Please take a moment and write a message to your child. 

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Presentation on theme: "Please take a moment and write a message to your child. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take a moment and write a message to your child. 
4th Grade Open House Welcome, Parents! Please take a moment and write a message to your child. 

2 Classroom Procedures Communication: Email, Daily Folder, Blog…
My is we have a black homework folder that should be coming home each night with your student. Also, you can find my blog at Behavior sheet – Each week, your child will have a behavior sheet in the back of his/her weekly folder. Please be sure to check it and sign it each week. If there were no concerns, there won’t be any checks. Transportation changes – these must be in writing – they can be notes your child brings in, or they can be written in their agenda. Absence notes – We need notes for when your child is absent. These too, need to be hand written or from the doctor’s office. Graded papers and notes – these will come home weekly in a “Friday Folder. Please take the papers out and return the folders on Monday. Supplies – thank you for sending in the supplies. Allergies – due to a number of students with allergies, we ask that you don’t send in special treats for the students without prior consent – no cupcakes for birthdays, especially.

3 Behavior Pyramid

4 Homework This reinforces the skills taught daily Expectations
Reading for 30 minutes daily Monthly Project instead of nightly math homework Spelling Agendas – Please initial daily, when your child has completed his/her homework. Parent/Student Responsibilities – Please check to make sure that they are completing their homework daily. Spelling homework will go for two weeks and it won’t be due until the week following when it’s given out, but needs to be done nightly, so that they begin to study the words and learn to spell them.


6 How to Help at Home Provide a quiet place to work.
Arrange a place for your child’s work materials. Review your child’s school work. Establish a daily routine. Notice your child’s progress. Talk to your child about school. Spend time working with your child. Confer with the teacher as needed. Allow your child to make choices. Notify the school if you need assistance. Have a positive attitude about your child’s school. Expect your child to work but avoid unnecessary pressure. Look at all experiences as learning opportunities. Praise your child’s effort.

7 Grades 90%-100% = A 80%-89% = B 74%-79% = C 70%-73% = D
69% & Below = F ParentVue- Synergy

8 Testing Schedule Georgia Milestones Assessment (EOG)
There will be a writing component added to this test. Dates = April 11th – 20th A detailed schedule will be provided closer to the testing dates.

9 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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