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Presented by HealthLinks

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1 Presented by HealthLinks
Time Management Presented by HealthLinks The American Cancer Society HealthLinks program is provided by Washington State Department of Health Decades ago, experts predicted technology would increase work productivity and make our work day 4 hours. Experts even went as far as preparing the nation to cope with a large amount of leisure time! What happened to that theory?!! Now we are expected to do more in less time. Since, technology always us to work so much faster we have more time to finish up tasks.

2 Symptoms of Stress and Poor Time Management
Irritability Fatigue Difficulty concentrating Forgetfulness Loss of sleep Physical disorders Withdrawal or depression Irritability- usually noticed by family, friends, and co-workers---when your at the end of your rope Physical Disorders- headaches, rashes, cramps, and tics

3 Why is time management so hard?
Nobody tells us how Too many choices We do things out of habit Expectations from others There isn’t one way to manage your time—you need to find what works best for you Look at all the options we have to fill our time: Facebook, TV, Craigslist, reading We cater to other peoples needs and not our own

4 What matters most to you?
Family Watching Deadliest Catch Getting in shape Luxury cars Job and Promotion Having free time Make a list of what’s most important to you. This will help decide how you divide your time and effort

5 Time Management Tips for Work
Plan each day Prioritize your tasks Say no to nonessential tasks Delegate Take the time you need to do a quality job Overcome perfectionism Break large tasks into smaller tasks Practice the 10 minute rule Delegating—There is a right way and a wrong way to delegate tasks. You want to delegate but focus on: Results instead of methods Allow for a choice of methods Make them accountable for results 10 minute rule—work on a dreaded task for 10 minutes each day until its completed Perfectionism Common causes include: Fear of failure, Fear of making a mistake, fear of disappointing yourself or others

6 Time Management Tips Evaluate how you spend your time
Limit distractions Get plenty of sleep Eat a healthy diet Exercise Take a time management course Take a break Distraction—Write down what distracts you, block out time in your schedule for larger tasks, silence cell phone

7 Time Management Tips for Home
Sunday night planning session Get up before the household List daily goals Block out time Use a timer to complete activities Outsource when possible Group errands for efficiency Sunday night planning– take 30 minutes to put weeks activities/appointment and dinners on the calendar Waking up even 30 minutes before the household can give you time to relax with the cup of coffee and come to terms with the new day Use a timer to help keep kids on task ie: clean room for 5 minutes etc. Outsource– what are your biggest time wasters at home ie. Mowing the lawn, grocery shopping see about hiring someone or ordering food online

8 Microsoft clip art online >Templates> Planners or schedules

9 Talk about family helping out with daily cleaning

10 Thank You

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