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Church in the Middle ages

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1 Church in the Middle ages

2 Objectives Describe how the Church and its monks and nuns shaped Medieval life. Summarize how the power of the church grew.

3 Key Terms Sacrament Tithe Canon law

4 Explain life in the Middle Ages
Blend of Germanic, Christian ,and Roman tradition are blended. Christianity becomes a guiding force for people Germanic people converted and missionaries spread Christianity

5 The Church was centered in Rome .
It gave form and unity to Europe’s civilization. People believed that following the church’s teaching was the only the achieve salvation.***

6 Canon Law Church law Applies to religious teachings, behavior of the clergy , marriages and morals

7 Excommunication Kicked out of the church for not following the church laws

8 So what? Can’t receive the sacraments . What is a sacrament?
Sacred rite like baptism. Can’t be buried on sacred ground

9 No Sacraments…SO guess where you are going after you die?

10 Interdict If a lord/noble was excommunicated, his entire village or kingdom is excommunicated.

11 Church and Daily Life ****Most people only had contact with their local priest.*****

12 Church was a central part of their lives
Priest baptized children Married them Place for social events and gossip Later, schools

13 Tithe Church tax usually 10% of your income

14 Women in the Church Men and women were equal before God.
On earth ,women were inferior.

15 2 ways the church viewed women
1. “daughters of Eve”---weak and easily led into sin, need guidance of men 2. Modest and pure in spirit like “Mary”

16 How did the church protect women?
Minimum age for marriage Fined men who seriously hurt their wives.

17 Objectives Describe how the Church and its monks and nuns shaped Medieval life. Devoted their lives to the poor. Summarize how the power of the church grew. Only way to achieve salvation.

18 Key Terms Sacrament Sacred rite of the church, like baptism Tithe
Church tax, usually 10% of your income Canon law Church law

19 Church in the Middle ages

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