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Worn out; fatigued from overwork

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Presentation on theme: "Worn out; fatigued from overwork"— Presentation transcript:

1 Worn out; fatigued from overwork
Jaded (adj) Worn out; fatigued from overwork

2 Lurid (adj) Causing shock, horror, disgust

3 Worthy; deserving recognition and praise
Meritorious (adj) Worthy; deserving recognition and praise

4 Petulant (adj) Grumpy; easily irritated and upset

5 Prerogative (n) A special right or privilege

6 Provincial (adj) Pertaining to an outlying area; local; narrow in mind or outlook; a person with a narrow point of view

7 Simulate (v) To make a pretense of, imitate; to show the outer signs of; pretend

8 Transcend (v) To rise above or beyond; exceed

9 Umbrage (n) Shade cast by trees; foliage giving shade; an overshadowing influence or power; offense, resentment

10 Unctuous (adj) Excessively smooth or smug; trying too hard to give an impression of earnestness, sincerity, or piety; greasy, fatty, or oily in taste

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