Framework used for describing

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1 Framework used for describing
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Framework used for describing the V-Con Scope, the relevant ICT Landscape, and the possible future BIM/GIS Scenario’s Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Version 11. March 2013

2 Content Context Framework: Business Framework + ICT Framework
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Content Context Framework: Business Framework + ICT Framework V-CON Scope ICT Landscape (What’s going on?) BIM/GIS Scenario’s Short term Mid term (V-Con), 3 alternatives Long term Modelling Principles Next Actions Abbreviations References

3 Context, V-CON Work Packages
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Context, V-CON Work Packages WP 3 Standardization WP 2 (Software) Specification WP 4 (Software) Implementation 2 year 2 year

4 Context, WP 3 Standardization
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Context, WP 3 Standardization Task 3.1 Inventory Task 3.2 Selection Framework Business Framework ICT Framework Selection Criteria Define Scope for V-CON Input for T3.3/T3.4 and WP2 Identify Existing Standards (in V-CON scope) ICT Landscape: Positioning of Standards in ICT Framework Alternative Scenario’s (ST, MT, LT) Selection of scenario’s / standards

5 Business Framework Impact dimension
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Business Framework Impact dimension People Safer, less traffic jams Prosperity Failure cost down, transaction cost down, profits up Planet Energy/CO2 reduction

6 Business Framework Life-cycle dimension
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Business Framework Life-cycle dimension Program Design Plan Build Operate Exploit PREPARE (“THINK”) validation REALIZE (“DO”)

7 Business Framework Supply-chain dimension*
Titel van de presentatie :53 Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Business Framework Supply-chain dimension* Geospatial Area** Product > here: Structure System > here: Building System Part > here: Building Element/ Building Space Component Material * Client<>Contractor nested ** Not building spaces …

8 Business Framework Impact Life-cycle Phase Supply-chain Level
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Business Framework Impact People Prosperity Planet Life-cycle Phase Supply-chain Level Program Design Plan Build Operate Exploit Geospatial Area Product System Part Component Material Life-cycle Phase Supply-chain Level Program Design Plan Build Operate Exploit Spatial Area Construction System Equipment Component Material “GIS” “BIM”

9 ICT Framework, three primary dimensions
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Framework, three primary dimensions Functionality (software) Data Specification Meta-Semantics Semantics for Meta (PLM/VISI/…) Object Geometry Information Technologies Languages for all above Access Mechanisms* Implementation * Import/Export (I/E), Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Web Service (WS) interfaces, Query Language (QL) interfaces

10 ICT Framework Coverage dimension
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Framework Coverage dimension International (=”global”, “worldwide”) Continental (European, US, Asian, …) National (NL, SE, FR, …) Organisation (RWS, Trafikverket, RGD, BAM, VolkerWessel, …) Project (RWS SAA, TRV Stockholm Bypass, …)

11 ICT Framework Applicability dimension
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Framework Applicability dimension Generic Any market/product type Market Construction, Mechanical, Electronics, … Segment Civil Infra, Buildings, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, … Product Residential Building, Office, Road, Bridge, Car, Laptop, …

12 ICT Framework Generic Market Segment Product International Continental
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Framework Generic Market Segment Product SPECIFICATION Meta-Semantics Client Client IMPLEMENTATION (“Software”) Semantics (for Meta, for Object, for Geometry) (API’s, We Services, Query Languages) Access Mechanisms Information (Meta, Object, Geometry) Server Underlying Technologies for Language for Meta-Semantics Language for Semantics Language for Information FUNCTIONALITY DATA International Continental National Organisation Project

13 ICT Framework, Static versus Dynamic structure (Fixed versus Flexible)
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Framework, Static versus Dynamic structure (Fixed versus Flexible) Fixed schema’s: IFC2x3, IFC2x4, CityGML2.0, gbXML, etc. Flexible libraries: bSDD, CB-NL, RWS OTB Conceptually equivalent but: Schema’s hard-coded Libraries soft-coded as meta-data according to (hard-coded) meta-schema Consequences for compliant software applications! Hence for example choice for new semantics like IFCforINFRA: Static in new IFC schema, say the top-level archtypes, and/or Dynamic via IFD (or COINS Part 2) object library (as meta-data) Referenced by IFC data Be careful: IFD has more power than IFC-data can reference!

14 Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Total Framework: Business + ICT

15 V-Con Scope, Business view
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten V-Con Scope, Business view Impact People Prosperity Planet Asset Management Network Management : Traffic Management validations Life-cycle Phase Supply-chain Level Program Design Plan Build Operate Exploit Geospatial Area Construction System Part Component Material

16 V-Con Scope, ICT view Generic Market Segment Product International
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten V-Con Scope, ICT view Generic Market Segment Product Civil Infrastructures Focus: Roads SPECIFICATION Meta-Semantics Client Client IMPLEMENTATION (“Software Interfaces”) Semantics for Meta for Object for Geometry (API’s, We Services, Query Languages) Access Mechanisms Information (Meta, Object, Geometry) Server Underlying Technologies for Language for Meta-Semantics Language for Semantics Language for Information FUNCTIONALITY DATA International Continental National Organisation Project European ‘localised’ ‘made company-specific’

17 ICT Landscape Main Information Exchange Initiatives
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape Main Information Exchange Initiatives ISO Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP) BuildingSmart* Object Management Group (OMG) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) over Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) & EU Inspire & NL Geonovum NL Building Information Counsel (BIR) Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) Trafikverket (TRV) * The former International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI)

18 ICT Landscape / ISO STEP
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape / ISO STEP EXPRESS (as language for meta/object semantics) STEP Physical File Format (SPFF) (as language for information) Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) Many agreed semantics in EXPRESS schemas Example: Application Protocol (AP)-214 for Automotive No construction APs! (taken up by BuildingSmart) So here we focus on STEP Technologies (EXPRESS, SPFF & SDAI)

19 ISO STEP in Framework (Example: AP-214) SDAI BIMserver Solibri …
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ISO STEP in Framework (Example: AP-214) SDAI BIMserver Solibri EXPRESS SPFF

20 ICT Landscape / BuildingSmart
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape / BuildingSmart IDMs, MVDs (‘demand side’) IFC (can be ‘misused’ for Infra esp. the geometry part) Extended with Libraries (object/concept/product…) International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD) (updated by NL BIR to version 16) API defined BuildingSmart DataDictionary (bSDD) Using ISO STEP (& W3C XML) Technologies Working on IFCforINFRA, possible role LandXML IFCforRoads <> IFCforBridges >> IFC4 (==IFC2x4) Open Source Software (OSS) Servers: BIMserver (incl. BIMQL), Solibri, etc.

21 BuildingSmart in Framework AEC* Buildings IFD (IDM/MVD) SDAI BIMsie
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten BuildingSmart in Framework (future) (now) AEC* Buildings IFD (IDM/MVD) IFC / IfcForInfra and bSDD Library SDAI BIMsie (BIMQL) EXPRESS BIMserver Solibri EXPRESS or XSD SPFF or XML

22 Titel van de presentatie
:53 BuildingSmart in Framework, more detailed interrelationships IFD IFC / IfcForInfra and bSDD Library EXPRESS EXPRESS SPFF Instance of Language for

23 ICT Landscape / Object Management Group (OMG)
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape / Object Management Group (OMG) Model Driven Architecture (MDA) Meta Object Facility (MOF) & MOF Query-View-Transform (CVT) facility Used to meta-model various modelling languages, to define mappings between them and, based on these mappings, to transform their associated information structures and instances Example: XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) MOF == Meta Meta-Semantics (in our picture) Unified Modelling Language (UML) Object Constraint Language (OCL) Systems Modelling Langauge (SysML)

24 OMG in Framework MOF XMI UML OCL SysML 26-12-2018
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten OMG in Framework MOF XMI UML OCL SysML

25 ICT Landscape /
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape / LandXML (XSD schema) Using W3C XML Technology Autodesk-initiated (Civil3D supported) Dying but tried to rescue by IFCforInfra

26 in Framework Civil Infrastructures LandXML XSD XML
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten in Framework Civil Infrastructures LandXML XSD XML

27 ICT Landscape / W3C over Internet
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape / W3C over Internet Internet Technology TCP, UDP, SMTP, POP3, FTP, TELNET, IP Web Technology HTML, HTTP, URL XML Technology XML DTD, XSD XPATH, XQUERY Web Services (SOAP/WSDL, REST) Semantic Web Technology (“linked data”) RDF-XML, N3, Turtle RDF, RDFS, OWL SPARQL OSS Server: Jena/Fuseki (Java environment)

28 “In principle: any business scope” W3C / IETF in Framework The Web or
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten W3C / IETF in Framework The Web or The Semantic Web over the Internet “In principle: any business scope” Any schema or ontology HTTP/ URL XPATH, XQUERY or SPARQL OSS RDF Server: JENA-Fuseki on TDB DTD/XSD or RDF,RDFS,OWL XML or RDF-XML/Turtle/N3

29 ICT Landscape / OGC GML, CityGML Bridge ADE Using W3C XML technology
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape / OGC GML, CityGML Bridge ADE Using W3C XML technology Open Source Server: Deegree3D In Europe by Inspire In NL by Geonovum IMGeo 2.0 (including BGT)

30 any business scope dealing with global info”
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten OGC in Framework “In principle: any business scope dealing with global info” wfs GML/CityGML and ADEs, IMgeo BGT XSD OSS CityGML Server: Deegree3D XSD XML EU:Inspire NL:Geonovum

31 (VISI Systemetiek (VISI-S) (VISI Frameworks (VISI-FWs) COINS
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape / NL BIR (VISI) (not in scope) (VISI Systemetiek (VISI-S) (VISI Frameworks (VISI-FWs) COINS CBIM Part1 CBIM Part2 (“catalogue parts” aka libraries) CBIS IFD version 16 CB-NL Concept Library COINS Server: CBIS by InfoStrait “Semantic Concepts” server

32 NL BIR in Framework Construction IFD or CBIM-PART2 bSDD/KWversion BID
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten NL BIR in Framework Construction (VISI-S) IFD or CBIM-PART2 bSDD/KWversion BID NEN NLCS IMgeo Inspire (VISI-FWs) CBIM-PART1 CB-NL NLCS IFD server CBIS server XSD, EXPRESS or OWL XSD, OWL Semantic Concepts server InfoStrait CBIS Kawecon server SPFF, XML, RDF-XML

33 ICT Landscape / RWS Schiphol, Amsterdam, Almere (SAA) Project
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape / RWS Schiphol, Amsterdam, Almere (SAA) Project Object Type Bibliotheek (“Object Type Library”) (OTB) Idea: SAA>RWS>NLCB (BIR) BIM Program/Team (#25 persons) SE*, SE-LT BMS Program BMS**, BMS-LT Key player in NL BIR (and thus CB-NL ) (V-Con) * Systems Engineering, esp. Functional Requirements specification ** Beheer Management Systeem (Eng.: Management System)

34 RWS in Framework Civil Infra OTL-DTD OTL DTD XML RWS SAA 26-12-2018
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten RWS in Framework Civil Infra OTL-DTD OTL DTD XML RWS SAA

35 Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten ICT Landscape / TRV Using apporach based on (backward compatible with the SWEDISH STANDARD “SS :2006” Approved (Edition 1): Geographic information – Generic representation of geographic phenomena Related to: ISO Methodology for feature cataloguing Link with CityGML unclear * Systems Engineering, esp. Functional Requirements specification ** Beheer Management Systeem (Eng.: Management System)

36 TRV in Framework ? GIS scope Like CityGML
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten TRV in Framework ? GIS scope Like CityGML Model for feauture type catalogue Type Indepenedent Feature Model UML/XSD XML SE TRV

37 BIM/GIS Scenario’s, complementing areas for choice
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten BIM/GIS Scenario’s, complementing areas for choice Specifications for Data Static (like IfcForInfra or CityGML) Dynamic (libraries like bSDD, CB-NL) Underlying technologies (for data/access specifications) Modelling Principles Server Implementations Open or closed source Client Implementations Program development (like SE-LT, BMS-LT at RWS) Not in V-Con, only selection of functionalities to integrate Interface development (import/export, direct interfaces etc.) In V-Con via tender process Certification

38 BIM/GIS Scenario’s, time scales
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten BIM/GIS Scenario’s, time scales Short Term (ST) – based on current realities/practises Now Mid Term (MT) – based on explicit selection criteria == V-Con TimeFrame 3-6 Years Long Term (LT) – based on Future Vision >6 years

39 BIM/GIS Scenario’s, assumptions
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten BIM/GIS Scenario’s, assumptions BIM & GIS If needed allow overlap of solutions (“hybrid situations”) Key role then for data transformations Mappings Like EXPRESS to XSD Translations Like SPFF to XML Conversions Like SPFF to SPFF but according to EXPRESS schema A resp. B Any complex combination of the above

40 BIM/GIS Scenario’s, RWS
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten BIM/GIS Scenario’s, RWS ST: with COINS, OTB, SAA-related MTa: with IFCforINFRA IFCforINFRA and SE in BuildingSmart (somehow) IFD used for Library for Roads extending the IFCforINFRA static part CityGML/Inspire/IMgeo used for GIS MTb: with COINS SE according to CBIM Part1 (functions) CBIM Part 2 used for EU Library for Roads extending CBIM Part1 IFC used /linked for geometry purposes MTc: hybrid solution with both IFCforINFRA & COINS IFD & CBIM Part 2 used for Libraries extending IFCforInfra Combinations/Mappings/Relations between IFCforINFRA<>CBIM Part1 Mappings/Relationships between IFD<>CBIM Part 2 & associated EU Library for Roads variants LT: W3C Semantic Web technologie & Ontologies (i.e. “libraries only”) Alternative approaches

41 Information (Meta, Object, Geometry)
Scenario MTa Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Roads IFD “IFCforSE” IFCforINFRA and/or EU Libray for Roads Im./Ex. Wfs Propr. API//WS/QL Information (Meta, Object, Geometry) EXPRESS IFC/IFD Server GIS Server EXPRESS SPFF European (for all Technologies & IFCforINFRA & GIS Server) (for Library for Roads)

42 Scenario MTb Roads CBIM Part 2 CBIM Part 1 EU Libray for Roads Im./Ex.
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Roads CBIM Part 2 CBIM Part 1 EU Libray for Roads Im./Ex. Wfs Propr. API//WS/QL RDF CBIS Server GIS Server RDF RDF-XML European (for CBIM & CBIS Server) (for all Technologies & GIS Server ) (for Library for Roads)

43 Scenario MTc Roads IFD & CBIM Part 2 CBIM Part 1
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Roads IFD & CBIM Part 2 CBIM Part 1 IFCforINFRA and/or EU Libray for Roads Im./Ex. Wfs Propr. API//WS/QL EXPRESS & OWL IFC/IFD Server CBIS Server GIS Server EXPRESS & OWL SPFF & RDF-XML European (for CBIM & CBIS Server) (for all Technologies & GIS Server ) (for Library for Roads)

44 Scenario’s, potential tasks (depending on choices)
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Scenario’s, potential tasks (depending on choices) Develop IFCforInfra starting with IFCforINFRA with stakeholders As static IFC extension and/or Library Extend geometry like with ‘3D alignments’ and ‘clotoids’ (for smoothly connection tangent and circular curves) Inputs: libraries like RWS OTB, NLCB, LandXML Develop kind of “IFCforSE”, way to specify funct.requirements like in COINS Choose approach: structural or property-based (as in “Building Programming IDM”) Neutralise all relevant libraries (line CB-NL road subset) in IFD Advice use “essential subset” of version 16 not all Define server platforms for IFC, ?IFD, ?CBIM & GIS Open/closed source? Define clean boundaries/interaction BIM<>GIS Define/develop mappings/relationships in case of hybrid situations Define and detail modelling principles

45 Modelling Principles (incomplete overview) ‘Semantic Alignment’
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Modelling Principles (incomplete overview) ‘Semantic Alignment’ Identification (use of GUIDs etc.) Concepts, Properties & Relationships (SW: Classes & Properties (object- or datatype properties) Concepts: Functions, Spaces & Physical Objects archetypes Fundamental issue: do we need verb-like Functions or are they equivalent with noun-based ‘logical’ function fulfillers aka objects Multiple (typical) decomposition (2-way) ?Levels of Detail (LoDs) Should-have versus can-have Multiple specialisation (2-way) ?Levels of Specialisation (LoSs) Multiple indexes/entries Synonyms/homonyms etc. Transformations in and out (other languages/structures) LC: Required, Proposed, Planned & Realized Dynamics, simulations, Event. Behaviour, …

46 Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Next Actions Detail MT Scenarios (including consequences / needed tasks) Consider/handle software applications to integrate (RWS/TRV) Tackle issue: “own applications” <> EU tender process Assess these scenario’s based on the chosen selection criteria Choose best MT V-Con-scenario Detail modelling principles accordingly Start working on actions

47 Integrating approach using OWL to combine ontologies
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Integrating approach using OWL to combine ontologies CMO (= Concept Modelling Ontology): Part-of relations Quantities / Units Requirements Use strength (=modelling mechanisms) of language Meta-Semantics SPECIFICATION OWL Semantics CMO Static CityGML CBIM-Part1 …. IFC 2x4 Semantics for Objects Client Client Extension CB-NL/OTL in XSD CB-NL/OTL in CBIM …. CB-NL/OTL in IFD wfs Cloud of ontologies in OWL Mapping Dynamic sparql Information (Meta, Object, Geometry) Server Access Mechanisms Underlying Technologies for Language for Meta-Semantics SDAI BIMSie Empty! XSD CBIM-Part2 …. IFD EXPRESS Language for Object Semantics OWL Mapping definition FUNCTIONALITY Language for Information XML COINS container SPFF DATA

48 buildingSmart Initiative
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten buildingSmart Initiative IFD library editor EXPRESS a3 Represented in Represented in IFDv16 a1 IFC4 (2x4) Static Types, classes a8 Infra specific shape representations, such as clothoides and complex 3D alignments, are part of IFC for Infra IFC for Infra Instance of a6 a6 IFC for Roads To be determined: separated or integrated schemas for IFC for Infra and IFC for Roads / Bridges / Tunnels / etc. Extension of a5 bsDD for NL Roads Dynamic Instance of a2 Instance of Road A=>B a4 IFC/IFD server Instances Represented in SPFF SDAI+, BIMsie, BIMQL a7 Represented in a9

49 End-user Software Application
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten OTL editor COINS / RWS OWL2 DTD b2? b4 CBIM b6 Static “COINS Core model” CBIM part1 COINS links to existing geometry representations. These representations have to be extended with Infra specific shape representations, such as clothoides and complex 3D alignments. Int OTL Roads b7 Dynamic Static Extension of Represented in CB-NL OTL Roads b7 Extension of “COINS Catalogue” CBIM part2 RWS OTL Roads b7 b1 Extension of SAA OTL Roads b7 Static and dynamic models used the same language. How often and easily a model will be changed, is agreed upon by sector partners. Instance of Road A=>B End-user Software Application b5 Interface CBIS server b3 Represented in OWL syntax “COINS container”

50 Design starts in planning phase (GIS)
B Road A=>B Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Design starts in planning phase (GIS) Details added in realisation phase (bSI) Info communicated via neutral format (W3C) buildingSmart Initiative W3C Semantic Web Open Geo-spatial Consortium c11 GIS in scope of V-Con? EXPRESS c5 Represented in Represented in OWL2 XSD c13 IFDv16 c6 c3 IFC4 (2x4) Map Map c18 Represented in Types, classes IFC for Infra CMO Instance of Represented in Represented in A1 Represented in c1 IFC for Roads D D CityGML2.0 c7 IFC for Roads CityGML2.0 Extension of c14 D bsDD for NL Roads ADE for NL Roads D bsDD for NL Roads ADE for NL Roads Instance of D D c8 Translate Classes c17 Extension of Define Conversions Translate Classes c2 Instance of Instance of Instance of Instance of Instance of Road A=>B Road A=>B Road A=>B Road A=>B c10 c16 Instances Translate Instances Convert Translate Instances Represented in Represented in Represented in Represented in c15 c9 XML SPFF OWL syntax (Turtle, RDF/XML) Represented in Map Map c12 c4

51 Systems Engineering & Dynamic modelling
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Systems Engineering & Dynamic modelling in W3C Semantic Web (“COINS 2.0”) Systems engineering + Dynamic modelling layers (in W3C) enable communication between contractors and road authorities Road A=>B OWL2 B A Static and dynamic models used the same language. How often and easily a model will be changed, is agreed upon by sector partners. c18 CMO Static Represented in Extension of D Int OTL Roads Dynamic Static Ontology editor Extension of CB-NL OTL Roads SE OTL Roads c21 Extension of c19 RWS OTL Roads TRV OTL Roads Extension of SAA OTL Roads Instance of Road A=>B Semantic Server c20 End-user Software Application c27 Interface Represented in OWL syntax (Turtle, RDF/XML) Note: this is the international, future proof version of MTb

52 “COINS 2.0” OWL2 CMO IFC for Roads Int OTL Roads Types, classes
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten “COINS 2.0” OWL2 c18 Represented in CMO Define Conversion Extension of IFC for Roads Extension of Int OTL Roads c22 Types, classes Extension of bsDD for NL Roads Extension of CB-NL OTL Roads D c23 ADE for NL Roads D c21 c25 Extension of Define Conversion RWS OTL Roads Define Conversion Extension of SAA OTL Roads Instance of Road A=>B Road A=>B Road A=>B c24 c26 Convert Convert Instances Represented in bSI in W3C SW OGC in W3C SW OWL syntax (Turtle, RDF/XML)

53 Abbreviations [typical context]
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten Abbreviations [typical context] AEC – Architecture, Engineering & Construction BIM – Building Information Model BIR – Bouw Informatie Raad (Eng.: Building Information Counsel) [NL] BSI – BuildingSmart Initiative (former IAI) CBIM – COINS BIM [COINS] CBNL – Concept Bibliotheek for NL GIS – Geographical Information System (“BIM for areas”) GUID – Globally Unique IDs IFD – International Framework for Dictionaries [BS] LC – Life-cCycle LoD – Level of Detail [GIS] LT – Long-Term MOF – Meta Object Facility [OMG] MT – Mid-Term OMG – Object Management Group OTL – Object Type Library [RWS] OWL – Web Ontology Language (on top of RDF/RDFS) [W3C] QVT – Query View and Transform facility [OMG] RDF(S) – Resource Description Framework (for Schemas) [W3C] RWS – Rijkswaterstaat [NL] SC – Supply-Chain (client <> contractor nested) SE – Systems Engineering (esp. Functional requirements) SPFF – STEP Physical File Format ST – Short-Term SW – Semantic Web technologie [W3C] SysML – Systems Modelling Language [OMG] TRV – TRafikVerket [SE] UML – Unified Modelling Langauge [OMG] XML – XML Metadata Initiative [OMG]

54 References (in Dutch)
Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten References (in Dutch) English specification: Especially: for functional requirements specification: Latest version of IDM for “Building Programming”: How to use/refer libraries from IFC-data: Draft/free: Final/Paid: BIMSie (web-based follow-up of SDAI): OMG QVT: and

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