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Syara Hamdani Sandi Reza Fitroh

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1 Syara Hamdani Sandi Reza Fitroh
TCP RST Syara Hamdani Sandi Reza Fitroh


3 TCP RST A RST can be used that way as well, but can also be used to abort a connection that is only partially formed or is being rejected.  Now consider the case when you wish to establish a connection with a remote host on port no. x (e.g., 12345). If the server is not listening on that port, it will send RST packet back to the client and drop the connection without even establishing one. RST packet can also be used for dropping the connection immediately without letting the other side agreeing to close the connection. A RST packet is sent either in the middle of the 3-way handshake when the server rejects the connection or is unavailable OR in the middle of data transfer when either the server or client becomes unavailble or rejects further communication without the formal 4-way TCP connection termination process. Or in other words, for example FIN and RST: FIN says, "I finished talking to you, but I'll still listen to everything you have to say until you're done" (Wait for an ACK) RST says, "There is no conversation. I am resetting the connection!"

4 disadvantage RST completely out of window, do nothing
RST close connection RST ,send an ACK (if the RST was genuine, the other endpoint will send a new one but this time with the correct sequence number)

5 What Was The MAC Address Of The Apple System He Found

6 What was the IP address of the windows system he found ?

7 What TCP ports were open on the windows system ? 135 , 139

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