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When Viruses Attack!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "When Viruses Attack!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 When Viruses Attack!!!

2 Video (2:33)



5 Video (5:45)

6 1. Are viruses alive? A. Yes B. No

7 2. The outer layer of all viruses is made of which macromolecule?
A. Carbohydrate B. Lipid C. Nucleic acid D. Protein

8 3. What is the outer layer of a virus called?
A. Bacteriophage B. Capsid C. Influenza D. Adenovirus

9 4. What type of genetic material is stored in a virus?
A. DNA B. RNA C. Both D. Neither E. Either DNA or RNA

10 Virus video (3:41)

11 5. How does the virus attach to the host cell?
A. By using protons B. By using acceptors C. By using receptors D. By using cellular tape

12 Click to see the video (1:52)


14 Lytic cycle Video (1:21)

15 Talk to a partner about why the lytic cycle is so dangerous.
Discuss Talk to a partner about why the lytic cycle is so dangerous.

16 Lysogenic Cycle Video (1:26)

17 Talk to a neighbor about how a lysogenic virus can get you in trouble.
Discuss Talk to a neighbor about how a lysogenic virus can get you in trouble.

18 Which viral reproductive cycle kills the cell right away?
A. Lytic B. Lysogenic


20 Retroviruses – HIV video (5:14)

21 7. What is a retrovirus? A. A virus that is really old B. A virus that works backwards and makes you healthy instead of sick C. A virus that uses reverse transcription to make DNA out of RNA D. The same thing as a regular virus just with a cooler name

22 8. Where does the outer covering of a retrovirus come from?
A. The host cell B. The virus C. Protein synthesis D. Ribosomes

23 9. What else is in the capsid besides genetic information?
A. DNA polymerase B. Transcription factors C. Glycoprotein D. Reverse transcriptase

24 10. Which of these is an example of a retrovirus?
A. Influenza B. Herpes C. HIV D. AIDS

25 Video (2:04)

26 Video (:45)

27 Human Prion Diseases Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome Fatal Familial Insomnia Kuru



30 Short answer What is the difference between viruses and cells? Give at least three examples.


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