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Review Art.17/12 Outcomes of the ad hoc group 1:

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1 Review Art.17/12 Outcomes of the ad hoc group 1:
Structures and Functions, Future prospects and Trends

2 Outcomes of the 1st meeting of the ad hoc group
The first meeting of the ad hoc group (only dealing with Structures and functions and Future prospects) took place on 24th February 2015 in Brussels. The meeting documents :

3 Future prospects – suggestions for review of guidelines
‘Future Prospects’ should reflect the likely Conservation Status in the foreseeable future (in 12 years) In practical terms the assessment should be based upon the expected future trends and future status of parameters The link between the ‘Future prospects’ and reported Main threats should be strengthened. Difficult to make a link with reported measures. The ‘Future prospects Qualifier’ should be able to capture the expected progress in 12 years = expected future Trend in the CS during the next 12 years

4 Future prospects – suggestions for review of guidelines
in general the method should be simplified more conceptual guidance on the ‘Future prospects’ parameter explaining better what this parameter could/should tell us and its role in assessing the Overall CS in relationship to the other parameters can be useful add more structured methods and examples

5 Structures and functions – suggestions for review of guidelines
The rationale for the assessment of the ‘Structures and functions’ is poorly documented in the reporting format. The group should work on identifying relevant information to be reported. proposal to add to the reporting format a new field(s) related to the 25% threshold in the evaluation matrix: area in favourable conditions km2 area in inadequate conditions area in bad conditions

6 Structures and functions – suggestions for review of guidelines
Several aspects of assessments of Structures and function needs better guidance: What is meant by Favourable/Unfavourable status of ‘Structures and functions’ (Red List of Habitats, reporting under the MSFD and WFD) How to assess the status of typical species How to assess the ‘Structures and functions Qualifier’. Possibly also how to identify and asses specific structures and functions and how to select typical species (Appendix 5 of the Guidelines)

7 Discussion Discussion points
Ad hoc group made several suggestions for review of guidance for Future prospects and Structure and functions. Will they help us to assess the status of these parameters and to harmonise the assessments between the Member States? Other suggestions to review the guidance for Future prospects and Structures and Functions?

8 Next steps Regarding new field for habitat area in favourable/bad conditions the ETC/BD should draft a first proposal. The feasibility of this addition should be discussed in the 2nd meeting Based on the outcomes the ETC/BD (in collaboration with volunteer group members) will draft a proposal to review the guidelines; for discussion in the 2nd meeting. if relevant, the group should come with additional proposals for review of the guidance (for ‘Structures and functions’) which should be discussed in the 2nd meeting.

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