The participation of the citizens from border regions

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1 The participation of the citizens from border regions
in the Operational Programmes – The case of the EGTC 18 November Brussels The implementation of the new Cohesion Policy - What is new for EGTCs? Dirk Peters European Commission Directorate General Regional and Urban Policy Team Leader/Senior Legal Officer

2 European grouping of territorial cooperation (EGTC)
Who can set up/join? Public authorities, public similar bodies Public undertakings, SGEI new From Member States and From third countries and OCTs new How is it approved? Procedure (tacit approval) new Simplified procedure for adhesion of new members new Rules on activities and [staff] Joint declaration

3 European grouping of territorial cooperation (EGTC)
To do what? Article 7(2) and (3) EGTC Articles 21/22 ETC EGTC manages a programme or only a PART thereof; carries out First Level Control if Managing authority new Article 8 ETC EGTC = beneficiary of a Joint Action Plan new Article 10 ETC As legal body EGTC manages an Integrated Terr Investmt new Article 87(3)(d) CPR (IGJ goal) "the arrangements for interregional [and transnational] cooperation, within the operational programmes, with beneficiaries located in at least one other Member State"

4 EGTC as beneficiary Article 11(3) ETC
EGTC = single beneficiary for ETC projects, where they fulfil the cooperation criteria Article 8 ETC  Joint Action Plan( Art. 93 CPR) EGTC = as beneficiary of a JAP EGTC may draw from different funds and programmes (e.g. to implement a cross-border employment basin, combing ETC and regional ESF programmes) Article 10 ETC  ITI ( Art. 99 CPR) “Intermediate body” to carry out management and implementation  legal body or an EGTC (2 countries)

5 Preparation European Territorial Cooperation Goal programmes
10 minutes to noon! Code of Conduct: MSt "may" involve EGTCs for CBC and transnational programmes Investment for growth and Jobs Goal programmes 5 minutes to noon! Code of Conduct: "competent regional, local, urban and other public authorities" equivalent bodies [...] and authorities representing the areas where ITI are carried out. Partnership Agreements In most cases too late!

6 Involvement of EGTCs in implementation of
Summary Involvement of EGTCs in implementation of new Cohesion Policy? NOW!!

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