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Budget Services and Financial Planning Division March 2018

2 Topics Purpose Budget Planning, Development, and Maintenance
Budget Calendar, Budget Development Timelines Allocation of School Resources Program 13027 LCAP and Targeted Student Population (TSP) Important Reminders Norm Day Settle-Up Per Pupil Schools Helpful documents for budget planning Additional information and resources

3 Purpose To help school administrators develop budgets for school year

4 Planning, developing, and maintaining budgets
Budget planning and development School leaders and stakeholders: What’s best for students’ success? What resources are needed to execute plans? Involve school community in developing budget Budget monitoring – happens all year round School staff and fiscal staff: Budget line items should not be overdrawn Purchased positions should be budgeted at the incumbents’ actual salary level, if possible “Goods Receipt” should be done online as soon as goods/services are received STRESS THE GOODS RECEIPT to avoid open POs at the end of the school year that needs to be cleared.

5 Budget Calendar BUDGET CALENDAR Budget Maintenance June July May Aug
Norm Day Carryover funds posted July Aug May Sept Oct Nov Jan Dec Feb Apr Mar June Budget Development Schools Front End (SFE) opens for Budget Development Allocation Letters E-CAST enrollment Carryover Memo Estimated Rate Sheets Unduplicated/TSP Count NOV.-JAN. - Norm Day Settle-up of school resources Per Pupil Schools - Norm Day Settle-up Governor’s Proposed State Budget May Revision of Governor’s State Budget Purchase deadlines for P-card, Shopping Carts and T-card, Imprest Fund Claims Purchase deadlines for warehouse items Instructional Year Ends Board adopts Final Budget & LCAP SFE closes for Budget Development P-2 ADA captured Budget Planning Budget Maintenance Instructional Year Begins LAUSD submits Final Budget & LCAP to LACOE SFE opens for Budget Maintenance BUDGET CALENDAR

6 Budget Timelines For Schools
APRIL BD appointments continue BD ends and SFE closes for budget planning FEBRUARY E-CAST enrollment Carryover memo Estimated Rate Sheets Meet with stakeholders Budget Development (BD) resources at MARCH BD appointments Allocation letters Budgets implemented in Schools Front End (SFE) NOV. – JAN. Norm Day Settle-up Adjustment of selected school resources (+ or -) Budget to actuals MAY - JUNE Deadline to purchase items for 17-18 Process “GRs” SEPTEMBER Actual carryover funds posted NORM DAY – 09/14/18 Norm Enrollment and Staffing Dashboards

7 Allocation of School Resources – in March
Unrestricted Funds General Fund School Program - Program Code 13027 Targeted Student Population Programs: Program Code 10183 Program Code – for select schools only Program Code – for Per Pupil Schools only Program Code – resources are flexible only after the first year of allocation Program Code – Parent Involvement Program Code – Counselors for Title I schools with grades 9-12; Nurses Program Code – Dual Language Programs only; funds are not flexible Program Code Accelerated Academic Literacy (AAL) Restricted Funds Title I: Program Code 7S046 Program Code 7E046 Program Code 7T124 (middle schools) Title III: Program Code 7T197 Discuss briefly what each program code is about – allocations.

8 Program Code 13027 If flexibility to close a position is implemented, the same positions/titles cannot be re-purchased with TSP or categorical funds. Any flexibility over positions will be implemented for one school year only. Schools will bear any additional costs related to positions purchased. Example: register-carrying teachers – 10 days of sub. time, differentials, and salary pay scale increases Purchased positions that are vacant must be budgeted at the Districtwide average cost. Budget items with flexibility: Give examples on flexibility. Building and Grounds Worker School Facilities Attendant Office Technicians above the legal requirement (MCD) Temporary Personnel Funds Registration Adviser Time Instructional Materials Teacher Activity Differential General Supplies Classified Substitute Time

9 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
LCAP - required by the state, LCFF Shows LAUSD’s plan for 3 school years Shows how LAUSD plans to spend the LCFF funds Shows how LAUSD supports the Targeted Student Population (TSP) Shows the progress of achieving the 5 state goals In exchange of having the LCFF to be UNRESTRICTED and for having the local decision on how funds will be spent, the State requires us to have a LCAP. (Define UNRESTRICTED and compare to funding before when we had many categorical funds.) LAUSD’s LCAP Goals: 100% Attendance 100% Graduation Parent, Community, and Student Engagement Proficiency For All School Safety is the first of the 3-year LCAP that is currently being developed.

10 Targeted Student Population Budget Guidelines
Targeted Student Population - Program Codes and 10400 Additional school resources may be purchased with TSP funds. Budgeted items must support the needs of students identified as: English learner Eligible for free and reduced-price meals (low income) TSP Foster youth, homeless Positions should be budgeted at the incumbents’ actual salary level, degree differentials, etc. For register-carrying teachers, 4 days of substitute time must be budgeted in Program 10183 TSP funds are meant to be spent for the Targeted Student Population/high-need students ONLY. TSP funds are auditable. Therefore, schools must be able to justify expenditures or be able to tie expenditures to the TSP students when audited.

11 School principals should engage their school community in developing their budget.
Core services and districtwide targeted school resources must always be budgeted before purchasing additional resources with other funding sources. During budget development, schools should not modify a position’s salary level for the purpose of capturing salary savings or to swap employees assigned. School principals have the authority to make final budget decisions for Program Code 13027, subject to the Local School Leadership Council and LD Superintendent’s or designee’s approval. Special Education-funded Teachers - Should not teach “general education” students nor perform non-teaching or unapproved duties during the school day. will be charged if teacher performs “general education” duties Important Reminders

12 Carryover status of programs depends on the District’s financial condition; refer to carryover bulletin released on February 28, 2018. Program Codes 13027, 10359, 10397, 10400, and – will carryover to Program Code does not carryover For purchased positions, all differentials must be budgeted per bargaining unit agreements. B&G Workers and School Facilities Attendants: -Any changes to the B&GW and SFA must be pre-approved by Facilities Fiscal Support -SFA must be budgeted at 8-hours, C-basis Important Reminders

13 Norm Day Settle-Up (all schools)
Norm Day enrollment count is used as the basis of allocating school resources Norm Day enrollment is reviewed by Budget Services to resolve any errors in data reporting Impact to schools’ number of staff and other resources: no change, increase, or decrease Nurses, psychologists, and library media teachers are not adjusted Changes in the number of certificated staff and assignments is coordinated with HR Division Norm Day enrollment review entails – exclusion of students with 13 days or more absences, SDP students being classified as Gen. Ed., age-ineligible students (TK), etc. Mention the DASHBOARD. Norm Day Enrollment is the ultimate basis of school resources as opposed to the resources received during BD which were based on E-Cast enrollment projection.

14 Per Pupil Schools At budget development, estimated revenues and budgeted expenditures are calculated based on current information Factors that impact estimated revenue and budgeted expenditures: LCFF rates per ADA per grade span Total districtwide ADA and each individual school’s ADA Unduplicated student count E-CAST/Norm Day enrollment count Non-school site costs Number of schools participating DEFINE LCFF. Revenues are calculated using Per Pupil rates based on state LCFF rates. Budgeted expenditures are composed of schools’ allocated resources, share of centrally-administered programs, and Central Office expenditures. ACS calculation uses its own Per Pupil rates based on the LCFF revenue for each individual school. If revenues exceed budgeted expenditures (underfunded), the school will receive an allocation in Program 10397

15 PER PUPIL SCHOOLS (Pilot Schools and Network Partner Schools)
Revenues for Affiliated Charter Schools are calculated separately from the non-charter schools – LCFF is calculated separately Details of the calculations are sent to school principals Revenues and expenditures are recalculated at norm day (Norm Day Settle-up) Participating schools with calculated revenue exceeding budgeted expenditures (underfunded schools) receive an additional allocation in Program 10397 PER PUPIL SCHOOLS (Pilot Schools and Network Partner Schools) Revenues are calculated using Per Pupil rates based on state LCFF rates. Affiliated Charter School calculation uses its own Per Pupil rates based on each school’s LCFF calculation. Budgeted expenditures refer to school allocated resources plus their share of costs of administered programs and Central Office. If revenues exceed budgeted expenditures (underfunded), the school will receive an allocation in Program 10397

16 Per Pupil Schools At Budget Development P-2 ADA ÷ Norm Day Enrollment = Ratio of P-2 ADA to Norm Day Enrollment (%) × E-CAST Enrollment = Estimated P-2 ADA × LCFF Rates Per ADA Per Grade Span = PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED REVENUE At Norm Day Settle-Up P-2 ADA ÷ Norm Day Enrollment = Ratio of P-2 ADA to Norm Day Enrollment (%) × Norm Day Enrollment = Revised Estimated P-2 ADA × LCFF Rates Per ADA Per Grade Span = FINAL REVENUE This shows how revenue for Pilot Schools and Network Partner Schools are calculated which are then compared to resources (expenditure) to determine whether revenue exceeds budgeted expenditures or if budgeted expenditures exceed revenue.

17 Per Pupil Schools – CHANGES
A school’s revenue is based on LCFF target rates. Any remaining LCFF revenue will be distributed by projected ADA. SDC is included in Base Revenue calculation. All Supplemental and Concentration revenue will be distributed by unduplicated count. Underfunded amount will be multiplied by unduplicated % to determine Program allocation. Centralized expenditures will be distributed by enrollment, instead of ADA. DEFINE LCFF. Revenues are calculated using Per Pupil rates based on state LCFF rates. Budgeted expenditures are composed of schools’ allocated resources, share of centrally-administered programs, and Central Office expenditures. ACS calculation uses its own Per Pupil rates based on the LCFF revenue for each individual school. If revenues exceed budgeted expenditures (underfunded), the school will receive an allocation in Program 10397

18 Per Pupil Schools – CHANGES
A school’s revenue is based on LCFF target rates. Any remaining LCFF revenue will be distributed by projected ADA. The District is funded based on prior year’s P2 ADA. Due to declining enrollment, ADA will decrease year to year. DEFINE LCFF. Revenues are calculated using Per Pupil rates based on state LCFF rates. Budgeted expenditures are composed of schools’ allocated resources, share of centrally-administered programs, and Central Office expenditures. ACS calculation uses its own Per Pupil rates based on the LCFF revenue for each individual school. If revenues exceed budgeted expenditures (underfunded), the school will receive an allocation in Program 10397 Difference will be distributed by ADA. Schools would see an additional $203 per ADA in the revenue calculation. * Scenario above is based on the assumption of full LCFF funding in Rates and ADA will change for

19 Per Pupil Schools – CHANGES
Underfunded amount will be multiplied by unduplicated % to determine Program allocation. SCHOOL A SCHOOL B Underfunded Amount $1,400,000 $1,200,000 x Unduplicated Percentage 75% 90% $1,050,000 $1,080,000 x Funded Percentage 65% Program Allocation $682,500 $702,000 Funded Percentage is the amount available for the program ($47M) divided by the total underfunded amount of all Per Pupil schools. This changes with every calculation. DEFINE LCFF. Revenues are calculated using Per Pupil rates based on state LCFF rates. Budgeted expenditures are composed of schools’ allocated resources, share of centrally-administered programs, and Central Office expenditures. ACS calculation uses its own Per Pupil rates based on the LCFF revenue for each individual school. If revenues exceed budgeted expenditures (underfunded), the school will receive an allocation in Program 10397

20 Helpful documents for planning school budgets
School Employee Roster Report Staffing and Resources Report Estimated Rate Sheets (Costs) Itinerant Letters Budget-At-A-Glance Single Plan For Student Achievement Helpful documents for planning school budgets Describe what’s in each document. What information will they see from each document? HOW WILL EACH DOCUMENT HELP IN DEVELOPING SCHOOL BUDGETS?

21 Additional Information and Resources
E-CAST Enrollment information (for Budget Development) School Fiscal Services Branch website - Norm Enrollment and Staffing Dashboards (for Norm Day Settle-up) Staffing/Position Simulator Board-approved Staffing Bulletins General Fund School Programs Manual Program and Budget Handbook Fiscal Specialists Explain what’s in each of the above.


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