Time schedule of the project 'Employment flash estimates'

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Presentation on theme: "Time schedule of the project 'Employment flash estimates'"— Presentation transcript:

1 Time schedule of the project 'Employment flash estimates'
TF Employment flash estimates Vienna, 5-6 October 2017 Item 9

2 Time schedule (1) Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule
Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule 1. First Task Force meeting 29 Mar-2017 2. Preparation national and EA/EU t+30 employment test estimates 2017Q1 3 May-2017 3. Preparation national and EA/EU t+45 employment test estimates 2017Q1 16 May-2017 4. Preparation national and EA/EU t+30 employment test estimates 2017Q2 1 Aug-2017 5. Preparation national and EA/EU t+45 employment test estimates 2017Q2 16 Aug-2017 6. Second Task Force meeting 5-6 Oct-2017 TF EMP-FL Item 9

3 Time schedule (2) Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule
Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule 7. Preparation national and EA/EU t+30 employment test estimates 2017Q3 31 Oct 2017 8. Progress report NAWG 6-7 Nov-2017 9. Preparation national and EA/EU t+45 employment test estimates 2017Q3 14 Nov-2017 10. Progress report DMES Dec-2017 11. Preparation of national and EA/EU test estimates for back quarters 2015Q1-2016Q4 TF EMP-FL Item 9

4 Time schedule (3) Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule
Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule 12. Preparation national and EA/EU t+30 employment test estimates 2017Q4 30 Jan-2018 13. Preparation national and EA/EU t+45 employment test estimates 2017Q4 14 Febr-2018 14. Third Task Force meeting Estimation method for non-reporting countries (?) Final proposal quality criteria Final EA/EU estimation method Provisional assessment of estimation results Mar-2018 TF EMP-FL Item 9

5 Time schedule (4) Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule
Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule 15. Preparation national and EA/EU t+30 employment test estimates 2018Q1 2 May-2018 16. Preparation national and EA/EU t+45 employment test estimates 2018Q1 15 May-2018 17. Progress report NAWG May-2017 18. Preparation national and EA/EU t+30 employment test estimates 2018Q2 31 Jul-2018 19. Preparation national and EA/EU t+45 employment test estimates 2018Q2 14 Aug-2018 TF EMP-FL Item 9

6 Time schedule (5) Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule
Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule 20. Fourth/final Task Force meeting Discussion on results test estimates Discussion on starting regular release of EA/EU employment flash estimate Oct-2018 21. Preparation national and EA/EU t+30 employment test estimates 2018Q3 30 Oct-2018 22. Preparation national and EA/EU t+45 employment test estimates 2018Q3 14 Nov-2018 23. Preparation of final report on feasibility of releasing EA/EU employment flash estimates Nov-2018 24. Progress report NAWG TF EMP-FL Item 9

7 Time schedule (6) Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule
Deliverables/output/actions Tentative time schedule 25. Discussion/decision on introduction in DMES Dec-2018 26. Decision on introduction in Eurostat DM 27. Preparation national and EA/EU t+30 employment test estimates 2018Q4 End Jan-2019 28. Preparation national and EA/EU t+45 employment test estimates 2018Q4 Mid Febr-2019 29. (In case of positive decision) First release of EA/EU employment flash estimates 2019Q1 15-May-2019 TF EMP-FL Item 9

8 Time schedule of the project 'Employment flash estimates'
TF Employment flash estimates Vienna, 5-6 October 2017 Item 9

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