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Spreading Diseases Vocabulary

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1 Spreading Diseases Vocabulary
8th Grade Science

2 Setting Up Your Paper Fold a blank piece of paper in half hamburger style Fold the paper in half again, hamburger style You should now have a thin paper column Fold the paper in half two more times, hamburger style, and then open the entire page back up If you folded correctly, you should have 16 boxes on your paper

3 Cut along the HORITONTAL lines until you reach the fold
Setting Up Your Paper, Orient the paper so the binder hole punches are at the top Fold the left and right sides of the paper in to meet the middle Your paper should look like this: Cut along the HORITONTAL lines until you reach the fold

4 Labeling the Boxes Label the boxes on your paper as follows: WHO & CDC You will be responsible for writing the definition inside the tab for each word. This will serve as flashcards to help you when you are studying. Pathogen Carrier Vector Antimicrobial Vaccine Epidemic Pandemic

5 WHO & CDC WHO = World Health Organization CDC = Center for Disease Control Organizations responsible for monitoring diseases, coming up with Vaccines, and controlling the spread of disease

6 Pathogen Disease-causing organism

7 Vector Organisms (excluding humans) that spread diseases without showing symptoms

8 Carrier A person or an animal that shows no symptoms of a disease but is capable of transmitting (passing it on) it to others

9 Antimicrobial A substance that kills microbes in an effort to prevent the spread of a disease

10 Vaccine A substance that improves immunity to a particular disease. They contain either parts of microbes or whole microbes that have been killed or weakened so that they don’t cause disease.

11 Epidemic Occurs when the incidence rate of a disease is higher than expected in a certain area

12 Pandemic An epidemic that spreads across a large area, like a continent

13 What happened in “World of Warcraft” in 2005?
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper: What happened in “World of Warcraft” in 2005? How did players react to the “2005 Plague”? What is an epidemiologist? Why were epidemiologists interested in this online game? What are some advantages to using an online game to study how people react? What are some disadvantages to using an online game to study how people react? Create a Venn Diagram comparing and Contrasting computer viruses and real viruses.

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