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Scientific Revolution

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1 Scientific Revolution
Warm Up: Work on HW Sheet using either notes, your textbook, or a reading guide.

2 How do we know what is true or false?
Before 1500 scholars mostly referred to either ancient Greek or Roman texts or the Bible Scientific Revolution New way of thinking about the world Based on observations and question accepted beliefs

3 Medieval Views earth center of universe, called geocentric idea
Idea came from Aristotle Ptolemy expanded view 2nd century Earth special place in center

4 What led to the Scientific Revolution?
During the renaissance European explorers traveled Asia, Africa, and the Americas New discoveries opened the possibility of new truths Printing press helped spread ideas New scientific research in math and astronomy

5 New Theories Heliocentric – Copernicus…planets revolve around sun
Church did not support idea 1601, Mathematician Johannes Kepler proved Copernicus ideas were true

6 New Theories Tycho Brahe
Carefully recorded the movement of the planets Had tons of data

7 New Theories Johannes Kepler Assistant of Brahe’s
Laws of planetary motion Elliptical orbits Proved that Copernicus’ theory was true

8 New Theories Galileo Galilei Built his own telescope
Published his book of observations, Starry Messenger Discoveries shattered previous thoughts Theories supported Copernicus

9 Galileo Church condemned him…contradicted their ideas
Stood trial in 1633 and had to state that the earth stood motionless Was placed under house arrest and died at home

10 Scientific Method Begins with a problem or question from observation
Next you form a hypothesis Now the hypothesis must be tested Finally the results are interpreted for form a new conclusion Conclusion either proves or disproves the hypothesis

11 Francis Bacon Encouraged observation and experimentation
Called this the empiricism or experimental method

12 Rene’ Descarte Emphasized reasoning relied math and logic
“I think therefore I am” Doubt everything until it proved by reason

13 Isaac Newton Helped bring previous lines of thought together into theory of motion Identified gravity Three laws All motion in nature can be measured and described mathematically Published The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

14 Microscope Zacharias Janssen Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Invented the Microscope (1590) Anton van Leeuwenhoek Used microscope to discover bacteria in tooth scrapping Examined red blood cells for the first time (1670s)

15 Evangelista Torricelli
One of Galileo’s students Invented the first mercury barometer (1643) Used to measure pressure in the atmosphere, predict weather

16 Temperature Gabriel Fahrenheit (1714)
First thermometer using mercury in glass showed water freezing at 32 degrees F Andres Celsius (1742) Alternative scale for thermometer with water freezing at 0 degrees C

17 Medicine and the Human Body
Ancient Greek physician Galen studied pigs and assumed the human body worked the same way Andres Vesalius proved Galen’s assumptions wrong Book (1543)– On the Structure of the Human Body

18 Medicine and the Human Body
Edward Jenner 1700s invented a vaccine that prevented smallpox Inoculation using cowpox

19 Chemistry Robert Boyle Use of scientific method in chemistry
Book- The Sceptical Chymist (1661) Greatest contribution challenged Aristotle that the world was made up of 4 elements Boyle states the world is made of particles joined together in different ways Explains how volume, temperature, and pressure of gas affect each other

20 Review What was the change in the ways people got their information/knowledge?

21 Review How do the geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe differ?

22 Review What are the main steps of the scientific method?

23 Match the person with their accomplishments
Robert Boyle Galileo Newton Jenner Copernicus Kepler Heliocentric model o the universe Gravity Founder of modern chemistry Laws of planetary orbits, elliptical Vaccine for smallpox Built his own telescope

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