce stigma associated with these conditions.

8 CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT: 26-APRIL-2013 Rotary Bangalore Diamond District in association with Bangalore Golf Club (BGC) will be organizing one day Charity Golf Tournament. Ace Golf Players will be invited to be part of the tournament. The winners of the Tournament to be facilitate at the Fashion Show. The Title-Sponsor will not only be the lead sponsor for the Fashion Show but also for the Golf Tournament. The funds raised from the tournament will go for HIV/AIDS cause.

9 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Become our partner in Service Title Partner: Rs. 8 Lakh The Fashion Show will be named after the Title-Partner. Opportunity to be the lead sponsor for the Charity Golf Tournament All event marketing will be co branded with Title-Partner. Title-Partners name will be prominently displayed at the main backdrop. A premium space will be allotted to the Title-Partner at the entrance to showcase their products. 5-min Advertisement-AV slot will be allotted for Title-Partner during the show. 8 premium passes for the show. Rotary Bangalore Diamond District will present a plaque of honour to the Title-Partner in recognition of the support.

10 Become our partner in Service Diamond-Partner: Rs. 5 Lakh All event marketing will be co branded with Diamond-Partner. Diamond-Partners name will be prominently displayed at the backdrop. A premium space will be allotted to Diamond-Partner at the entrance to showcase their products. 3-min Advertisement-AV slot will be allotted for Diamond-Partner during the show. 5 premium passes for the show. Rotary Bangalore Diamond District will present a plaque of honour to Diamond-Partner in recognition of the support. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

11 Become our partner in Service Platinum-Partner: Rs. 3 Lakh All event marketing will be co branded with the Platinum-Partner. Platinum-Partners name will be prominently displayed at backdrop. A premium space will be allotted to the Platinum-Partner at the entrance to showcase their products. 2-min Advertisement-AV slot will be allotted for Platinum-Partner during the show. 3 premium passes for the show. Rotary Bangalore Diamond District will present a plaque of honour to Platinum-Partner in recognition of the support. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

12 Become our partner in Service Gold-Partner: Rs. 2.5 Lakh All event marketing will be co branded with Gold-Partner. Gold-Partners name will be prominently displayed at the backdrop. A premium space will be allotted to Gold-Partner at the entrance to showcase their products. 2premium passes for the show. Rotary Bangalore Diamond District will present a plaque of honour to Gold- Partner in recognition of the support. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

13 Become our partner in Service Silver Partner: Rs. 2 Lakh All event marketing will be co branded with Silver-Partner. Silver-Partners name will be prominently displayed at the backdrop. 1 premium pass for the show. Rotary Bangalore Diamond District will present a plaque of honour to Silver- Partner in recognition of the support. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

14 Become our partner in Service Jewellery Partner: Rs. 3 Lakh Walk the ramp for 2 sequence. 2 Donor passes. Media coverage in all leading news paper and Magazine. Rotary Bangalore Diamond District will present a plaque of honour to Jewellery-Partner in recognition of the support. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

15 Become our partner in Service Fashion Partners: Finale Sequence: Rs. 2 Lakh Each Sequence: Rs. 1 Lakh Walk the ramp for 1 sequence. 2 premium passes for the show. Media coverage in all leading news paper and Magazine. Rotary Bangalore Diamond District will present a plaque of honour to Fasion- Partners in recognition of the support. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

16 CONTACT DETAILS R OTARY B ANGALORE D IAMOND D ISTRICT Rtn.Veena Hegde President +919448574414 Rtn.Mehnaaz Nadiadwala President (Elect) +919880787860 Rtn.Sunil Gupta Treasurer +919886366123 FREEDOM FOUNDATION Dr. Ashok K. Rau Executive Trustee & CEO /

17 Thank you! Lets Join Hands And Help Keep A Child Alive!

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