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Academic english iii Class 3 Sept. 15, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic english iii Class 3 Sept. 15, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic english iii Class 3 Sept. 15, 2014

2 Today Brief paragraph structure review The writing process

3 Paragraph Structure Review
Elements of a paragraph: Topic sentence Explanation Evidence Explanation of evidence Concluding statement

4 Paragraph Structure Review
Writing an essay is a complicated process. A writer cannot simply start typing on a keyboard and expect an excellent product as a result. In fact, writing a high-quality essay requires a time investment and several steps. For example, before writing an essay about a chosen topic, the writer must research the topic and make a formal outline of the essay. These initial steps of the writing process can take hours or days, and the writer may not even have started a first draft, yet. Indeed, writing can be a difficult, time-consuming activity.

5 Paragraph Structure Review
Writing an essay is a complicated process. A writer cannot simply start typing on a keyboard and expect an excellent product as a result. In fact, writing a high-quality essay requires a time investment and several steps. For example, before writing an essay about a chosen topic, the writer must research the topic and make a formal outline of the essay. These initial steps of the writing process can take hours or days, and the writer may not even have started a first draft, yet. Indeed, writing can be a difficult, time-consuming activity.

6 Paragraph Structure Review
Writing an essay is a complicated process. A writer cannot simply start typing on a keyboard and expect an excellent product as a result. In fact, writing a high-quality essay requires a time investment and several steps. For example, before writing an essay about a chosen topic, the writer must research the topic and make a formal outline of the essay. These initial steps of the writing process can take hours or days, and the writer may not even have started a first draft, yet. Indeed, writing can be a difficult, time-consuming activity.

7 Paragraph Structure Review
Writing an essay is a complicated process. A writer cannot simply start typing on a keyboard and expect an excellent product as a result. In fact, writing a high-quality essay requires a time investment and several steps. For example, before writing an essay about a chosen topic, the writer must research the topic and make a formal outline of the essay. These initial steps of the writing process can take hours or days, and the writer may not even have started a first draft, yet. Indeed, writing can be a difficult, time-consuming activity.

8 Paragraph Structure Review
Writing an essay is a complicated process. A writer cannot simply start typing on a keyboard and expect an excellent product as a result. In fact, writing a high-quality essay requires a time investment and several steps. For example, before writing an essay about a chosen topic, the writer must research the topic and make a formal outline of the essay. These initial steps of the writing process can take hours or days, and the writer may not even have started a first draft, yet. Indeed, writing can be a difficult, time-consuming activity.

9 Paragraph Structure Review
Writing an essay is a complicated process. A writer cannot simply start typing on a keyboard and expect an excellent product as a result. In fact, writing a high-quality essay requires a time investment and several steps. For example, before writing an essay about a chosen topic, the writer must research the topic and make a formal outline of the essay. These initial steps of the writing process can take hours or days, and the writer may not even have started a first draft, yet. Indeed, writing can be a difficult, time-consuming activity.

10 The Writing Process Obviously, you should not simply start writing a paper as soon as you have a topic. “Good” writing is not accomplished in one step, either. Writing is a continuous process. Source:

11 The Writing Process The first thing to consider for any piece of writing (academic, business-related, creative…) is, the audience. Audience Analysis: - Who is going to read this? How much do they know about the topic? What do they need to know through this writing? What is the reader’s purpose for reading this?

12 Audience Analysis Hey man, I want to get the answers to last week’s exam. Give me a call at 010-****-**** Thanks.

13 The Writing Process Four Steps: 1. Pre-writing a. Choosing & narrowing a topic b. Generating ideas 2. Planning (outlining) a. Organize your ideas b. Create a topic sentence (or thesis statement) c. Make an outline 3. Writing 4. Polishing a. Revising b. Editing

14 1. Pre-Writing a. Narrowing a topic - Can be tricky.
Need to avoid broad topics that will overwhelm you. i.e., The Environment


16 University Life

17 1. Pre-Writing b. Generating ideas There are several ways to do this:
i.e.,) - Journal writing - Listing - Free writing - Clustering - Discussion The important thing is to GENERATE IDEAS In other words: “Brainstorming”

18 Listing

19 Clustering

20 1. Pre-Writing b. Generating ideas
No method is better than the others. It’s a matter of personal taste (and time).

21 2. Planning a. Organize your ideas.
- Take your pre-writing notes and organize them into categories

22 Listing


24 2. Planning b. Topic Sentence.
- Using your organized ideas, make a topic sentence (or thesis statement).

25 2. Planning c. Make an outline.

26 2. Planning c. Make an outline. T.S. Supporting point
Supporting details Supporting point Concl.

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