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2 Definition: genre of fiction in which advances in science, or contact with more scientifically advanced civilizations, create situations different from those of both the present day and the known past belongs to a larger category of fiction called speculative fiction (includes science fiction, fantasy, alternate histories, and the utopian or dystopian story) written primarily to entertain, many authors use the genre to provide insight into science, society, or the human condition

3 the science fiction genre is concerned with the effects of science or technology on society or individuals--these effects may be epic in scope or personal science-fictional elements may be imagined or rooted in reality

4 Purpose of science fiction:
concerned with the great hopes people place in science also concerned with fears concerning the negative side of technological development a popular notion is that science fiction attempts to predict the future-- Ray Bradbury said, "People ask me to predict the future, when all I want to do is prevent it."

5 Common themes/concepts:
Space travel (Star Trek, Interstellar) Technology not yet invented (20,000 Leagues Under The Sea) Mental changes in humans (Childhood’s End) Terraforming (Total Recall/We Can Remember It For Your Wholesale) Biological changes in humans or animals (The Island of Dr. Moreau/Oryx and Crake) Time travel (The Time Machine, A Sound of Thunder, Back to the Future, Primer) Humans with extraordinary powers (The Invisible Man, Spiderman)

6 Contact with aliens from other worlds (The War of the Worlds, E. T
Contact with aliens from other worlds (The War of the Worlds, E.T., Cloverfield) The dystopian future (Minority Report, Children of Men, Hunger Games) The evolution of the human race (X-Men) Atomic Warfare (On the Beach) Alternate Dimension/Alternate Reality (Matrix) Technology/A. I. (I Always Do What Teddy Says, Blade Runner, A.I., The Black Mirror) World’s End (By the Waters of Babylon, There Will Come Soft Rains)

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